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Crowd controversy: The making of an Inauguration Day photo


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While we are debating crowd sizes, The Administration has ordered the EPA from providing updates on social media or to reporters.  And The USDA is now prohibited from sharing data with the public.  And Trump signs executive order to advance the Keystone XL pipeline that even the US military says is a bad idea and security risk.  And Trump takes away funding from overseas family planning organizations. Less funding = more births = more poverty = more desperation =more conflict = more refugees and economic migrants. YAY!

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11 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

So your idea of draining the swamp is to fill it with lies?  In other words, turn it into a cesspool.

Well I am not sure what you mean to be honest. How can you turn an existing cesspool ( which it obviously already is) into a cesspool. ?


i might need some help comprehending your argument my friend


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11 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


You are aware, are you not, that Hilary (and she is every bit as odious as Donald) received 3 million more votes than Trump? Clearly those people's votes didn't count. Don't pin your hopes on Doddie to change things for the better - he just presents an alternative flavour of corruption.

Hi RuamRudy, 


your opening line line is beautiful. Thanks!


indeed I do realise that the recount of votes in specific states indicated such a result but should he whole vote not have been recounted if there was so much doubt? I believe I tried to get across the point that the current democratic process is flawed for sure but unless someone whose whole life  has been spent in the pursuit of (political) power is replaced by someone who has not made his life ambition to be politically the most powerful person alive and has therefore not been brainwashed into the "that's the way it's done here" attitude ( like the UK Elected representatives who openly stated that the voters should be ignored as the knew best demonstrating an utter arrogant contempt for the Electorial system no matter how flawed it may be) then noting will change and we ( the electorate) will continue to be lied to and cheated with and taxed to death to support the so called leaders personal ambitions.


now I did go on to say that I salute the Don if he makes good on his promises. 


Cant say fairer than that can I as we all know that odious power seeking Hillary C would not even try to persuade us she would even try to fulfil an election promise. That is supported by her "Goldman Sachs" speech compared to her "great unwashed" version.


time for a small revolution and whilst Saint Theresa and The Donald may not be the perfect choice, they were perhaps the best that was available at the time. 


If the message is delivered then their suvpccsessors will inevitably inevitably have to be better.


good position though, thanks

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23 minutes ago, The Dark Lord said:

Hi RuamRudy, 


your opening line line is beautiful. Thanks!


indeed I do realise that the recount of votes in specific states indicated such a result but should he whole vote not have been recounted if there was so much doubt? I believe I tried to get across the point that the current democratic process is flawed for sure but unless someone whose whole life  has been spent in the pursuit of (political) power is replaced by someone who has not made his life ambition to be politically the most powerful person alive and has therefore not been brainwashed into the "that's the way it's done here" attitude ( like the UK Elected representatives who openly stated that the voters should be ignored as the knew best demonstrating an utter arrogant contempt for the Electorial system no matter how flawed it may be) then noting will change and we ( the electorate) will continue to be lied to and cheated with and taxed to death to support the so called leaders personal ambitions.


now I did go on to say that I salute the Don if he makes good on his promises. 


Cant say fairer than that can I as we all know that odious power seeking Hillary C would not even try to persuade us she would even try to fulfil an election promise. That is supported by her "Goldman Sachs" speech compared to her "great unwashed" version.


time for a small revolution and whilst Saint Theresa and The Donald may not be the perfect choice, they were perhaps the best that was available at the time. 


If the message is delivered then their suvpccsessors will inevitably inevitably have to be better.


good position though, thanks


Hello Dark Lord, from your post, I think that you and I probably have a lot of common ground, although you seem to be a bit more generous towards DT than I am. He may be a political outsider, but I still see him as part of an ruling class that is intent of keeping us permanently dosed up on soma (metaphorically, not literally, although some might argue that one too). Therefore I am not convinced that either TM or the Donald are going to change anything. In fact, I am increasingly convinced that change is impossible without a large and very destructuve revolution; all we will see until then are platitudes and condescension as our freedoms continue to be whittled away and society becomes even more constrained.


The trend with elections and referenda as far as I can see - all are increasngly fought on very visceral grounds with hyperbole, obfuscation and outright lies being the weapons of choice by all sides; honourable behaviour is rewarded with derision and failure. Soon, only the very worst types of people will be in politics. Billy Connolly, one of the greatest living Scots (although, sadly, not a well man), once said, "The desire to be a politician should be enough to ban you from ever becoming one."

