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Crisis deepens as Trump floats 20 percent tax on Mexico goods to pay for wall


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6 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

If this keeps up, the burn out turnover rate in Trump's cabinet and inner circle is going to be sky-high. Spitzer and Conway both already look like stressed out and in need of prescription sedatives. The American public and the world is exhausted after one week of his presidency. Imagine what it must be like in the center of Trump's "alternative-facts", constant contradictions and backtracking, and policy blindsides. With so many administration positions as yet unfilled, surely many prospective candidates who see the chaotic and dysfunctional work environment must be having second thoughts.


Speaking of Spicer, have you noticed the shift? Spicer has made a distinct shift at podium since first briefing. Not "here's what's true" but "here's what Trump believes."

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4 minutes ago, zydeco said:

So, then, it makes even less sense to allow uneducated illegals with no skills to remain in the US.

I saw an estimate a few weeks back that if migrant farm workers were deported, (and Americans could be found who would do that type of work for higher wages/benefits - a premise that was open to debate) the price of a normal head of lettuce would jump up from around $1.25 now to between $7 and $8, depending on the season. Similar increases were predicted for nearly all agricultural products.


You think the American consumer is going to accept that? I don't, not for one second.

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Only 10 percent of Mexico's population is of European background. The rest is either mestizo or indian.  https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/mx.html


Meanwhile, here is a look at the mexican government. Wonder how many mestizos and indians are in it? Looks like maybe one out of 24. Who's the racist, again? http://www.borderlandbeat.com/2012/12/enrique-nieto-pena-new-administration.html

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9 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

I saw an estimate a few weeks back that if migrant farm workers were deported, (and Americans could be found who would do that type of work for higher wages/benefits - a premise that was open to debate) the price of a normal head of lettuce would jump up from around $1.25 now to between $7 and $8, depending on the season. Similar increases were predicted for nearly all agricultural products.


You think the American consumer is going to accept that? I don't, not for one second.


do not forget to include the impact of the lettuce on cheeseburgers

it will be difficult to convince  Corona American drinkers that they do not contribute to the construction of this border wall by paying for their more expensive beer.

Edited by Opl
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3 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

I saw an estimate a few weeks back that if migrant farm workers were deported, (and Americans could be found who would do that type of work for higher wages/benefits - a premise that was open to debate) the price of a normal head of lettuce would jump up from around $1.25 now to between $7 and $8, depending on the season. Similar increases were predicted for nearly all agricultural products.


You think the American consumer is going to accept that? I don't, not for one second.

Gee, last time I bought oranges back in the US, they were from Australia and cheaper than American oranges.  That must be impossible!  After all, there isn't any mexican slave labor to pick oranges in Australia.  Sounds fishy.

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9 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

If this keeps up, the burn out turnover rate in Trump's cabinet and inner circle is going to be sky-high. Spitzer and Conway both already look like stressed out and in need of prescription sedatives. The American public and the world is exhausted after one week of his presidency. Imagine what it must be like in the center of Trump's "alternative-facts", and constant contradictions, and blindsides. With so many administration positions as yet unfilled, surely many prospective candidates who see the chaotic and dysfunctional work environment must be having second thoughts.

Back when I was working, we used to do 360 degree evaluations on staff.  We not only interviewed the individual's superiors, but also colleagues and subordinates, and sometimes even outsiders if the person's responsibilities called for external contacts.


If anyone were to do a 360 evaluation on Trump when considering whether to take a position in his administration, I think they would still be running away.


Read about what people who worked for him, who were his contacts in the banks and building trades, etc., and you will come away with a very unflattering..no, a horrifying...picture of who this guy really is.

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2 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Gee, last time I bought oranges back in the US, they were from Australia and cheaper than American oranges.  That must be impossible!  After all, there isn't any mexican slave labor to pick oranges in Australia.  Sounds fishy.

Read up on backpacker labor in Australia.  Go ahead, learn something before you spout off.

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2 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

Read up on backpacker labor in Australia.  Go ahead, learn something before you spout off.

Propaganda from the WGA. What next? All the crops, "rotting in the fields." Your price estimates are utter nonsense.


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11 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

I saw an estimate a few weeks back that if migrant farm workers were deported, (and Americans could be found who would do that type of work for higher wages/benefits - a premise that was open to debate) the price of a normal head of lettuce would jump up from around $1.25 now to between $7 and $8,

What estimate? Link please. How long ago? This is all unsubstantiated and unverifiable.

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Just now, WaywardWind said:

Google it..do a little research...if you can be bothered with real facts.

In other words, you don't have anything to support your position.  Here are some Facts for you. There already exists a US visa for agricultural workers.  It's called an H2-A visa. Most of them go unfilled, because growers prefer to go around the law and hire illegals and dump the costs of illegals on taxpayers for education, health care, and emergency services.

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26 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

I saw an estimate a few weeks back that if migrant farm workers were deported, (and Americans could be found who would do that type of work for higher wages/benefits - a premise that was open to debate) the price of a normal head of lettuce would jump up from around $1.25 now to between $7 and $8, depending on the season. Similar increases were predicted for nearly all agricultural products.


You think the American consumer is going to accept that? I don't, not for one second.

So Americans are gunna get obese and unhealthy.

