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Juncker says Britain may divide EU over Brexit talks


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2 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Mr. Juncker Tear down that wall(while you still can)

Oh no, no, no. I think you will find that Mr Juncker is of the mindset that believes that walls are needed to keep people in.


He would I fancy have  felt quite at homewith the fellows who walled in the German Democratic Republic for so many years. Not least because of his regard for democracy...

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17 hours ago, CharlieK said:


That is a lame excuprematurely ever there was one! Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain should never have joined the Euro. Even France fudged the issue to qualify to join, so it was never on a solid footing from the start.


It amazes  me that with all that is going on in the EU with elections this year that remainer's think there will be an EU worth being a member of. 


Junker is even now trying to blame the UK for the EU's failings over the decades. These people aren't even able to admit their failings. 


The EU is a failed project.

And the formrr Warsaw Pact countries were invited to join EU and NATO prematurely to antagonize Russia

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21 hours ago, mfd101 said:

One can argue that Britain's departure will be the best thing that can happen to the EU: get rid of an obviously unenthusiastic member + force all the remaining members towards major reform.


First if the UK were a member of the Euro, the Euro would be a stronger currency than it is now. Lastly if the EU were really for reform then again they would have done it when the Uk threatened to leave. we have seen how successful Cameron was with that attempt prior to the Brexit vote.


In short the EU is not for reform it is for more of the same, a super federalist state, which is detached from national politics, dictating to it's satellite states what they can and can't do. The EU is it's own worst enemy.   

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6 minutes ago, CharlieK said:


First if the UK were a member of the Euro, the Euro would be a stronger currency than it is now. Lastly if the EU were really for reform then again they would have done it when the Uk threatened to leave. we have seen how successful Cameron was with that attempt prior to the Brexit vote.


In short the EU is not for reform it is for more of the same, a super federalist state, which is detached from national politics, dictating to it's satellite states what they can and can't do. The EU is it's own worst enemy.   

Except they may have little choice, bearing in mind the loss of one of the few 'paying' members.


I think what happens in forthcoming elections in other EU countries is even more important as to how much the EU is forced to change.


Juncker also has a point in that some EU countries need to trade with the UK more than others - another possible fracture point for the EU.

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On 2/12/2017 at 0:28 PM, Enoon said:


Nothing new about this "warning".


Britain has historically sought to sow dissent on the European continent as without it she could not prosper and, later, achieve a measure of hegemony.


But that was when Britain was on the "up".  The world is a very different place now and (although it will not be admitted) the proposed departure from the Union is part of the continuing "down" that Britain has been on since the imperial catastrophe of WW2.


Britain is slowly working it's way towards a modernised form of pre-nationhood (post-nationhood?), similar to the beloved, mythologised, non-national world of the (pre-Danish/Norman)....... Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in Britain.  A relatively shortlived, fragmented, combatative world of semi-tribal allegiances and antagonisms.  A world which was ripe for the Danish/Norman invasions.


This is just a reminder from Juncker.  Modern, educated, European politicians and diplomats are well aware of Britains track-record, it's true status, and of the fact that they hold all the cards.


Even though a tragically large number of (for now) "British" people are not.






Britain sowed dissent - absolute nonsense. All the countries of Europe forged their own alliances and rivalries. Germany wasn't even a country till 1870. Prior to that, when the French had imperialistic ideas under Napoleon for European domination it was Britain who led the fight for freedom. Then when the Germans, now united tried twice, under the Kaiser and then Hitler, to rule Europe by force, it was again Britain who stood by European freedom. Britain and British people want freedom and can't abide the idea of being told what to do by non elected unaccountable bureaucrats, especially when they are being told nonsense.


Juncker knows that member states don't trust Brussels EU commissions. They resent the German domination. They resent being told they must take immigrant quotas. The resent being told they must conform to Brussels political correctness. They all try and manipulate the rules to their own favor and interpretation. Some have been milking the EU for years, lying and falsifying details to get admission. Now they don't like being told they can't have it all their own way, funded by someone else. So yeah, he should be worried. 


As for telling Britain what to do. He is right Britain can't sign and use trade deals until its out of the EU. But there is nothing to stop Britain, and other member states for that matter, in talking to countries. In Britain's case they could negotiate and have an agreement ready and waiting.


As for defense, he's now following his German master's voice. Let's have a EU army, under Brussels command, loyal to the EU. Of course France will have to hand over their nuclear arsenal. So the EU becomes a nuclear power not France. Just another little move towards the Federal EU state he craves. He knows he's a toothless mouse at the moment. If (when?) things turn nasty what's he gonna do? May already reminded him in passing that Britain has a nuclear arsenal and will remain a nuclear power. I really can't see the French wanting to hand over their nuclear weapon control to Brussels to be fair. That by the way is the only way the Germans would get control of nuclear weapons. Otherwise the old allies  - Britain US France and Russia would never allow it. But EU nukes, under a German dominated "EU control" might by the way around,


There is so much mistrust, resentment and cheating in the EU that they will self destroy. Only a matter of time unless the EU commission and Brussels / Strasbourg bureaucrats can get control. But self interest and the German insistence on dominance will undermine that.

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20 hours ago, JAG said:

Oh no, no, no. I think you will find that Mr Juncker is of the mindset that believes that walls are needed to keep people in.


He would I fancy have  felt quite at homewith the fellows who walled in the German Democratic Republic for so many years. Not least because of his regard for democracy...


Probably why he gets on so well with Mrs. Merkel the former DDR Communist Party activist. So much easier when there are no opposition parties to worry about and people can be fed bullshit all the time as dissidents disappear in the night.

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