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Women's anti-Trump march clogs Washington streets


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2 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


And we are expected to believe this load of crap why? Because you say so. It seems that the Alt Right feel that they can insult the intelligence of people on a daily basis with sheer nonsense, lies and alternative facts. The particular rubbish that you have just posted is particularly egregious and a flagrant denial of reality.


I really wish you lot of BS artists would back up your stupid assertions.

I can't waste my breath on this nonsense.  It's really simple. If you and your like-minded cohorts want to effect change, or have some sort of ground (s) to reverse the election results, they must be predicated upon legal means. Hundreds of thousands of people engaged in a freak show is insufficient grounds to mount a legal challenge to Trump's legitimate win. Libs lost. Period. Get on with your lives. I wish you well.

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14 minutes ago, Toronto said:

Total rubbish. Back up these claims of Trump supporter's hate crimes. Tell us a few. I'm serious... I'd really like to know.


Says the guy who is trying to define legitimate political activism having to be 'constituted under the law' with entirely no substantiation, evidence or proof.


Do you own searches. There are plenty of reports of such incidents, particularly targeting LGBT people. There are plenty of LGBT related news sources and websites that report these regular assaults. Your faux outrage is clearly bogus.






Plenty of stuff there that cannot be denied by your huffing and puffing.

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2 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Says the guy who is trying to define legitimate political activism having to be 'constituted under the law' with entirely no substantiation, evidence or proof.


Do you own searches. There are plenty of reports of such incidents, particularly targeting LGBT people. There are plenty of LGBT related news sources and websites that report these regular assaults. Your faux outrage is clearly bogus.






Plenty of stuff there that cannot be denied by your huffing and puffing.

I'll get back to you later on the links. Battery is low, and I'm not in the mood. When I asked for links, I was totally serious. I've not come across them before. Only hostility from your comrades. We'll see how it stacks up after I read what you sent me. 

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7 minutes ago, Toronto said:

I can't waste my breath on this nonsense.  It's really simple. If you and your like-minded cohorts want to effect change, or have some sort of ground (s) to reverse the election results, they must be predicated upon legal means. Hundreds of thousands of people engaged in a freak show is insufficient grounds to mount a legal challenge to Trump's legitimate win. Libs lost. Period. Get on with your lives. I wish you well.


You're going to have to 'waste your breath' on this because you are the one pushing this stupidity. Perhaps we should have your username changed to Captain Obvious?


I do not think I have heard or, read or witnessed anyone claiming that the march by millions (not hundreds of thousands - you are confusing this wth the attendance at Minority President Trump's inaugural) of people have any expectation of overturning the election; of donald immediately resigning; of the Executive Branch collapsing in a heap of blubbering hysteria. Why are you even suggesting that any sensible, thinking, aware person would believe this? The organizers of Sunday's protests are certainly not cretins. Yet you choose to accuse them of being such.


You want to understand how change happens? Review LGBT history since Stonewall in the 70's. Review Black history since MLK and Rosa Parks.


The statement made around the world on Sunday was emphatic. People responsible for the checks and balances in the political system will have heard these voices. If these voices continue, such people will begin to respond. Particularly Republican representatives in the House and Senate. If lawsuits are filed. if journalists remain un-intimidated by the regime of alternative facts. If whistleblowers emerge in government agencies.


Trump has divided Americans. He lacks the capacity to unite. There is a strong likelihood that this will be the cause of his downfall. Meanwhile protests are legal and legitimate. And they certainly can be effective. Your little sidebar about legality is a crock. Change happens by people getting off their backsides and making it happen. Just like we saw last Sunday. Millions. It was Emphatic. And the pussy hats were funny.

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1 minute ago, Toronto said:

I'll get back to you later on the links. Battery is low, and I'm not in the mood. When I asked for links, I was totally serious. I've not come across them before. Only hostility from your comrades. We'll see how it stacks up after I read what you sent me. 

Says the guy who is trying to define legitimate political activism having to be 'constituted under the law' with entirely no substantiation, evidence or proof.


BTW, do you not see the connection between "legitimate" and "under the law"? Is it necessary that I should provide proof that these are synonymous terms?

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Just now, Jingthing said:

You're joking right? The disgusting sexual predator clown that led the racist birther movement to try to deligitimize OBAMA for several years - - nobody said he was racist? Wow.

