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Beyond the Pale: The dangers of Thailand’s obsession with white skin


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This is a map of the world by skin color. Areas that get longer and more direct sunlight have darker-skinned people. The additional melanin is an adaptation that has been selected for over hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution. Dark skin confers a survival benefit when you live in or near equatorial regions.

Meanwhile, the lighter-skinned people who live closer to the poles also benefit. Since they get much less exposure, their lighter skin helps them make the most of what little sunlight they can get for vitamin D production.

And this is the reason some people hate other people.

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2 minutes ago, attrayant said:


This is a map of the world by skin color. Areas that get longer and more direct sunlight have darker-skinned people. The additional melanin is an adaptation that has been selected for over hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution. Dark skin is a benefit when you live in or near equatorial regions.

Meanwhile, the lighter-skinned people who live closer to the poles also benefit. Since they get much less exposure, their lighter skin helps them make the most of what little sunlight they can get for vitamin D production.

And this is the reason some people hate other people.

So are the black area's on the map even more hot than thailand? I have never seen negro's from south america though.

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6 hours ago, Mook23 said:

No hope for human race...


The link is clean (pun intended) and its content HILARIOUS. 


Thought this is a good jest - but not at all, unbelievable ... first the pussy-bleachers & now that!

And yes, hilarious indeed, thanks for that link kind sir.

Just one original quote - i mean get this:


Your butt goes through a lot, why not reward it by treating it to a glamorous makeover? <


Holy shit, one has to be a couple beans short of a full burrito to go for that certainly pricey stunt, for sure ... :cheesy: 

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16 hours ago, HHTel said:

Farang want brown skin, Thais want white skin.

Farang want small nose, Thais want big nose.

Farang would like long straight hair, Thais want curly hair.

Farang think pasty white skin looks unhealthy, Thais think dark skin is unhealthy.

Farang likes to bathe in the sun, Thais will avoid the sun at all costs.

Farang spends money on spray tan, Thais spend money on skin whitening.


Go figure!

another 100 years of interracial breeding and hopefully we will all be coffee coloured....

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I don't like the obsession with whiteness-- which is ironic because I am a caucasian who benefits from it, unfairly, in a thousand ways large and small. In Thai culture, the love of whiteness shows up in ideals of beauty but isn't a barrier to other kinds of success. Look at all the dark old dirty dog politicians. Where I come from, whiteness isn't required for beauty, arts, and entertainment, but unfortunately, it helps with everything else.


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why do so many Thai women have terrible pimples on their cheeks ?  Does it connect to the overuse of whitening creams?


Isn't the cheek full of pimples the most conveniently creamed spot on the body where Thai women apply all those face creams?


Do all these cheap & partially toxic creams boost the growth of pimples?


 Or does the heavy sugar intake of some Thais play into it?

Edited by crazygreg44
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I know of a girl here who was so obsessed with having a white face she had her skin bleached.


she was absolutely gorgeous before she started that and needed no artificial creams.


now she spends at least two hours every day endlessly rubbing crap cream that Facebook tells her will make her beautiful on her face which is covered in scars from all this attention.


no matter what her(farang) husband tells her she believes Facebook.


so f**** stupid it is beyond belief as she us now ugly. 


"My momma used to say stupid is as stupid does"

Edited by The Dark Lord
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20 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

This obsession is not limited to Thailand.

I once knew a Burmese woman whose family lived in Burma when it was still part of the British Empire, before WW2.

She told me that when a child was born the first question that was asked by the relatives was, "Is it fair?", meaning does it have fair skin.

This was back in the 1920's and 1930's when she was a small child.

So you see how far it goes back in history.




My ex was Goan it was common for family members especially females who even if they were extremely beautiful would be considered less attractive than their particularly "plain" sister or cousin because "ah yes but Angela is very fair" ie the gorgeous one wasn't considered pretty because she was dark.


My Chinese ex's family were from Shanghai and it was the same with them. My Chinese ex used to say that when she went to HK (where she was from) HK Chinese used to say she was very dark or asked her if she was Thai (she didn't look Thai and certainly doesn't have the milky latte coloured skin of my current TGF).


When TGF came to Farangland for the first time I had to persuade her not to go out with talcum powder all over her face. She looked like a ghost or a Goth! :D


I explained to her that UK no one cares and that her natural skin colour is beautiful. This worked while she was in UK but here in LOS she won't go out for a special night out without her ghost mask on even though I gently tease her about it.


It's sad but I'm no better, when I was in my 20's and used to work out in the gym I tried a sunbed. Never again! I came out in terrible heat rash and got bad sun burn. Idiot! :P

Edited by penco
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On 28/01/2017 at 0:06 PM, AlphMichaels said:

Color bias is global.  Unfortunately, here & throughout Asia, the idea that being light places you in a higher social order is wrong.  Start checking the consumer solutions sold everywhere and exposing them for their false promises is a start.  


Maybe the aliens will come and just make every human green or purple.  That should effectively remove color bias.   

Green would be nice.

Shiny, jungle green.

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Same, same in lndonesia.

l actually bought some of the lotion & brought it back to Australia.

l gave it to a friend's daughter, who was an Industrial Chemist.

She analysed it in her Lab & told me that it had Hydrachloric Acid amongst its ingredients.

Silly girls,

Don't they know that a lot of us prefer a natural golden brown skin.?

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I think Thai women who whiten their faces look like CoCo the clown.  Personally I and I think most farangs like the darker skinned Thai ladies, my Thai wife is brown and goes darker very quickly.  Women in the UK spend thousands of pounds trying to get sun tanned, that is 100,000  - 200,000 baht and more.

Well some of us like more fairer women especially since I am brown man coming from a brown land..my gf is thai Chinese and personally I feel the darker ones from issan etc don't look attractive. Don't bash me if your gf's are dark, just my opinion. Opposites attract maybe?

Sent from my SM-G935F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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3 hours ago, soc said:

l actually bought some of the lotion & brought it back to Australia.

l gave it to a friend's daughter, who was an Industrial Chemist.

She analysed it in her Lab & told me that it had Hydrachloric Acid amongst its ingredients.

Silly girls,

and many thai women actually wonder about the red rashes and the pimples in their faces ??


Then go and hurry to buy even more of those shitty dangerous creams ?


Let them suffer . . . i have no pity for them . . . . they not having a lot of brain, at least you can see on the first look. It is only sad, though, that the HiSo have the money to buy the proper (western) expensive products, and the poor rice farmers daughters buy all the cheap but dangerous mixtures

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