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A police captain from the capital faces arrest today for his role in leading a standoff against Kampong Speu provincial police who attempted to raid a cockfight he was allegedly running only to be humiliated and ultimately forced to fire warning shots to make good their exit.


Kampong Speu provincial police chief Sam Samuon yesterday said the officer, captain Kheng Sokha of the Phnom Penh municipal police’s economic crime unit, had been transferred for “education” and would today be one of five people named in an arrest warrant as ringleaders of the illegal matches in Kong Pisei district’s Veal commune.


According to Samuon, Sokha, who can be heard berating local officials in a video of the incident posted on social media, confronted a raid by commune and district police officers on January 24 with “arrogance” and superior numbers.


read more http://www.phnompenhpost.com/national/cop-vs-cops-cockfight-standoff


-- © Copyright Phenom Pen Post 30/01

Many years ago I witnessed a similar stand off in Patong all over a night club operation, which supposedly

had taken the lions share of business from 2 Thai discos.

We had 30 army on one side & twenty police on the other for some 40 minutes.( approx niumbers)

Thankfully the Farang owner in the end decided that blood & possibly death was not worth it & proceeded

to throw his keys literally in the middle of the road. He never went back, just walked away.

Pretty sure (as he was too) that had someone fired a shot it would have been a bloodbath

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