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10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

There are other countries less racist, less homophobic, and less xenophobic than the USA. For example, in the majority of U.S. states it is legal to fire someone or deny housing just because they're gay. If you don't know about this, that's your problem. Do some bloody research!


On voter suppression, that's a huge issue.

It's off topic to go into it but here's a start:



Which countries? Name some please.


Gays again? We were talking about active policies or laws denying voting rights for poor people.


I'm sure main stream media, CNN, ABC, NY times would not miss anything they can throw on Republicans, conservatives in general.



Edited by Matej
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4 minutes ago, Matej said:

Which countries? Name some please.


Gays again? We were talking about active policies or laws denying voting rights for poor people.





I responded to your post which said THIS:


It's funny how leftists portrait America(government, laws, system) as nasty place(racist, homophobic, xenophobic ...), despite there's no be better country to live in, especially for minorities.

Then you mock me for mentioning gays.

Dude, that's just too sleazy for words. I chose not to engage with members employing such sleazy BAITING tactics on this forum. Try it out on someone else, perhaps more masochistic than me, willing to play your games. 

Ignore List. 

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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

There are other countries less racist, less homophobic, and less xenophobic than the USA. For example, in the majority of U.S. states it is legal to fire someone or deny housing just because they're gay. If you don't know about this, that's your problem. Do some bloody research!


On voter suppression, that's a huge issue.

It's off topic to go into it but here's a start:



Which countries? Name some please.


Gays again? We were talking about active policies or laws denying voting rights for poor people.

32 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I responded to your post which said THIS:

Then you mock me for mentioning gays.

Dude, that's just too sleazy for words. I chose not to engage with members employing such sleazy BAITING tactics on this forum. Try it out on someone else, perhaps more masochistic than me, willing to play your games. 

Ignore List. 

32 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I responded to your post which said THIS:

Then you mock me for mentioning gays.

Dude, that's just too sleazy for words. I chose not to engage with members employing such sleazy BAITING tactics on this forum. Try it out on someone else, perhaps more masochistic than me, willing to play your games. 

Ignore List. 

OK. Obviously we were both responding to different parts of our comments. My apologies.



Edited by Matej
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51 minutes ago, Matej said:

Which countries? Name some please.


Gays again? We were talking about active policies or laws denying voting rights for poor people.


I'm sure main stream media, CNN, ABC, NY times would not miss anything they can throw on Republicans, conservatives in general.



The South Australian Equal Opportunity Act 1984, makes it unlawful to discriminate abecause of:


association with a child (in customer service or accommodation)

caring responsibilities

chosen gender


marital or domestic partnership status



religious appearance or dress (in work or study)



spouse or partner's identity

Discrimination laws also cover:

sexual harassment




In many US states, employers are allowed to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. The so called 'bathroom bills' in many cases define protected groups against which discrimination is unlawful but do not include sexual orientation or gender identity in the list of protected groups.


Protection of minority rights is the same issue whether discussing voter suppression efforts against poor and minority community or unequal treatment under the law based on any of the factors listed above.


These issues have been repeatedly covered in the media in the US. It is happening right now. The courts have upheld a case against Texas but now attempts are being made to reverse the decision on the basis of Trump's victory.


Texas Voter ID Law Violates Voting Rights Act, Court Rules



Supreme Court Won’t Mess With Ruling That Struck Down Texas Voter ID Law

But Chief Justice John Roberts signaled that this is not the end of the road for


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On Monday, January 23, 2017 at 9:21 AM, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Yet you have the time and inclination to continually bait people who express legitimate concerns. Clearly you have little idea bout what opposition means. Calls for time? What a bogus dodge that is. We have had nearly 2 years to examine they way donald acts as a politician. We have seen the immature, vainglorious and demanding actions of his White House on the very first day of operations.


Time's Up. No more time. Time to put that in-artful dodge to rest.


The worldwide expression of resistance to Trumpism on the 21st was emphatic.


Procedures for the removal of a President are well established. If enough members of both houses believe that donald's mandate is not legitimate, then he is history.


Time's up.

Republicans control both houses.

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On 1/22/2017 at 7:43 AM, WaywardWind said:

Once again, your facts are incorrect - Trump did not win "...by a considerable margin." He lost the popular vote by 3 million votes.


