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Green light for hundreds of housing units in East Jerusalem settlements


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31 minutes ago, Morch said:

And finally, something actually relating to the OP:


As detailed on previous topics, Netanyahu often finds himself in a bind due to political challenges and pressure by coalition partners, usually related to the right wing party Jewish Home, and it's leader, Bennett.


In this case, Bennett, who routinely pushes a more extreme agenda than Netanyahu's, brought up a new proposal which would have initiated legislation aimed at annexing a several major West Bank illegal settlements in the vicinity of Jerusalem. That is beyond even the current annexed East Jerusalem lines. Netanyahu is on the one hand, not unaware of the international backlash such a move will create, and on the other hand, cannot be presented as ideologically "weak" by a possible contender. Hence, a bargain of sorts - the motion was delayed, and the permits were approved. This is how these things are played out most times.


In other words, Netanyahu is awful but not as awful as Bennett. 

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We did have a similar conversation not too long ago, and I've made similar posts across quite a few topics. In general, I find that most posters participating in these "discussions" are not interested in facts, or even the various OP - but use whatever is available to launch their (often) extreme partisan views. Most times, off topic issues raised (such as the BDS, recounting of one-sided "historical" narratives, and truisms) do not contribute to the discussion but rather promote further antagonism.
The first thing people can do is educate themselves. This could prove a rather daunting task, considering that many of the available information is partisan or focuses on specific issues. Other than that, there are, worldwide many organizations, projects and other efforts aimed at creating a dialogue between the sides, bypassing the usual political channels. People identifying with the plight of the Palestinians can render direct help via various volunteer organizations which cover quite a lot of topics. My best advice on choosing information sources, dialogue and aid outreach projects would be to avoid those highlighting emotional and sensationalist elements.

In short, BDS partisans are not sufficiently educated...

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These folks are fighting for one of the worst parts of the world, because of 'religion'.


Their 'God' must be one heck of a sadistic person to allow this to happen. Good luck with your 'religions' and blind trust of their 'religious' leaders.

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45 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

In other words, Netanyahu is awful but not as awful as Bennett. 


That would be a crude way of putting it, but essentially yes. Can always be worse. Netanyahu got an opportunist-pragmatic streak which comes into play when his own political survival is under threat. Better than a zealot on any given day.

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8 minutes ago, oilinki said:

These folks are fighting for one of the worst parts of the world, because of 'religion'.


Their 'God' must be one heck of a sadistic person to allow this to happen. Good luck with your 'religions' and blind trust of their 'religious' leaders.

Religion is just one aspect of the conflict.

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

So you want to boycott Israel?

So your organization has decided to boycott all products and services from Israel. Here is a list of activities that you now need to perform in order to comply with this boycott.



Part One – Technology and Food


Step 2. Any computers that still work need to have their anti-virus software and personal firewalls removed as this technology originated in Israel. The organisation’s firewall will also need to be switched off. Staff should no longer open external emails as most of these will be infected with viruses. No outgoing emails can be sent. The algorithm (code) that’s used today for sending e-mails, was made by an Israeli who worked at the Ben-Gurion University in Be’er-Sheva in 1980.


Step 3. Discard all mobile phones, as this technology was developed in Israel, where the first mobile phones were manufactured. Mobile chip technology from a single Israeli company has now been installed in over 100 million devices. Only top-level staff may retain mobile phones for emergency situations. However the use of SMS (Texting) is expressly forbidden as this facility was developed in Israel. No 4G devices can be used, as the chipset is Israeli


Too much BS to go through. 


The old joke 'Why do we need so many firewalls' is explained here. Israel copied technology it stole, just like Chinese did.  Nothing new about it. 



When it comes to the invention to SMS.. well, not Israeli invention, not even close. 

Here, nothing to do with Israel.

Screenshot 2017-01-24 00.15.47.png


Please stop writing rubbish. 

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1 minute ago, redwinecheese said:

I really admire Jewish contribution to humanity except their lack of humbleness towards others.

I have only met few Jews, they are few and don't have the need to bolster their existence.


However I have met some Israelis, who were just short tempered Arabs with extensive military training. Not good personalities at all. More like damaged persons. Stoned to mental death.


I guess their living environment is not good at all, but the way Israelis behave, it's easy to understand why they are not much loved around the world.


Why don't we make a clear difference between Jews and Israelis. These are two different entities after all. 

