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Tony Jaa leads Big Cleaning Day in Prachuap Khiri Khan


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Tony Jaa leads Big Cleaning Day in Prachuap Khiri Khan



Tony Jaa. File photo


PRACHUAP KHIRI KHAN, 25 January 2017 (NNT) – A world famous Thai martial arts actor has participated in a mass cleaning activity at Ban Krut Beach in Prachuap Khiri Khan province, following recent flooding in the area. 

Mayor of Ban Krut Subdistrict Thongchai Phetsakunthong today launched a Big Cleaning Day activity in front of Ban Krut Community Learning Center with some 1,000 participants, including Japanom Yeerum, known internationally as Tony Jaa. 

The activity was held to restore the landscape of Ban Krut Beach, which had been impacted by flooding in the South. 

Japanom said he has traveled to Ban Krut in the past to enjoy the beautiful and peaceful scenery, and has invited colleagues from Hollywood to visit the area and help promote tourism. 

The mayor of Ban Krut meanwhile noted that the Department of Highways has completed the makeshift restoration of Ban Krut beachside road, allowing traffic to resume, while the municipality has proposed additional restoration plans to restore the beach, which was partially eroded by floodwater, with restoration work expected to be completed before the upcoming holiday season in April.

-- nnt 2017-01-26
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Good start, as the south of Thailand will need all the help it can get.

  This is not a normal year at all for southern Thailand, what a mess, it will still

take a lot longer to even get some of the flooded areas drained and for the cleanup

To start. 

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Alot of people look up to celebrities. He is a big international star. I think anytime one of them does something positive like this, it sets a good precedent. Thai celebrities, and super wealthy Thai people are not exactly famous for giving back to their country, or their communities, so I think he deserves some credit for taking the time to do something good. Charity is a concept that is just starting to take hold here, hopefully. It is in it's infancy. I hope the influence of charitable giants like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, Dietmar Hopp, Pierre Omidyar, Michael Dell, James Simons, John Huntsman Sr., Li-Ka Shing, Paul Allen, Michael Bloomberg, George Kaiser, Eli Broad, Carlos Slim, Gordon Moore, Sulaiman bin Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi, Charles Francis Feeney, Azim Premji, George Soros, and others like them rubs off on this country, at some point. These guys are giants, when it comes to giving back. This country could really use some charity, from people in positions of influence and power. It gets so little from it's government, who's indifference is astonishing. 




Thailand actually ranks pretty high on this charitable chart. But, I suspect it is more the middle class Thais that contribute, and far less from the rather vacuous, and parasitical segment of society knows as hi-so. 



Edited by spidermike007
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