Clinton      65,844,954 48.32%
Trump      62,979,879 46.22%
Johnson        4,360,873 3.20%
Stein        1,357,013 1.00%
McMullin          747,993 0.55%
Write-ins          545,048 0.40%
Other          437,963 0.32%
Total    136,273,723 100%

Source: http://www.statisticbrain.com/voting-statistics/


The only reasons that Trump is president is because of  (A) an archaic voting system which was originally enshrined in the Constitution at the insistence of rural states with smaller populations who feared that slavery would be abolished and (B) massive efforts by states to disenfranchise black, Latino, and other voters who traditionally voted for Democratic candidates.


He enters the White House with the lowest approval rating in history: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/first-read/trump-enters-office-historically-low-rating-n708071



Trump lost the popular vote for sure.  But excluding California he took the rest of the nation in a landslide vote.  That is a good example of why the electoral college was put in the constitution.  None of the rural states would have agreed to join without it.  No United States without the electoral college. 

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3 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

The South Australian Equal Opportunity Act 1984, makes it unlawful to discriminate abecause of:


association with a child (in customer service or accommodation)

caring responsibilities

chosen gender


marital or domestic partnership status



religious appearance or dress (in work or study)



spouse or partner's identity

Discrimination laws also cover:

sexual harassment




In many US states, employers are allowed to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. The so called 'bathroom bills' in many cases define protected groups against which discrimination is unlawful but do not include sexual orientation or gender identity in the list of protected groups.


Protection of minority rights is the same issue whether discussing voter suppression efforts against poor and minority community or unequal treatment under the law based on any of the factors listed above.


These issues have been repeatedly covered in the media in the US. It is happening right now. The courts have upheld a case against Texas but now attempts are being made to reverse the decision on the basis of Trump's victory.


Texas Voter ID Law Violates Voting Rights Act, Court Rules



Supreme Court Won’t Mess With Ruling That Struck Down Texas Voter ID Law

But Chief Justice John Roberts signaled that this is not the end of the road for



Is Australia less racist, xenophobic and homophobic than USA? With its immigration policy? Apart from indigenous population it's country of white guys, system created by white men. It's very interesting that as better alternative you are suggesting a country which is much more white than USA and where immigrants have implicitly zero chance of gaining citizenship, by law. Just because of one declaration with one sentence containing words gender and sexuality.


That's how leftist care about minorities. Just using them as political tool for bullying others.


Obama was president for 8 years. Why he didn't do something about immigrants in USA. Why he didn't give them citizenship? No single policy or plan to solve this problem. Instead he was pushing his transgender policy about bathrooms ...


I will tell you why, so u can use them as a club against his political opponents. He doesn't want to help them. He needs them in current situation, endlessly repeating that their are victims because everyone around them is racist and xenophobe.


Democrats with their identity politics are the biggest bullies here.


Finally Obama is gone, one of the worst president of USA.


Have a nice day.





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9 minutes ago, Matej said:



Obama was president for 8 years. Why he didn't do something about immigrants in USA. Why he didn't give them citizenship? No single policy or plan to solve this problem. Instead he was pushing his transgender policy about bathrooms ...


I will tell you why, so u can use them as a club against his political opponents. He doesn't want to help them. He needs them in current situation, endlessly repeating that their are victims because everyone around them is racist and xenophobe.






You must be very cluess to make a post like the one above.  For 6 of the 8 years Obama was President he was stymied by congress to do as much as he wanted. But he did a lot including his executive order about Dreamers. You could look it up, but something tells me that you and knowledge have a kind of mutual aversion.

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20 hours ago, Diplomatico said:

  Yawn.  Again, good luck with that.  Maybe someone should file a lawsuit to prevent Trump from drinking water too.  It would be about as logical and about as effective.

You're trying to be witty or funny, but it's falling flat.  Actions counter to the Constitution are taken seriously in the US.  Many smart people are looking with hawklike intensity at Trump's and his surrounding sheeples' law-breaking. Trump has dodged laws 1,000 times thus far.  He's wiley, particularly with his bevy of attorneys.  But he can't dodge laws forever.   P.S. where are his tax returns?   He declared, a year ago, "I would love to release my tax returns, believe me......"

....yet another lie, among thousands that Trump tosses out to the minions he thinks are dumber than doornails.  


16 hours ago, Matej said:

How anyone is denying voting rights for poor in America?

No one is. Show me any law, government institution, agency or policy that prohibits poor people to vote.

Republicans are denying voting, in targeted areas.  Reps got successfully sued re; their clandestine efforts to affect voter turn-out in certain inner cities, where poor Dem (mostly black and Latino) voters are massed.  It happened in 2012.  