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11 hours ago, Morch said:

Generally speaking, the world is not on fire, nor is the sky falling. And of course, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict does not, in fact, relate to most conflicts, strife and other troubles plaguing the planet.


How wrong you are. The conflict is the root cause of a sense of humiliation that has caused Muslims worldwide to pit themselves against the west in an effort to reassert themselves and recover pride. It is certainly the root cause of today's terrorist attacks against the west. Note I said the root cause. The discontent has now spread like cancer and into other areas.


Understand too that this conflict is eternal. The hostility between the sides is biblical. 'The world' (meaning nowadays the UN), should have understood the global turmoil that would ensue if the Jews took over Palestine. Unfortunately the west's politicians are idiots and the UN is useless, and the Jews are clearly hell bent on grabbing that land at any cost to world peace.


Israel is now a historical fait accompli. However, the West Bank isn't yet.The only way out of eternal conflict is for Israel to offer the olive branch and give Palestine independence. The logic in all this is obvious to any impartial observer with a grasp of sociology.

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23 hours ago, sanemax said:

So you want to boycott Israel?

So your organization has decided to boycott all products and services from Israel. Here is a list of activities that you now need to perform in order to comply with this boycott.



Part One – Technology and Food


Step 2. Any computers that still work need to have their anti-virus software and personal firewalls removed as this technology originated in Israel. T



Step 3. Discard all mobile phones, as this technology was developed in Israel, where the first mobile phones were manufactured


Step 4. Turn off your voice-mail service and delete any recorded messages..


Step 5. Before accepting any printed material, check that the supplier has not used the Israeli device that might have saved up to 50% of the ink used.


Step 6. At home, do not use Facebook as many in-built and add-on applications are Israeli-developed.


Step 7. On your TV or home entertainment centre, do not use Video On Demand (VOD) to watch movies as you may inadvertently see an advert displayed using Israeli software. Do not purchase any games devices as these are likely to use Israeli technology.


Step 8. Do not read books using an e-book as this may contain Israeli technology. Do not use data storage as it may have been developed at Israel’s storage technology R&D center.


Step 9. Do not buy an electric car as it is likely to be powered with an Israeli battery or use Israeli developed charging mats. Continue to sit in traffic knowing that you are polluting the environment and financing oil-rich despotic regimes.



Turning to food and drink, all food outlets on the organisation’s premises must dispose of cherry tomatoes, which were developed in Israel.


Avoid drinking any of the world-recognized award-winning Israeli wines.

Part Two – Staff Health.


Destroy all personal medication.


Cancer – do not take any form of medication or treatment.


AIDS and HIV – beware; researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute or Hebrew University developed or improved AZT and Hypericin-based drugs;


Diabetes – do not measure or inject Insulin using the devices developed by Israeli scientists.

Multiple Sclerosis



Liver disease



Sleep apnea

Dyslexics must not benefit from the Israeli Internet-based reading system.

Skin allergies must be treated with steroid creams only, as the new safer non-steroid alternative is Israeli.


<snipped for brevity>

Wow , you put a lot of effort in your post , must be personally concerned ...?

Anyway , I said : ' I will not buy anything produced in Israwel any more " .

That means from NOW ON , I will check where somethig was produced before I buy it .

But thanks for your tips on what to avoid ...

Anyway , my OS is Linux 18 , no windows BS , I do not watch stupid Hollywood movies , I live healthy and do not need to take any medication , I travel mostly with Emirates who certainly do not have Israeli built Taxibots in Dubai , and so on ...

I am not a racist , I am aware of the fact that there are some good people living in Israel as well  even if they seem to be a minority .

Anyway , I am free to live the live I want , and that's what I am doing , but when I see a cat , I call it a cat and not somethig different .

I mean Israeli politics creates extremism , thats a fact , even if you do not like it .

Edited by Scott
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1 minute ago, pumpuy said:

I am not a racist , I am aware of the fact that there are some good people living in Israel as well  even if they seem to be a minority .

Anyway , I am free to live the live I want , and that's what I am doing , but when I see a cat , I call it a cat and not somethig different .

I mean Israeli politics creates extremism , thats a fact , even if you do not like it .

  How long did you spend in Israel and how many Israelis did you meet in Israel to make that Judgement ?

    You claim not to be a racist, but why do you take such an interest in Israel ?

There are many other groups of people in the same predicament as the Palestinians : Tibetans, Kurds,  and mnay others .

