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Trump, now president, vows to put 'America First' in nationalist speech


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34 minutes ago, iReason said:

Trump's crowd size misses his mark


"For someone preoccupied with the size of his audiences, President Donald Trump appeared to draw an anemic one on Friday."


"In the run-up to the inauguration, Trump had promised an "unbelievable, perhaps record-setting turnout,"

but early evidence suggests the festivities in Washington fell far short of that mark."


"Attendance at the Thursday concert also appeared to fall short of Obama's 2009 pre-inauguration show based on visual comparisons, with reports circulating that estimated a crowd of 10,000 at Trump's affair versus 400,000 for Obama’s." :laugh:




Everything that has to do with him, is unbelievable and record breaking. Why? Because in his own eyes, he is the greatest man in the world. So, of course everyone would want to turn out to see, and hear the world's greatest become the world's most powerful. His self esteem is very low. He masks that low self esteem with an extreme grandiosity. Everything is huuuuge, and tremeeeendous. It is part of his warped world view. Let us hope it does not get us all into serious trouble. A man with such poor judgment, and such an overblown sense of self can cause big problems for the world. Wars have been started over minor insults. Let us hope somehow, that reason and common sense prevail, despite the leadership of a 13 year old boy, in a 70 year old man's body. 

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2 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Words are cheap. Let's see if he can translate those into action.

There is a problem. He is obviously an independent with differing views to the Republican party who believe in free trade. The Democrats are going to tear a page from the Republican play-book by being obstructive. If he can't get his own party on board with his protectionist policies, how can he make good on his words?

And being told no will not go down well for the child like bully.Look out for some late night twitter tantrums.It will be fun.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Typical reply from a Trump supporter who's drank the kool aid.  You clearly don't understand the ramifications of what he's proposing for China and Mexico.  It'll only make things worse, not better.  Research this a bit...


He might be drinking Trump Kool Aid but you have been deluded by a tall glass of patriotism which has intoxicated you to a point where you can't see the problems on your own doorstep.  

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His accent is the way I imagine a mafia boss would speak. They do say that nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public. Obama was one of the few intellectual Presidents that America has had, he raised the tone in the same way that Trump will lower it.

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3 hours ago, jayboy said:

Mathew Paris captures the feelings of many.


"The Americans have elected a turkey as their president. He looks like a turkey, walks like a turkey, gobbles like a turkey — he is a turkey. There is nothing in Donald Trump’s record, in the appointments he has made or in his disgusting inaugural speech yesterday that prompts second thoughts. The new president is no evil genius, he’s just tiresome, rude and silly: one of those vexatious, loud and unpleasant people we do best to avoid."



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The irony of Donald Trump's legacy is that he will eventually kill a political party he's never really been a part of, or even believed in.  He only won because of Putin, Comey, and 77K rust belt voters.   His margin of victory in the Electoral College was so slim, that 20,000 more Americans attended the last Superbowl than put him in the White House.  

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1 hour ago, robertthesculptor said:

I apologise to Thailand and the world. We Americans have made a dire choice. This jerk speaks with the words of a Dictator. Not with the intelligence of a President. We will all suffer for this choice.

Sent from my GEM-702L using Thaivisa Connect mobile app



Next week, the Chinese start the year of the rooster. The USA have already started the year of the Idi@t.

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1 hour ago, robertthesculptor said:

I apologise to Thailand and the world. We Americans have made a dire choice. This jerk speaks with the words of a Dictator. Not with the intelligence of a President. We will all suffer for this choice.

Sent from my GEM-702L using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

You didn't have a choice, the election is a selection. Trump won because he was allowed to win. Furthermore the other 'choice' was not much better, and in fact worst in some regards. The 2 party system stinks and it is a mockery to democracy , that kinda rhymes :giggle:

Edited by JustNo
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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:


True that. It has resulted in the loss of millions of jobs. On the other hand, it is a more globalist world. Unless of course you are China or Thailand, and then you have one of the most protectionist policies on the planet. You talk about globalism, but it is a one way door. Out, but not in. There has to be a balance. The US does not have the clout it had 30 years ago, on the world stage. And Chinese trade with the US is down from 60% to 22%. So, he has to be careful, and as always figure out a way to not let his hubris, arrogance, hatred, bad judgment, lack of education on the world stage, and tweets get in the way of real progress. I am hoping his presidency is able to create some real economic progress. In my opinion the economy under Obama was not nearly as good as they professed. I am not a supporter of Trump. But, I am hoping some good things come out of this, and Hillary definitely was not the answer to what the US needed. Maybe Bernie. Maybe. But, the DNC treated him like a sewer rat, and got what they deserved. Alot of egg on the face. Time for reform. 

Your right,a lot of so called democratic countries need huge political reform,mine included,Australia.Too much has been slanted to the top end of town with Trump being no different.Don't ever listen what a pollie says,see what they write down in law.

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2 hours ago, jackh said:

There it is, just like I was saying all alone. I loved the way he stood up calling a spade a spade in regards to Islam and terrorists. Obama never admitted to this worldwide problem which he says never happens in the USA.


