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When I was first here I got stung twice, once by a copper on a bike on the Bangkok Motorway (speeding, probably was) and once by copper on the Highway between Bangkok and Chantaburi. (red plates, cargo, wrong lane). Both times I paid too much ( 500 + 3000). Convinced of my own stupidity and determined to avoid further payments I looked into on it here and resolved that 200 was a suitable payment in the future. But the only time I got pulled over (speeding probably was), I feigned ignorance and the wife was asleep and he let me go. I then went on a journey with a wealthy Thai friend and was amused/scared shitless by his driving so I asked him what he paid  usually and he shrugged aaah 50 baht. Note I am normally a pretty safe and conservative driver, no accidents and nothing in the record back home since my early 20s. 


So since then on two occasions I have been pulled over in the Korat area for alleged speeding (probably wasn't) but they eventually let me go. In my home province Chantaburi I get pulled over by roadblocks all the time and waved through. Two weeks ago. however I got pulled over by a highwayman again in Korat. I knew it wasn't good, he had pulled over the 3 cars in front of me, and a second dude with a face mask was shaking them down. A third dude was sitting by apparently for important locals to wind their window down and chat their way out of it. The shake down main man quoted my number plate and then stated that I had moved into the right lane to pass a car without leaving 50 metres leeway on the lane change either at the start or end of the maneuver, (I couldn't tell) then mentioned nam jy, ie I should pay him for letting me go. In my head I went ballistic, but I just said, no, I'm not paying, I did nothing wrong, you cant see over 1 kilometer back up the road from here. (I know sometimes they have an observer but not this case they were pulling everyone over, I didn't see anyone do anything wrong. He then peered in the window, I had two female in laws in the back with 2 kids and he motioned for them to wind the back window down. They had this conversation in which it was agreed that the farang didn't understand and one of them gave him 100 baht.


Don't know why this time, it really stuck in my craw. What would he have done if I had refused to pay and the others had no money. Probably laboriously written out a ticket for me to go and pay. the purpose of this post, blow off, get a few responses and ask, is that really a Thai traffic offence?


If you get done for speeding on radar, it's 500bt & up depending on your speed. 

You don't have to pay but when you go to get your new tax they will take the monies from you before issuing tax.


Re traveling on the outside lane that is also an offence if you don't come over (If possible) to the slower lane. All to do with the U/Turns.


If you don't pay there and then they will issue you a ticket, take your licence away then you will have to go to 'their' local police station and retrieve it. Then pay normally more + the agro of going waiting around. Some times it's better to pay up grin & bare.


On several occasions I have got away with it by showing them I have a camera and demanding they look at same.


Even used a similar ploy twice when I was told that I had used the wrong entry getting on to the express way saying that my Sat/Nav told me to do what I had done.


Don't think the cops have any idea of how they work whatever worked for me.


Radar is a different kettle of fish that'll come through the post, and your well and truly done so pay up.

You do that at the post office. Just take your ticket and they will do the rest there is a small postage payment on top.


Tip. Always keep a 100bt note with you give them that a plead your skint. Also works.

Look on the bright side it'll cost you more + points on your licence in your own country. Here it's just a small fine.

Happy driving in the Land of smiles.


Korat does seem to have a bad reputation as far as traffic cops are concerned. They tend to stop people from other provinces as they know they won't want to stay in a lovely police station for hours paying a fine when a few Baht will get them on their way again. Same in most cities I guess.

Depending on what mood my wife is in, the police will get anything from ‎฿200 to an aching ear hole.

She makes their pencils rattle when the mood takes her, but sometimes the police come up with what are, in retrospect, quite ingenious accusations. I was told I had been changing lanes frequently, the word tea money was used. That road is full of potholes.

It's just a part of everyday Thai traffic aggravations.


If you know you're being robbed, stick to your guns. They'll let you go eventually. I just tell them I've done nothing wrong then refuse to talk any further. They soon move you on as you're in the way of them ribbing someone else.


I've encountered several of such instances even in BKK alone.. 


Case one, I was making a right turn at a junction, pass the stop line right when the traffic lights turned amber. Was stop by a policeman after the turn and was told that I ran a amber signal. He saw the camera in my car and ask if the camera was running. I replied yes it was and ask if it is wrong to run an amber signal. He said yes, I have to stop on amber. I then ask what's the difference between amber and red then. And had I stop abruptly at amber and someone were to rear end me, won't I be in the wrong. He obviously realised I wasn't going to pay up and at that point I already ask to see his commanding officer who was nowhere to be found. He let me go and reminded me to read up the traffic code, to which I replied while driving off, it's not me who should be doing the reading but you. 


Case two, this was the first time after moving back to Thailand for 4 years that I felt like the police officer was asking for a bribe. I was at the turnabout/u turn near central ladprao. Same like case one, I pass the stop line just when the amber came on. A policemen actually came to the middle of the road and insisted that I stop my car on the shoulder. He told me what I did wrong, ask if I lived in the area. I said no, he then ask if I visited the area often and I replied no. He then says, it would then be inconvenient for me to come back just to pay a fine. And stood still there. Knowing I did not do anything wrong, I proceeded to ask him to just let me off, not wanting to show him the footage on my dashcam so as not to embarrass him. He refused and say he got a job to do. I then told him that my dashcam was running at that time and he appeared confused and asked to see the footage. I show it to him, he saw when the lights turned amber and proceeded to give me a lecture about how I should have stopped on amber as if I were to have an accident then, I would be considered at fault before letting me go.. 


Lesson here, always have a dashcam, observe the rules and regulations. Whenever you get accused of something you did not do, stand your ground and show them evidence. 


Yeh I've gone from the 200 to 100. I totally don't mind the bribe tea money system when it is my favour, ie I probably was speeding, but when  I'm driving along at 95 to 100 well! The poor old truck drivers at Sa Kaeo have to pay 20 baht every time or wait until the coppers have retired for their long boozy lunch and afternoon in the love motel with mia noi (what they do best). There is usually 20 to 50 trucks lined up, fking disgraceful really

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