A key reason trump won was his Implicit message to make America white again. Which of course ain't gonna happen any more than reviving many old style rust belt jobs but rationality has little to do with such demagogic populist authoritarian movements.

You still have not given me any evidence.  Questioning Obama's birth I believe was political not r"acist.  Sexual predator ?  Ok he talks sh*t.  But why was there not a feminist uprising when Bill Clinton was the real thing, a sexual predator ?  Politics I as usual.  

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5 minutes ago, Toronto said:

I'll get back to you later on the links. Battery is low, and I'm not in the mood. When I asked for links, I was totally serious. I've not come across them before. Only hostility from your comrades. We'll see how it stacks up after I read what you sent me. 


I do not believe you but that makes no difference. If I take you at face value, then I can assure you that the sources are legitimate and the concerns in the LGBT community are very serious. The issue of Trump being a misogynist, a homophobe, a racist, an anti-semite are probably moot given his complete lack of character. Psychologists will be analyzing him for centuries. He is, however, an enabler of others with these biases and prejudices. If you think blacks are thugs, hispanics are illegals, women should not be taken seriously, then look to the LGBT community for evidence of the impact of Trump's enabling of prejudice and hate.


Am perfectly happy to debate an honest broker without vitriol. Such people are few and far between in this environment.

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9 minutes ago, Toronto said:

Says the guy who is trying to define legitimate political activism having to be 'constituted under the law' with entirely no substantiation, evidence or proof.


BTW, do you not see the connection between "legitimate" and "under the law"? Is it necessary that I should provide proof that these are synonymous terms?


Are you talking to yourself?

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21 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


I do not believe you but that makes no difference. If I take you at face value, then I can assure you that the sources are legitimate and the concerns in the LGBT community are very serious. The issue of Trump being a misogynist, a homophobe, a racist, an anti-semite are probably moot given his complete lack of character. Psychologists will be analyzing him for centuries. He is, however, an enabler of others with these biases and prejudices. If you think blacks are thugs, hispanics are illegals, women should not be taken seriously, then look to the LGBT community for evidence of the impact of Trump's enabling of prejudice and hate.


Am perfectly happy to debate an honest broker without vitriol. Such people are few and far between in this environment.

Wow you almost sound like someone else and it's boring.


You do understand there are some of us that don't care what the lefties agenda is and want our strong nation again not driven by a bunch of hippies ?


So far I'm pleased as punch with President Trump and look forward to more great things happening whilst you talk in anger.

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29 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


I do not believe you but that makes no difference. If I take you at face value, then I can assure you that the sources are legitimate and the concerns in the LGBT community are very serious. The issue of Trump being a misogynist, a homophobe, a racist, an anti-semite are probably moot given his complete lack of character. Psychologists will be analyzing him for centuries. He is, however, an enabler of others with these biases and prejudices. If you think blacks are thugs, hispanics are illegals, women should not be taken seriously, then look to the LGBT community for evidence of the impact of Trump's enabling of prejudice and hate.


Am perfectly happy to debate an honest broker without vitriol. Such people are few and far between in this environment.

What don't you believe? My battery is at 21 %. That's a jingthing. I have enough power to write this, but not enough to read the links and respond. I can tell you this though. I'm not interested in the LGFTQBRLW community. Hope they're okay, but is not my concern. Again, I'll check the links when battery is charged. Like you, I'm perectly okay with exchanging ideas without rancour. But my battery is now at 18%.

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What don't you believe? My battery is at 21 %. That's a jingthing. I have enough power to write this, but not enough to read the links and respond. I can tell you this though. I'm not interested in the LGFTQBRLW community. Hope they're okay, but is not my concern. Again, I'll check the links when battery is charged. Like you, I'm perectly okay with exchanging ideas without rancour. But my battery is now at 18%.

Yeah the trumpist agenda only speaks to some Americans. It's populism but only for some. Dissenters are seen as enemies. Nixonian POV jacked up to Putinesque levels.
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Just now, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


I do not believe you but that makes no difference. If I take you at face value, then I can assure you that the sources are legitimate and the concerns in the LGBT community are very serious. The issue of Trump being a misogynist, a homophobe, a racist, an anti-semite are probably moot given his complete lack of character. Psychologists will be analyzing him for centuries. He is, however, an enabler of others with these biases and prejudices. If you think blacks are thugs, hispanics are illegals, women should not be taken seriously, then look to the LGBT community for evidence of the impact of Trump's enabling of prejudice and hate.