       The judge hearing the case barred Rep's underhanded activities (restraining order).  What they did was rounded up ex-cops and veterans, people who can legally carry guns, and posted them at polling stations.  The volunteers also had official-looking badges and armbands, saying things like, "Regional Security".   Many inner city folks are at least a bit spooked when seeing big white men carrying weapons in their neighborhoods, particularly if they look like officials and are hanging out at polling stations on voting day.  It likely turned some voters away.   In NJ, where it happened (just before the lawsuit was filed), a Rep won by a very small margin.  The ruse worked.  Republicans should celebrate.



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16 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

You must be very cluess to make a post like the one above.  For 6 of the 8 years Obama was President he was stymied by congress to do as much as he wanted. But he did a lot including his executive order about Dreamers. You could look it up, but something tells me that you and knowledge have a kind of mutual aversion.

Of course, because of others. He wanted, but he couldn't. Poor Bary. Everyone sabotaged him ...


What about obamacare? He wanted and he did, despite Congress ...


Have a nice day.

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10 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

You're trying to be witty or funny, but it's falling flat.  Actions counter to the Constitution are taken seriously in the US.  Many smart people are looking with hawklike intensity at Trump's and his surrounding sheeples' law-breaking. Trump has dodged laws 1,000 times thus far.  He's wiley, particularly with his bevy of attorneys.  But he can't dodge laws forever.   P.S. where are his tax returns?   He declared, a year ago, "I would love to release my tax returns, believe me......"

....yet another lie, among thousands that Trump tosses out to the minions he thinks are dumber than doornails.  


Republicans are denying voting, in targeted areas.  Reps got successfully sued re; their clandestine efforts to affect voter turn-out in certain inner cities, where poor Dem (mostly black and Latino) voters are massed.  It happened in 2012.  


       The judge hearing the case barred Rep's underhanded activities (restraining order).  What they did was rounded up ex-cops and veterans, people who can legally carry guns, and posted them at polling stations.  The volunteers also had official-looking badges and armbands, saying things like, "Regional Security".   Many inner city folks are at least a bit spooked when seeing big white men carrying weapons in their neighborhoods, particularly if they look like officials and are hanging out at polling stations on voting day.  It likely turned some voters away.   In NJ, where it happened (just before the lawsuit was filed), a Rep won by a very small margin.  The ruse worked.  Republicans should celebrate.



Individual case. That's not law or policy.


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57 minutes ago, retiredinmaerim said:

Trump lost the popular vote for sure.  But excluding California he took the rest of the nation in a landslide vote.  That is a good example of why the electoral college was put in the constitution.  None of the rural states would have agreed to join without it.  No United States without the electoral college. 

What? Californians are lesser citizens than those from, say, Kansas?


The rule in the US is one person one vote, not one acre one vote. The electoral college in the Constitution was insisted on by the smaller southern states who feared that slavery would be outlawed; it is an anachronism which has long outlived any usefulness that it ever possessed.

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What? Californians are lesser citizens than those from, say, Kansas?
The rule in the US is one person one vote, not one acre one vote. The electoral college in the Constitution was insisted on by the smaller southern states who feared that slavery would be outlawed; it is an anachronism which has long outlived any usefulness that it ever possessed.
To me the biggest problem with the electoral college is that the people in at least 40 of the 50 states already know who will win their state before election day. Buy as the Democrats have been screwed by the college two times in recent history and the Republicans not at all it will take the Republicans getting screwed that way fairly soon for there to be any hope of a consensus to overturn it. Even then only a remote chance.
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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

To me the biggest problem with the electoral college is that the people in at least 40 of the 50 states already know who will win their state before election day. Buy as the Democrats have been screwed by the college two times in recent history and the Republicans not at all it will take the Republicans getting screwed that way fairly soon for there to be any hope of a consensus to overturn it. Even then only a remote chance.

Far worse than that is the gerrymandering at the state level that has been virtually guaranteed that a majority (221 out of 435 according to one analysis that I read) of the seats in the House are viewed as "Safe Republican."


Far better that we remove the power to draw maps of Congressional districts from the various states, and place it in the hands of a national non-partisan entity.


The chances of that ever happening are even more remote...

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Just now, WaywardWind said:

What? Californians are lesser citizens than those from, say, Kansas?


The rule in the US is one person one vote, not one acre one vote. The electoral college in the Constitution was insisted on by the smaller southern states who feared that slavery would be outlawed; it is an anachronism which has long outlived any usefulness that it ever possessed.

