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NGOs: Need to protect Cambodian maids better


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Singapore's move to let in more Cambodian maids has prompted three advocacy groups for migrant workers to call for more safeguards for these domestic workers. They want the workers to receive better training in the English language and on their legal rights before they leave their country, and greater protection against unscrupulous recruiters who charge high fees and hire underaged girls.


Cambodia was approved as a source country for domestic workers by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) last October. This means Singapore can expect another 1,000 to 1,200 more Cambodian maids this year, according to industry estimates, a rise from the 400 brought in under a pilot scheme introduced in 2013.


The three non-governmental organisations (NGOs) - Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (Home), Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2) and Cambodian organisation Legal Support for Children and Women - welcomed the diversification of the migrant workforce in Singapore. But they added in a joint statement yesterday: "We are concerned about the employment of Cambodian women in Singapore when safeguards against deceptive recruitment and exploitation are not adequate."


read more http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/manpower/ngos-need-to-protect-cambodian-maids-better

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why would an ngo ever do anything to help a cambodian maid in singapore?

there is no money in it for them.

their activity is fund raising

and for that they like only white pedophiles

who provide good publicity and plenty of donations.

go and visit world vision in perth australia

and see what they say.


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6 hours ago, bangon04 said:

Surely there are still plenty of Philippine maids available for abuse? And they speak "inglish"already..... Perhaps they are just getting too expensive.

Or perhaps because Filippinos can speak English and know their rights they are not amenable to being bullied and  "know their place."

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