Am perfectly happy to debate an honest broker without vitriol. Such people are few and far between in this environment.

Forgive me, but you seem to be a very bitter person.  Mr. Trump has been too successful in life to be the complete buffoon you make him out to be.  But I do like to know where people are from so I can better understand them.  I am from Northern California.

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Wow you almost sound like someone else and it's boring.
You do understand there are some of us that don't care what the lefties agenda is and want our strong nation again not driven by a bunch of hippies ?
So far I'm pleased as punch with President Trump and look forward to more great things happening whilst you talk in anger.

Hippies? Very retro of you. Turn back the clock. Good luck with that. No. Not really.
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6 minutes ago, Toronto said:

What don't you believe? My battery is at 21 %. That's a jingthing. I have enough power to write this, but not enough to read the links and respond. I can tell you this though. I'm not interested in the LGFTQBRLW community. Hope they're okay, but is not my concern. Again, I'll check the links when battery is charged. Like you, I'm perectly okay with exchanging ideas without rancour. But my battery is now at 18%.

So true and the vast majority aren't interested in their agenda. The louder they scream the less I care - that's just me though.

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As an American, can I beg everyone not to post photographs proving Trump had less attendance at his inauguration than President Obama's inauguration; also, please do not post photographs of the Women March in various American cities (including world wide) protesting against Trump's negative comments on women's rights, human rights,  medical care for all, and prejudice against the handicap and Muslims and immigrants. And please quit mocking him on the evening talk shows and Saturday night's SNL. President Trump finds it offensive and it hurts his feelings. Such images or satire about him takes him away from making important decisions. Instead, he stays in his room switching too all the various TV channels. Please, do not hurt Trumpy-Dumpy's feelings.

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2 hours ago, retiredinmaerim said:

Ok, I do not get it.  Trump has been in the public eye for over 30 years and on television for over 5.  In all that time nobody said he was a racist.  At the start of the presidential race when no one expected him to win nobody called him a racist. Only after he started being competitive did this racist talk start.  Maybe I am wrong, I do not see him as a racist,  if you can give me some examples.  

What are you talking about?  Donald Trump and his father Fred Trump were fined several hundred thousand dollars by HUD in the 1970s for refusing to rent apartments to blacks; they kept it up even after that, and only stopped when criminal charges were threatened.


Donald Trump has very publicly removed black dealers from the tables at his casinos in Atlantic City.

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16 minutes ago, toenail said:

As an American, can I beg everyone not to post photographs proving Trump had less attendance at his inauguration than President Obama's inauguration; also, please do not post photographs of the Women March in various American cities (including world wide) protesting against Trump's negative comments on women's rights, human rights,  medical care for all, and prejudice against the handicap and Muslims and immigrants. And please quit mocking him on the evening talk shows and Saturday night's SNL. President Trump finds it offensive and it hurts his feelings. Such images or satire about him takes him away from making important decisions. Instead, he stays in his room switching too all the various TV channels. Please, do not hurt Trumpy-Dumpy's feelings.

He's in his room flicking through tv channels?  Grow up. 

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35 minutes ago, Toronto said:

He's in his room flicking through tv channels?  Grow up. 

You are wasting your time trying to have a reasonable discussion with regressive leftists, because that's what they are ...


Women's march, or anti-trump protest whatever it was, will have definitely huge impact on 


1 Donald Trump cannot sleep because of that ...


2 Women's lifes will be better, because abortions, promiscuous sex and single motherhood that's what all women dream about



Edited by Matej
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37 minutes ago, Toronto said:

He's in his room flicking through tv channels?  Grow up. 

Yes, he should. He's president now but he's shown time and time again, he is what he is (temperamentally unfit to be president). 

Edited by Jingthing
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3 minutes ago, Matej said:

You are wasting your time trying to have a reasonable discussion with regressive leftists, because that's what they are ...


Women's march, or anti-trump protest whatever it was, will have definitely huge impact on 


1 Donald Trump cannot sleep because of that ...


2 Women's lifes will be better, because abortions, promiscuous sex and single motherhood that's what all women dream about



It's well documented that trump gets very little sleep and he's said it himself. The NUTCASE tweets in the middle of the night speak for themselves. Definitely the first internet troll president. Congratulations, trump voters! 