   The reason why there is no Palestinian state is because Palestinians rejected statehood when offered to them in 1947 , Israelis accepted statehood, Palestinians rejected statehood .

   Why do you not feel so fervently about Tibetan issues ?

Have you boycotted all Chinese made goods ?

There are millions of people in Thailand, who are treated far worse then Israeli Arabs, Thai ethnic groups who cannot get Thai I.D , passports, married etc etc .

   Are you as vocal for these disadvantaged minority groups as you are with Palestinians? 

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18 minutes ago, sanemax said:

 The reason why there is no Palestinian state is because Palestinians rejected statehood when offered to them in 1947 , Israelis accepted statehood, Palestinians rejected statehood .:spamsign:

Wow man but This must be the biggest lie ever published online , no further comment

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3 minutes ago, redwinecheese said:

Wow man but This must be the biggest lie ever published online , no further comment

Nope, it is the truth , you are just showing an ignorance of history .


The Plan was accepted by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, despite its perceived limitations.[5][6] Arab leaders and governments rejected it[7] and indicated an unwillingness to accept any form of territorial division




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11 hours ago, oilinki said:

I have only met few Jews, they are few and don't have the need to bolster their existence.


However I have met some Israelis, who were just short tempered Arabs with extensive military training. Not good personalities at all. More like damaged persons. Stoned to mental death.


I guess their living environment is not good at all, but the way Israelis behave, it's easy to understand why they are not much loved around the world.


Why don't we make a clear difference between Jews and Israelis. These are two different entities after all. 

Good way to start ever lasting debate :stoner:

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24 minutes ago, sanemax said:

  How long did you spend in Israel and how many Israelis did you meet in Israel to make that Judgement ?

    You claim not to be a racist, but why do you take such an interest in Israel ?

There are many other groups of people in the same predicament as the Palestinians : Tibetans, Kurds,  and mnay others .

Your last sentence is a totally nonsensical statement in the context of this debate. On the one hand, you question how much experience the OP has of Israel and Israeli life as if to suggest that he may not be sufficiently qualified to make any 'judgement', but then you feel sufficiently knowledgable about the OP to suggest that he does not take a position on other global events.


28 minutes ago, sanemax said:

   The reason why there is no Palestinian state is because Palestinians rejected statehood when offered to them in 1947 , Israelis accepted statehood, Palestinians rejected statehood .

How many people alive today were party to the 1947 talks? If they had a direct hand in this situation, I could at least sympathise with the Israeli point of view. However the people of Palsetine are, today, being punished for the mistakes of their grandfathers.


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On 1/22/2017 at 6:08 PM, redwinecheese said:

No wonder the world is on fire


They are on fire for this. Sing it. Sing it loud. Sing it every day. Sing it now.






On 1/22/2017 at 7:28 PM, ddavidovsky said:

Watching one country, brazen and ruthless, slowly eating up another - it's like watching cancer spread, and it's infecting the whole world. Why doesn't the world rise up and stop this?


Hahahaha Too funny.  Where were you  for the past  5 years during the Syrian civil war? How about when your pal Ghaddaffi was slaughtering his people?  What did you do during the Darfur genocide?


And yet, here you are with your bogus outrage. Yes, you go and get those people. Put on your Euro holier than thou armchair warrior hat and give them he11.


:passifier::passifier::partytime2:        Crock of crap, crocodile tears.





Edited by geriatrickid
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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Nope, it is the truth , you are just showing an ignorance of history .


The Plan was accepted by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, despite its perceived limitations.[5][6] Arab leaders and governments rejected it[7] and indicated an unwillingness to accept any form of territorial division




Wikipedia, United Nations and Israel never existed before 1945  :post-4641-1156694572:

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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

Your last sentence is a totally nonsensical statement in the context of this debate. On the one hand, you question how much experience the OP has of Israel and Israeli life as if to suggest that he may not be sufficiently qualified to make any 'judgement', but then you feel sufficiently knowledgable about the OP to suggest that he does not take a position on other global events.


  I quite clearly asked him a question, I didnt make any suggestions about what his answer may be .

   Maybe he does feel affinity with the Tibetan cause and maybe he has boycotted all Chinese made goods, I am waiting for him to reply

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5 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

How many people alive today were party to the 1947 talks? If they had a direct hand in this situation, I could at least sympathise with the Israeli point of view. However the people of Palsetine are, today, being punished for the mistakes of their grandfathers.