I guess you fell asleep during Civics class.  

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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

There are state contests. Not county contests. Hillary Clinton won the popular national vote decisively. In history she won bigger in the popular vote than any other time when the popular vote winner lost the presidency. Don't let trumpists forget that or get away with the lie that trump won a mandate or landslide. He does not represent the majority of Americans.

Yes my president. Tragically. But a minority president.

Technically.... he does represent a majority of Americans... in fact, all Americans... he's your glorious leader


and.... I see the US dollars has dropped in value ?

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I keep hearing ....majority of votes for Hilary....
but the Majority of her votes came from a minority of areas...East Coast and West Coast particularly California where Hilary beat Trump by 4.3 million votes...
Take Calif out of the equation and Trump wins by 1.4 million
Irrelevant. Just a trumpist game to deny the truth.
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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Irrelevant. Just a trumpist game to deny the truth.

 Well .....the truth is that Trump won the Electoral College vote....End of story.


Trump is our President. Say what you like but it sounds like you've been in Thailand TOO LONG and acting like a Thai...a sore loser who can't accept the fact that Trump won.

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 Well .....the truth is that Trump won the Electoral College vote....End of story.


Trump is our President. Say what you like but it sounds like you've been in Thailand TOO LONG and acting like a Thai...a sore loser who can't accept the fact that Trump won.

You're playing games. He won but as a minority. Not end of story. His legitimacy is correctly weakened by that. Everyone that understands politics gets that. W. Bush had the same problem but 911 turned him into a war president.

trump and trumpists are sore winners. Acting like they have a mandate they don't have from the people. Power they have but not a mandate.

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No he doesn't if the majority did not vote for him which they did not.

So.... who then will be the focal point for any other country that wishes to engage with America... who will decide where foreign investment goes... who will decide where or if aid is given... who will enact or repeal laws / treaties etc ( such as the TTP today), who will direct the armed forces etc etc?


you got it... Donald or one of his ducklings.... because he represents y'all.... he's your commander in chief... the head honcho... the maker or breaker of the US of A.


sorry about that.... but just because you don't like him, doesn't make it so

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So.... who then will be the focal point for any other country that wishes to engage with America... who will decide where foreign investment goes... who will decide where or if aid is given... who will enact or repeal laws / treaties etc ( such as the TTP today), who will direct the armed forces etc etc?


you got it... Donald or one of his ducklings.... because he represents y'all.... he's your commander in chief... the head honcho... the maker or breaker of the US of A.


sorry about that.... but just because you don't like him, doesn't make it so

More games. He is president yes but with legitimacy issues due to nasty campaign, losing the vote, and last but not least the Putin connection.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

You're playing games. He won but as a minority. Not end of story. His legitimacy is correctly weakened by that. Everyone that understands politics gets that. W. Bush had the same problem but 911 turned him into a war president.

Your the one playing games.... He won ...end of story.


Hillary ran a bad campaign wherein she garnered the most votes in the highest density areas....forgot the rural folk and it cost her the election.


Time will tell if his legitimacy is weakened because he WON the electoral college only.


Don't forget that he has  a Republican house and Senate too.

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Just now, beachproperty said:

Your the one playing games.... He won ...end of story.


Hillary ran a bad campaign wherein she garnered the most votes in the highest density areas....forgot the rural folk and it cost her the election.


Time will tell if his legitimacy is weakened because he WON the electoral college only.


Don't forget that he has  a Republican house and Senate too.

The Republicans annihilated the Democrats in the past election.  Look.  Not Trumps problem if HRC had bad advisors.  She ignored Bill who was trying to get her to campaign in Wisconsin,  Michigan and Pennsylvania.  But no she was to uppity for that and stuck to California and New York.  If she wasn't so stuck up she would have won.

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Your the one playing games.... He won ...end of story.


Hillary ran a bad campaign wherein she garnered the most votes in the highest density areas....forgot the rural folk and it cost her the election.


Time will tell if his legitimacy is weakened because he WON the electoral college only.


Don't forget that he has  a Republican house and Senate too.

You're incorrectly confusing power which he has with legitimately which he is weak on. The thing a normal president would have done is make major efforts to unify a very divided nation after such a weak win. Instead he did the opposite. The message he telegraphs is that he only represents his supporters and others are his enemies. He could have unified after the election at least a little. Instead he has made it worse.
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