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1 hour ago, Luckysilk said:

So true and the vast majority aren't interested in their agenda. The louder they scream the less I care - that's just me though.


Thank you for alerting us to your fear of LGBT people. It would be advisable for you not to engage with those who are centre and mature. Clearly you have unresolved issues related to others' sexuality, or perhaps your own and proximity to such people would not be a good idea. Besides, your bigotry is so obvious that they would slap you into next week as soon as you opened your big mouth.

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1 hour ago, toenail said:

As an American, can I beg everyone not to post photographs proving Trump had less attendance at his inauguration than President Obama's inauguration; also, please do not post photographs of the Women March in various American cities (including world wide) protesting against Trump's negative comments on women's rights, human rights,  medical care for all, and prejudice against the handicap and Muslims and immigrants. And please quit mocking him on the evening talk shows and Saturday night's SNL. President Trump finds it offensive and it hurts his feelings. Such images or satire about him takes him away from making important decisions. Instead, he stays in his room switching too all the various TV channels. Please, do not hurt Trumpy-Dumpy's feelings.

Is it true Trumpy- Dumpty is going to build a big wall?

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's well documented that trump gets very little sleep and he's said it himself. The NUTCASE tweets in the middle of the night speak for themselves. Definitely the first internet troll president. Congratulations, trump voters! 

OMG I really don't want to reply to any of your posts but this cracked me up to the point I hurt myself laughing ..... how much sleep do you get ??????

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Just now, Luckysilk said:

OMG I really don't want to reply to any of your posts but this cracked me up to the point I hurt myself laughing ..... how much sleep do you get ??????

That's a personal question but I will say more than trump (based on what he says) and also I'm not running for president (even of my condo board). 


Next ... 

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1 hour ago, Luckysilk said:

Wow you almost sound like someone else and it's boring.


You do understand there are some of us that don't care what the lefties agenda is and want our strong nation again not driven by a bunch of hippies ?


So far I'm pleased as punch with President Trump and look forward to more great things happening whilst you talk in anger.


If you could not care less, then why do you go to such pains to talk about it.


Being suckered by the MAGA fantasy is not something to be proud of. American isolationism diminishes it.

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2 minutes ago, bannork said:

Is it true Trumpy- Dumpty is going to build a big wall?

Well, not easy to answer now.

It's already been admitted large parts of it will not be a wall, but a fence, and perhaps electronic fence. I think for the sake of his FACE to "keep" his promises he will get congress to agree to start it a little bit and then carry on with the farce until he gets impeached or if he makes it through his term, to the next election.

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2 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Thank you for alerting us to your fear of LGBT people. It would be advisable for you not to engage with those who are centre and mature. Clearly you have unresolved issues related to others' sexuality, or perhaps your own and proximity to such people would not be a good idea. Besides, your bigotry is so obvious that they would slap you into next week as soon as you opened your big mouth.

555555 get over yourself I don't care what you call me it's a nonsense. You think the holy grail is gay marriage ? How about basic human rights like HIV visitors to the USA ? Shouldn't that be part of your gay agenda ? 


btw who's "they" that would slap me ?


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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


Well, not easy to answer now.

It's already been admitted large parts of it will not be a wall, but a fence, and perhaps electronic fence. I think for the sake of his FACE to "keep" his promises he will get congress to agree to start it a little bit and then carry on with the farce until he gets impeached or if he makes it through his term, to the next election.

I thought today he confirmed he would build a wall.

Humpty dumpty.jpg

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1 hour ago, Toronto said:

What don't you believe? My battery is at 21 %. That's a jingthing. I have enough power to write this, but not enough to read the links and respond. I can tell you this though. I'm not interested in the LGFTQBRLW community. Hope they're okay, but is not my concern. Again, I'll check the links when battery is charged. Like you, I'm perectly okay with exchanging ideas without rancour. But my battery is now at 18%.


I do not believe that you are discussing these issues in good faith and deserve legitimate responses to your queries. That is evidenced by your inflammatory and stupid reference to LGBT people. You demanded references to demonstrate the increase in hate crimes related to Trumpism. I provided them and you then inform us about your lack of interest in LGBT issues.


You keep demonstrating trollish behavior. You merely express bigotry to get reactions. Rather pointless really.

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