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Family of 4 pedigree dogs looking for new home - Free!


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Hi Guys, I'm sorry to say that it's the end of the line for Mobi in Thailand, and after my 15 years sojourn in Thailand, I will be heading back to Merrie England in May.


So I know this is a long shot, but there's no harm in asking – you never know there may be someone out there willing to take my little pack on.


(Dogs that is, not family…)


I have two Shih Tzus, both aged 10, a Labrador, aged 6, and a bulldog, who will be 2 in May. They are all male, and were all bought from reputable breeders. They are 100% non-violent and never bite and rarely bark. The Lab has been neutered.


The two Shih Tzus are the oldest, but they have long life spans– up to 20 years - and they are still both very active and playful.


All the dogs have all lived with me and my family since they were puppies and are an adorable little doggy family. They love each other and live together in harmony. They have the run of the house and garden and are fully house trained. They only bark when other dogs came by outside and sometimes at the occasional stranger outside, but once the gate is opened they are friendly. They mix well with other dogs, provided the strange dogs are not aggressive.


They are fully vaccinated and are dosed monthly for worms, ticks etc.


We will not split them up, as it will bad enough with their human owners going away, without adding any extra stress by separating them from each other.


Each dog is a completely unique, lovable personality, and the bulldog is especially quirky and adorable and they are wonderful with small children.


I know I am asking the impossible, but if there is a family who might be interested in taking them on, please reply on this forum or PM me. Thank you.













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I would put a price on each of them, then you'll have more chance finding them a genuine home, I would put a price on each of them in case someone sees a selling opportunity, even to a dog market (sorry to be brutal but I know Thai's and some farangs)

I feel you will have to split them up.....really sorry, but DON'T give them away


PS If the owner is kind, they will be OK.

Edited by uptheos
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16 hours ago, uptheos said:

I would put a price on each of them, then you'll have more chance finding them a genuine home, I would put a price on each of them in case someone sees a selling opportunity, even to a dog market (sorry to be brutal but I know Thai's and some farangs)

I feel you will have to split them up.....really sorry, but DON'T give them away


PS If the owner is kind, they will be OK.


Thanks for the advice, I'm not exactly sure that I follow your logic.


We're not just going to hand over the dogs to anyone who turns up at our house. We will have to know who they are, visit their home and satisfy ourselves that they are bone fide, and will provide the loving and care they need.

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1 minute ago, Mobi said:

Thanks for the advice, I'm not exactly sure that I follow your logic.


We're not just going to hand over the dogs to anyone who turns up at our house. We will have to know who they are, visit their home and satisfy ourselves that they are bone fide, and will provide the loving and care they need.

My logic if you read it again is basically he same as yours here.

My point was that for nothing (no price) there might be takers who would get rid of them as soon as you left. The fact they have a nice place is not the point, see if they are prepared to pay for a lovely dog (on top of the other things you mention) In the end they are your dogs so up2u

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Yes, I see and thanks for the warning.


I think they will have to be pretty clever to play the loving family and then take the dogs and sell them. You can almost tell by talking to someone if they love dogs or not and we will go and see their new home before handing them over. The family is almost certainly going to be farang or farang / Thai.  


Thanks again.



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i feel for you mobi,but isnt there a way you can take your beloved with you,they will break their hearts not getting up in the morning only to find your not there.they are part of your family. it will be hard trying to home them together,but just have a think what would you do if you cant find a suitable home for them.


how is your new valve performing.

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3 minutes ago, meatboy said:

i feel for you mobi,but isnt there a way you can take your beloved with you,they will break their hearts not getting up in the morning only to find your not there.they are part of your family. it will be hard trying to home them together,but just have a think what would you do if you cant find a suitable home for them.


how is your new valve performing.


Hi Meatboy, - no there is no way I can take them with me. I will have nowhere for them to stay, my future health is uncertain, and last but not least it is way beyond my financial means. I do have a fall back plan if I can't get them adopted, which will be better than nothing, but fingers crossed I can find a family to take them. I'm getting some good responses on Facebook.So far two offers, one we have turned down and the second is in Bangkok and pending.


My valve seems to be behaving itself thank you, but I am totally without cardiac care, and I do get very winded and chesty after a 15-minute walk. I also get dizzy spells and have a number of other worrying complaints, so sadly it's time to give up the good fight and throw myself on the mercy of the British NH.



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1 minute ago, Mobi said:

Hi Meatboy, - no there is no way I can take them with me. I will have nowhere for them to stay, my future health is uncertain, and last but not least it is way beyond my financial means. I do have a fall back plan if I can't get them adopted, which will be better than nothing, but fingers crossed I can find a family to take them. I'm getting some good responses on Facebook.So far two offers, one we have turned down and the second is in Bangkok and pending.


My valve seems to be behaving itself thank you, but I am totally without cardiac care, and I do get very winded and chesty after a 15-minute walk. I also get dizzy spells and have a number of other worrying complaints, so sadly it's time to give up the good fight and throw myself on the mercy of the British NH.



first i want to say PLEASE  CAN SOME KIND HEARTED DOG LOVER give them a new home,as we get old we get more passionate with our pets. love and loyalty are priceless.

as for your valve,the dizzy spells i still get them after 10yrs.2minutes rest and they are gone.

take care.

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Just to let everyone know that I also put an 'ad' in some Facebook groups and I got a lot of responses. Many people wanted to help and I had many offers to take individual dogs, and other offers to take all four, but not in an ideal situation. Then I had three offers that were really good, and we settled on a Brit and his Thai wife who live quite close to us.

The guy loves dogs and has experience of them in the UK and I am sure he will look after them, very well. We have visited his home, and they have seen the dogs and I think it is all going to be fine, except for the heart-wrenching experience of letting them go.


Thanks to those on this thread who offered advice, especially meatboy who really tried hard to help me out. It is much appreciated.


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Good luck with everything Mobi......


Don't feel too bad about leaving them, I brought 2 cats with me when I moved here from England, the first died within 2 months from a mystery illness ( possibly a snake bite ) the second lasted another 3 months then a Thai builders dogs got into my garden and killed her.....I truly regret not taking up a neighbours offer to keep them in England 

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  • 1 month later...

To cut a long story short, we managed to re-home the Labrador and Bulldog a few weeks ago but the two Shih Tzus were too much for the couple to handle so we took them back home. 


So we are now looking for someone to take the two little ones. To recap., they are both male, 10 years old, and have been with us since puppies.They were bought from a reputable breeder and have pedigree certificates. They have known nothing but love and are very friendly to strangers and never bark or become aggressive. They are both still very fit and active and playful and run like the wind if let loose in an open area. They normally live to around 20 years.


For those who are not familiar with the breed, they are very clean as they never shed any hair - it just grows and grows and has to be cut periodically - so they are ideal for indoor life and can even sleep on your bed with not a hair left behind.


They are both adorable and it will be a big wrench to let them go but we have no choice.


I would prefer someone in the Pattaya area so that we can visit their new home and ensure they have settled in okay.


Anyone interested can PM me.










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