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Debate Settled Then On Who Is The Better Driver :-)


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Well I was wondering how long it would take, Im in work when I get a call off the missus, she has 'ran' into the back of a Toyota pick up, more like rolled onto. On Sukhumwit near the Pattaya Nua turning, Our car is an auto and she had, until last week never driven an auto before. This is what happened:

My missus is in standing traffic waiting for the lights, she decides to put the car in N (Neutral), her phone rings, so while she is reaching for her phone she takes her foot off the brake :D and has rolled onto the pick in front of her, cracked the bumper to our 4x4 and 2 x tiny vertical dents where our bumper has impacted to the back of an already knackered Toyota, (more damage to our car BTW) the guy is jumping and shouting :D as if we have just killed his family and demanding 2000 THB for repairs, she calls me and I tell her to sit tight, say nothing, pay nothing, smile, don't get stressed and wait for the Insurance man who eventually turns up nearly an hour later.

End result is the guy is miffed as he gets no money from us, the damage to his car is so small, I wouldn't even bother getting it repaired, taking into account the age of the Toyota.

What happens next regarding his claim? As for us we just have to get the car into a ford repair garage and get a new bumper, could he still benefit financially if he scams? in some way, i.e receives a cash sum for repairs then pockets it instead of getting the repair done? I hope not.

God we have only been here a fortnight, BTW we were only deliberating the other day on who was the better driver :D Im not one to gloat, but...........! :o

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You don't mention the police. Where they involved? Did the insurance guy get good photos of the damage to the old Toyota? Not that it should matter, but it might: is your wife Thai?

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