No, the present day Palestinians and Arab leaders still have the same goals as their fore fathers did

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9 minutes ago, redwinecheese said:

Wikipedia, United Nations and Israel never existed before 1945  :post-4641-1156694572:

The U.N. was formed in 1945, two years before the declaration, the declaration was about the forming of two states, so, yes, Israel wasnt a Country then .

   Not sure what the date of Wiki being formed has anything to do with it .

Surely you cannot be suggesting that anything that happened before Wiki was formed must be incorrect , surely you cannot be suggesting that ?

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28 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


They are on fire for this. Sing it. Sing it loud. Sing it every day. Sing it now.







Hahahaha Too funny.  Where were you  for the fpast  5 years during the Syrian civil war? How about when your pal Ghaddaffi was slaughtering his people?  What did you during the Darfur genocide?


And yet, here you are with your bogus outrage. Yes, you go and get those people. Put on your Euro holier than thou armchair warrior hat and give them he11.







So, Qaddafi was slaughtering his people and Libya still in chaos but not civil war!?? whereas Assad is not slaughtering his people but it is clear civil war? 

How do you people judge?


FYI Arab spring of people who lived under tyrant regimes for decades but Israel does not want Arabs to live in civilized countries so they unleashed ISIS to revoke these revolutions because it would danger Israel security ...sadly this the unwanted truth to be reveled.

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35 minutes ago, sanemax said:


No, the present day Palestinians and Arab leaders still have the same goals as their fore fathers did

You don't believe that their goals are similar to our own - security, peace, prosperity and opportunity for them and their loved ones?


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12 minutes ago, redwinecheese said:

So, Qaddafi was slaughtering his people and Libya still in chaos but not civil war!?? whereas Assad is not slaughtering his people but it is clear civil war? 

How do you people judge?


FYI Arab spring of people who lived under tyrant regimes for decades but Israel does not want Arabs to live in civilized countries so they unleashed ISIS to revoke these revolutions because it would danger Israel security ...sadly this the unwanted truth to be reveled.


ROFL, Israel "unleashed ISIS". In case you missed it, ISIS is pledged to the destruction of Israel and the DEATH of any and all jews. IT is both laughable and  somewhat sad that you claim Israel is behind ISIS. What's next, a new claim of the jew people grinding the bones of Christian children to make their crackers? Seriously deranged people. You should take up a collection to help the Syrian refugees in Thailand. Go see the other trhead. Buh bye

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13 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

You don't believe that their goals are similar to our own - security, peace, prosperity and opportunity for them and their loved ones?


Nope, they want an Islamic state with Sharia law to replace the whole of Israel, that is Hamas goal . 

   It is clearly written in the Hamas Charter

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11 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Nope, they want an Islamic state with Sharia law to replace the whole of Israel, that is Hamas goal . 

   It is clearly written in the Hamas Charter

Just stop building illegal settlements first , then everything else is negotiable.

End of thread for future generations to reopen debate again.

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

  How long did you spend in Israel and how many Israelis did you meet in Israel to make that Judgement ?

    You claim not to be a racist, but why do you take such an interest in Israel ?

There are many other groups of people in the same predicament as the Palestinians : Tibetans, Kurds,  and mnay others .

   The reason why there is no Palestinian state is because Palestinians rejected statehood when offered to them in 1947 , Israelis accepted statehood, Palestinians rejected statehood .

   Why do you not feel so fervently about Tibetan issues ?

Have you boycotted all Chinese made goods ?

There are millions of people in Thailand, who are treated far worse then Israeli Arabs, Thai ethnic groups who cannot get Thai I.D , passports, married etc etc .

   Are you as vocal for these disadvantaged minority groups as you are with Palestinians? 

Yes , I know we are living in a world full of injustice , selfishness , greed etc ... of course I support the tibetian people , but they are by far not as powerful as the Israelis , alone , they can't change much ... but the Israelis could , if they wanted to ... but they apparently do not want .

I am just saying what I am thinking about the roots of a long conflict , I am sure if the Israelis wanted peace , if would only take them a small effort and some concessions to make peace . But they do not want , if you see what they are doing .

I do not like war , I do not like aggressions by whatever side , I do not like apparent injustice , and I find the efforts to justify what is not just , disgusting !

My opinion is based on what I read as news , mostly BBC , and I do not hink that the journalists just write fake news to discredit Israel .

So I do not need to listen to always the same blabla , as we are all used to this , and it does not change the facts anyway .

Edited by pumpuy
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