Obama is now a quickly fading bad memory. The rotten tooth has been extracted! Now the swamp can be drained. God Bless Trump...you da man!


Lotsa Nazis loved the way Hitler put Germany first, drained the swamp by extracted the rotten tooth of Judaism.


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  At no time after the first two years did Obama ever achieve a majority in congress or the Senate... The voters made sure he was unable to make some of his programs into law. Thus he decided he had a pen and knew how to use it.. Executive orders were the only way he could rule which in the next few days will be resended if inappropriate for the new vision of the country.... A welcome change indeed... 

I hope some of the Democratic leaders raise a stink and try to block everything Trump tries to do simply because within two years Trump will have an even bigger majority in both houses..

Watching Trump on social media I would think those who think they can get CNN, NBC, et al to tell their lies for them will probably have a rude awakening... The way some of the MSN have fabricated fake news is sickening.... I swear if Trump walked on water the news headlines would be "TRUMP CAN'T SWIM!"

Brilliant for calling something fake news...just what it is,, fake with no proof..no reality in fact and yet there are those whose hatred lap it up... Glad the Democrats coined the term to begin with, trying to shut down alternative media like Drudge report..

The petty bickering over a guy who wants to create jobs for Americans, get American manufacturing back upon its' feet, repair the crumbling infrastructure, stop unfair trade deals, and stop funding the militaries of NATO when the members could fund their own crap.... stop unvetted idiots who do not want to be Americans but bring their hatred and messed up violent culture from the place they fled from.. just so they can make their new home just like their cesspool of a home they must think is great.... yet chose to leave ... Yep he is horrible...especially for those who want America to remain mediocre and continue to slide down the dark abyss we have been heading since the first Bush had office.... Globalism as some has envisioned is dying.. I shall not morn its' death.

I don't live in the states and maybe I shouldn't give a darn anymore.... But I do.... other than the entitlement crowd, the Americans I know just want a job, a home, and big brother nanny state government out of their lives.. 

You would think anyone with half a brain would applaud someone who says they are going to pull the USA back from the cliff's edge..


With the amount of (9 trillion+) Obama and his regime added to America's debt they had better start producing or  or the future really does look bleak for the dollar and the country.. The same past policies were not helping and the voters knew that a vote for HRC was just more of the same with a big show down with Russia over another failed policy with regards to Syria...as if Libya and Iraq was not enough proof there were buffoons running the country and state department.  


There was concern for the inauguration ... Yet inspite of all the hot air and BS the left spewed there were no bombs, bullets, in view; just a simple (by US standards) swearing in ceremony...


Just 217 snowflakes (snow flake is a term used pointing out those who melt or become triggered at the first sight of facts and truth their emotions do not agree with which results in the most outrageous inane verbiage spewing from their lips) 


217 arrested on the outer fringe got arrested for breaking windows and trying to burn stuff.. I would think Soros as of today believes he did not get his money's worth if he helped finance some of the protestors with bus rides and travel arrangements as rumored..  The money he spent on HRC and her and her 1.2 billion dollar losing campaign....well I hope it hurt... 

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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Really?  The US is doing OK.  Trump's speech was off the mark and more kool aid for his followers. 


America is already a great country.  Sure, it can be improved just like every other country in the world.  But it's doing quite well.  Hopefully, Trump won't change that.


We live in a global society, a global economy.  Isolationist policies will only make things worse.


Race to the bottom.

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3 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

Your right,a lot of so called democratic countries need huge political reform,mine included,Australia.Too much has been slanted to the top end of town with Trump being no different.Don't ever listen what a pollie says,see what they write down in law.



And we both forgot to mention why Trump was elected. And why Brexit happened. It is the extreme degree of political correctness, that was crammed down our throats for so long, by weak people, who are afraid to offend. To a large extent his victory was a backlash against that timidity on the part of the democrats. Hillary would not even utter the words Islamic terrorist during her campaign! Weak. The DNC is broken. Hope it gets reformed, in a hurry. 

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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:


The nightmare was that a black guy was president, I can't use the "n" word, gays have equal rights, women aren't chattel. One down, three to go before the nightmare is over.

Wow...strange conditions for declaring his presidency a nightmare.  Probably not what most would think of. LOL  Luckily!

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6 minutes ago, 727Sky said:

  At no time after the first two years did Obama ever achieve a majority in congress or the Senate... The voters made sure he was unable to make some of his programs into law. Thus he decided he had a pen and knew how to use it.. Executive orders were the only way he could rule which in the next few days will be resended if inappropriate for the new vision of the country.... A welcome change indeed... 

I hope some of the Democratic leaders raise a stink and try to block everything Trump tries to do simply because within two years Trump will have an even bigger majority in both houses..

Watching Trump on social media I would think those who think they can get CNN, NBC, et al to tell their lies for them will probably have a rude awakening... The way some of the MSN have fabricated fake news is sickening.... I swear if Trump walked on water the news headlines would be "TRUMP CAN'T SWIM!"