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4 hours ago, mercman24 said:

happened in the UK years ago, the company i worked for, trained Polish workers (insert WE) and then moved to POLAND making 150 of my workmates redundant, i saw this coming and had moved on by then, but most ot them never worked again


That's the whole point of globalization. Moving lower skilled jobs to low cost economies where workers are paid a pittance, work long hours, and have few rights. Then as their competence grows more skillful work can be transferred.


These low cost developing countries don't have the employee related costs developed countries businesses do, health insurance, employee tax, pensions etc. 


What is notable is that many of those who have to work in such LCC economies see the only escape as moving to the West whose jobs they've been taking because the benefits and protection is so much better.


And all because a tiny % control most of the World's wealth!

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4 minutes ago, zydeco said:

In other words, you don't have anything to support your position.  Here are some Facts for you. There already exists a US visa for agricultural workers.  It's called an H2-A visa. Most of them go unfilled, because growers prefer to go around the law and hire illegals and dump the costs of illegals on taxpayers for education, health care, and emergency services.

Don't you read anything?


Agricultural workers on H2 visas receive wages and benefits set by the USG, and which are far higher than those received by illegals.


Secondly, what is the point of deporting someone from Central America, and then bringing them back in on an H2 visa? Estimates are that it would cost over $600 billion dollars to deport all those in the US illegally. So you want to spend all that money, and then turn around and bring some of the same folks back in to do the same jobs at higher wages? Doesn't do much for creating jobs for Americans.

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Just now, WaywardWind said:

Agricultural workers on H2 visas receive wages and benefits set by the USG, and which are far higher than those received by illegals.

There is a reason wages are set at a reasonable level. You want slave wages?  And I'm still waiting for verifiable numbers on that $7 head of lettuce.

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24 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Gee, last time I bought oranges back in the US, they were from Australia and cheaper than American oranges.  That must be impossible!  After all, there isn't any mexican slave labor to pick oranges in Australia.  Sounds fishy.

Nar,we have cheap Asians to do our dirty work.The last time i went to but oranges in Oz,US oranges were cheaper,true.So what's going on?

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3 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

Secondly, what is the point of deporting someone from Central America, and then bringing them back in on an H2 visa?

Who said anything about bringing them back? They broke the law. They should never gain admittance. Get someone who hasn't broken the law.  I really think you need to read up on this law.  It's not an H2 visa, btw.  It's an H2-A, which is drastically different from H2-B.  https://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/temporary-workers/h-2a-temporary-agricultural-workers

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1 minute ago, louse1953 said:

Nar,we have cheap Asians to do our dirty work.The last time i went to but oranges in Oz,US oranges were cheaper,true.So what's going on?

I think somebody is messing with our oranges.

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1 minute ago, zydeco said:

There is a reason wages are set at a reasonable level. You want slave wages?  And I'm still waiting for verifiable numbers on that $7 head of lettuce.

Not slave wages...more than the $2 per hour they can make back in Mexico, but quite a bit less than those required under an H2 visa.


You can wait forever...don't hold your breath.  If you are too lazy to look simple things up for yourself, I certainly am not going to do it and I could not care less how you feel about that.

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2 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

Not slave wages...more than the $2 per hour they can make back in Mexico, but quite a bit less than those required under an H2 visa.


You can wait forever...don't hold your breath.  If you are too lazy to look simple things up for yourself, I certainly am not going to do it and I could not care less how you feel about that.

In other words, you are just spouting fake news.

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Remind me again who on the world stage still likes Trump?


Let's see...Vladamir Putin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen, Rodrigo Duterte, Geert Wilders, David Duke?  Am I missing anyone? 


What a wholesome cast of characters, especially if you have a fondness for authoritarian thugs and right wing racist nationalists. 


When Trump runs out of southern hemisphere world leaders to alienate and offend, will these be America's only friends left in the world? :unsure:


Edited by Gecko123
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6 hours ago, ezzra said:

The man has balls o f steel, " huevos grandes" in Spanish, not afraid to slaughter

few holly cows that past administrations would touch not wanting to

' upset ' or rock the boat.....

Don't mistake stupidity for balls and don't forget there is already over 700 miles of wall.


The majority of illegals enter legally then just stay so there is no justification for the kind of wall Trump is pushing for. 


I believe in border security and controlling immigration for any country but this plan does not make sense, it is just a ploy that plays on peoples passions.


And as others have said, a 20% duty means that Americans are paying for it not Mexico.

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1 hour ago, zydeco said:

In other words, you don't have anything to support your position.  Here are some Facts for you. There already exists a US visa for agricultural workers.  It's called an H2-A visa. Most of them go unfilled, because growers prefer to go around the law and hire illegals and dump the costs of illegals on taxpayers for education, health care, and emergency services.


The problem with the H2-A is that often it costs more than the states minimum wage, considering that housing and food needs to be provided too. Not to mention the interview process for the workers takes months, and many times the delay is too long that it overlaps with the crop season. This is why its not popular.

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Sen. Lindsey Graham says taxing tequila would be 'mucho sad'

Just hours after the White House floated the possibility of imposing a 20% tax on Mexican import to fund a border wall, the administration appeared to be softening its stance somewhat.

Walking back earlier comments, White House spokesman Sean Spicer and chief of staff Reince Priebus told reporters on Thursday afternoon that the proposed tax was just one of several options on the table.




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