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While we are debating crowd sizes, The Administration has banned the EPA from providing updates on social media or to reporters. Grants have been frozen and employees ordered not to talk about any of it or to update their websites.


The USDA is now prohibited from sharing data with the public.


Gag ordered have also been issued to The Dept of Transportation, Dept of Interior, HHS, National Institutes of health. In some cases not only are they barred from releasing information to the public, but also barred from providing information to Congressional offices.


Trump signs executive order to advance the Keystone XL pipeline that would create some jobs but pose big environmental as well as security risks.


Trump signed an executive order aimed at repealing the individual mandate built into the Affordable Care Act, signaling Trump’s intention of dismantling the health insurance for millions of people piece by piece


Trump takes away funding from overseas family planning organizations. Less funding = more births = more poverty = more desperation =more conflict = more refugees and economic migrants. YAY!

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"Alternative facts, yes. Alternative cakes, no. The exciting adventures of Trump's inauguration cake : There were a lot of weird things about Donald Trump’s inauguration but the weirdest of all was the cake. Why do you want the same cake as Obama?"



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"Alternative facts’ – the greatest, strongest facts that ever existed"


"In today’s pass notes: Kellyanne Conway reckons that lies from the Trump White House are merely ‘alternative facts’. Now look at this picture of a spaceship : A spaceship lands in the New Forest. Of course it’s a spaceship. It’s a spaceship, period. Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo "





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4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Hello Dark Lord, from your post, I think that you and I probably have a lot of common ground, although you seem to be a bit more generous towards DT than I am. He may be a political outsider, but I still see him as part of an ruling class that is intent of keeping us permanently dosed up on soma (metaphorically, not literally, although some might argue that one too). Therefore I am not convinced that either TM or the Donald are going to change anything. In fact, I am increasingly convinced that change is impossible without a large and very destructuve revolution; all we will see until then are platitudes and condescension as our freedoms continue to be whittled away and society becomes even more constrained.


I don't believe we need a destructive revolution, although that is one possibility. Another possibility is that the politicians make reality so clearly, terribly bad for virtually every citizen, that The People are suddenly united by this common problem of everything being really bad. At this point, there will be a consensus that will result in The People voting out every last one of these corrupted politicians (and, unfortunately, a few good ones). At that point, it will be clear to the politicians that the government needs to correct course, and the usual forces corrupting them will be less able to override the wishes of The People. I personally hope for this result, aside from the obvious undesirable everything is really bad part.

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On 1/24/2017 at 4:13 PM, kevkev1888 said:

Well well well, Trump was right after all. Again!

The comparison picture was false, IE taken earlier in the day.








Yes about 30 minutes earlier. Im told the other 1 million popped by just after it was taken.

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On 1/25/2017 at 11:19 PM, Thakkar said:

While we are debating crowd sizes, The Administration has banned the EPA from providing updates on social media or to reporters. Grants have been frozen and employees ordered not to talk about any of it or to update their websites.


The USDA is now prohibited from sharing data with the public.


Gag ordered have also been issued to The Dept of Transportation, Dept of Interior, HHS, National Institutes of health. In some cases not only are they barred from releasing information to the public, but also barred from providing information to Congressional offices.


Trump signs executive order to advance the Keystone XL pipeline that would create some jobs but pose big environmental as well as security risks.


Trump signed an executive order aimed at repealing the individual mandate built into the Affordable Care Act, signaling Trump’s intention of dismantling the health insurance for millions of people piece by piece


Trump takes away funding from overseas family planning organizations. Less funding = more births = more poverty = more desperation =more conflict = more refugees and economic migrants. YAY!


Sadly you have missed a few. Gag order on suggestion of abortion as a medical option by any foundation that wishes to retain funding - and yet there is more.

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On 1/25/2017 at 2:33 AM, katana said:

Paul Joseph Watson's view on the crowd controversy is that the inauguration was actually much more crowded than the mainstream media let on.



Two major differences:


park service put out down white cover over grass for Trump's inaguration which was not there for Obama


Washington is a company town. Hilary got 97% of the vote in DC. If The inaguration was held for both  in Dallas Trump would have had many more. 

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The man just can't let it go:


Trump pressured Park Service to find proof for his claims about inauguration crowd


He was running for president. But in his head he was running for "most popular man in America"

To him it's all about popularity and adulation.

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