Brilliant for calling something fake news...just what it is,, fake with no proof..no reality in fact and yet there are those whose hatred lap it up... Glad the Democrats coined the term to begin with, trying to shut down alternative media like Drudge report..

The petty bickering over a guy who wants to create jobs for Americans, get American manufacturing back upon its' feet, repair the crumbling infrastructure, stop unfair trade deals, and stop funding the militaries of NATO when the members could fund their own crap.... stop unvetted idiots who do not want to be Americans but bring their hatred and messed up violent culture from the place they fled from.. just so they can make their new home just like their cesspool of a home they must think is great.... yet chose to leave ... Yep he is horrible...especially for those who want America to remain mediocre and continue to slide down the dark abyss we have been heading since the first Bush had office.... Globalism as some has envisioned is dying.. I shall not morn its' death.

I don't live in the states and maybe I shouldn't give a darn anymore.... But I do.... other than the entitlement crowd, the Americans I know just want a job, a home, and big brother nanny state government out of their lives.. 

You would think anyone with half a brain would applaud someone who says they are going to pull the USA back from the cliff's edge..


With the amount of (9 trillion+) Obama and his regime added to America's debt they had better start producing or  or the future really does look bleak for the dollar and the country.. The same past policies were not helping and the voters knew that a vote for HRC was just more of the same with a big show down with Russia over another failed policy with regards to Syria...as if Libya and Iraq was not enough proof there were buffoons running the country and state department.  


There was concern for the inauguration ... Yet inspite of all the hot air and BS the left spewed there were no bombs, bullets, in view; just a simple (by US standards) swearing in ceremony...


Just 217 snowflakes (snow flake is a term used pointing out those who melt or become triggered at the first sight of facts and truth their emotions do not agree with which results in the most outrageous inane verbiage spewing from their lips) 


217 arrested on the outer fringe got arrested for breaking windows and trying to burn stuff.. I would think Soros as of today believes he did not get his money's worth if he helped finance some of the protestors with bus rides and travel arrangements as rumored..  The money he spent on HRC and her and her 1.2 billion dollar losing campaign....well I hope it hurt... 


Seriously?  I assume you know Trump buys most of the steel for his buildings from China.    And why would you trust a man to run your nation when he wouldn't even show you his own taxes?   His son admitted during a speech a couple years ago that most of their money has been coming from Russia.    As far as lies, Politafact found he lied once every 3.1 minutes during the campaign.  Within a day after he was elected, he tweeted a lie that he won by a landslide and that millions of illegals voted for Hillary (without a shred of evidence for this).  The man is a chronic liar.  

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35 minutes ago, ThaiWai said:


He might be drinking Trump Kool Aid but you have been deluded by a tall glass of patriotism which has intoxicated you to a point where you can't see the problems on your own doorstep.  

I see the problems clearly.  Sadly, Trumps doesn't have the right solution to them.  He's a salesman!  He's sold a lot of people on his policies that won't work.  Easy to research this.


Patriotism?  Isn't that what's trump pitching?  You are right though.  Don't let that get in the way of seeing the bigger picture.

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54 minutes ago, dcpo said:

I've heard many Trump supporters say things along the lines of "we want Trump because people are laughing at America". What these people don't realize is that the reason people have been laughing at America is that we've always suspected that the American people are capable of electing someone like Trump. President Trump was literally a joke on the Simpsons 10 years ago. Now it' real. President Trump. Punchline to the great American joke.



One would have thought Bush jnr would have been a wake up call the 1st four years,but they voted him in again and got what they deserved.The American voter does not appear to learn to quickly and they have gone beyond laughable and but of jokes this time.Their whole way of life will be challenged in the next 4 years.I believe you have to reach rock bottom before reality sets in,they are not there yet but will be in 4 years time.A drovers dog put up by the democrats next time will be a dead cert.

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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

She'd look better if she smiled every once in a while.  A comment made by my wife while she was watching the inauguration last night.


I think she plays the part very well, her face is quite lovely without smiling and gorgeous when she does. Did you see lying Hillary's face, looked as if she and Bill had been sucking lemons all day.

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11 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:



And we both forgot to mention why Trump was elected. And why Brexit happened. It is the extreme degree of political correctness, that was crammed down our throats for so long, by weak people, who are afraid to offend. To a large extent his victory was a backlash against that timidity on the part of the democrats. Hillary would not even utter the words Islamic terrorist during her campaign! Weak. The DNC is broken. Hope it gets reformed, in a hurry. 

The greatest thing to come out of the Trump/Brexit victories is that the “progressive” Left is eventually going to come to the painful realisation that it will never again be relevant until it learns to stop whining and trying to tell other people how to behave.

The victimhood culture and identity politics, as exemplified by the media’s alternate sneering and hand-wringing for the last 7 months, is dead as a force. People are sick to death of it. Not just in the UK and US, either.

The “progressives” have made a career out of being against everything, whether it be perceived bigotry, oppression, injustice, marginalization, and all the other words from the Leftist playbook. It no longer works.

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