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Tony Blair calls for people to 'rise up' against Brexit


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2 hours ago, nauseus said:

Guardian - that explains a lot! Blair has never been correct or truthful.

But the biggest lie was that told by Heath to the people of the UK in 1972.

The EU is a scam, it's failing and it's time to get out.

In fact it was never time to get in!

You clearly have no idea what the EU has done for you and yours. Never mind, you are not alone. One day, you WILL realise....

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56 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


You have always had exactly the same opinion of Blair as I have always had. I withdrew my support for the Labour party when he became leader.

He saved Labour from oblivion after how many years in the wilderness?



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11 minutes ago, Grouse said:

You clearly have no idea what the EU has done for you and yours. Never mind, you are not alone. One day, you WILL realise....


Well you are right there, what has it done, Grouse? I certainly can't think of much.


Why don't you share? But don't repeat the same rubbish as Cameron, Clegg & Sons!



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Can't help but think that there is something/someone  behind Blair's campaign  He made many valid points, most of which were raised before when we were all shouting our arguments against Brexit.  But it's too late now, we made the Brexit mistake and now we have to live with it and move forward.  As has been said before we can't go back to the EU and say we have changed our mind because they would just treat us like sh*t.


What has overtaken our position in the EU is the Trump phenomenon.  That throws of whole EU situation up in the air.  There was always the chance that the UK choosing Brexit could trigger it's collapse (unlikely but possible) but Trump's Presidency outweighs that by quite a margin. With the elections coming up in Germany and France and the instability caused by Trump's manic rhetoric the EU is looking rockier than ever.

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7 minutes ago, nauseus said:


Well you are right there, what has it done, Grouse? I certainly can't think of much.


Why don't you share? But don't repeat the same rubbish as Cameron, Clegg & Sons!



Let me get back to my MacBook and I will explain some of the benefits. I suggest you take a seat and get a bottle of Grouse....

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3 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Can't help but think that there is something/someone  behind Blair's campaign  He made many valid points, most of which were raised before when we were all shouting our arguments against Brexit.  But it's too late now, we made the Brexit mistake and now we have to live with it and move forward.  As has been said before we can't go back to the EU and say we have changed our mind because they would just treat us like sh*t.


What has overtaken our position in the EU is the Trump phenomenon.  That throws of whole EU situation up in the air.  There was always the chance that the UK choosing Brexit could trigger it's collapse (unlikely but possible) but Trump's Presidency outweighs that by quite a margin. With the elections coming up in Germany and France and the instability caused by Trump's manic rhetoric the EU is looking rockier than ever.

Don't blame Trump - the EU has been getting rockier for years.

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14 minutes ago, superal said:

Blair =   bLiar or stranger to the truth . Given the state of his reputation he must be very thick skinned to think that his comments would be taken seriously .


He is so delusional, he doesn't realise that, as Orac so brilliantly phrased it, he is slightly less popular than Gary Glitter.

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5 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


He is so delusional, he doesn't realise that, as Orac so brilliantly phrased it, he is slightly less popular than Gary Glitter.

Yes, populism and celebrity are all that matters to the masses ?


You could try try listening to the message rather than assassinating the messenger

Edited by Grouse
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8 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Don't blame Trump - the EU has been getting rockier for years.

Read the post again.  I am not blaming Trump for the EU being under pressure I am saying that with his manic rantings and lying he is de-stabilising the world.  That has an effect on all of us.  In reality and bizarrely his input my well help the UK's Brexit position.

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54 minutes ago, Grouse said:

He saved Labour from oblivion after how many years in the wilderness?



"Saved"??  He just 'rescued' them, by turning Labour into Conservatives - necessary at the time to win elections.


His only interest has only ever been his own personal interests - but even so, I'm suprised that he still thinks that he's respected by the populace!

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26 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Yes, populism and celebrity are all that matters to the masses ?


You could try try listening to the message rather than assassinating the messenger

You don't seem to understand that Blair's opinion is worth less than xxxxx to the vast majority of Brits - for good reason....

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21 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

You don't seem to understand that Blair's opinion is worth less than xxxxx to the vast majority of Brits - for good reason....


How anyone can try to defend a man who dishonestly signed off the deaths of several hundred thousand people for personal glory and gain is beyond me.


Like I said, the mental health of some posters has me concerned.

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Seriously, there are tech problems posting here from an iPhone

OK, whenever you can. Well here's my bit in the meantime as I don't have a hectic schedule on Saturdays:


:sad: From 1973 the EEC free-trade area mutated, "ever closer", to becoming a federal state, which the people of the UK did NOT approve in the so-called referendum of 1975. Everyone thought the idea was indeed a "common market", a purely economic arrangement. Ted Heath gave that impression and in the process he effectively lied! Heath knew of the long-term plans for federalization. Initial entry into the EEC was a con, so that alone was enough reason for another vote. The EU doesn't exist or work for the UK as it was advertised.


:sad: The EU doesn't work and it is governed by an unaccountable  bureaucracy. The majority of British people showed that they want return to democracy and self-rule that the EU has progressively been eroding. The majority of British people showed that they do not want the imposition of endless regulations and laws that are not made in the UK but which override British Law. The majority of Britons still value their sovereignty. They still want to be British. Why would anyone be surprised about that? The EU doesn't work due to the very nature of its anti-democratic structure. 


:sad: The EU doesn't work. The EU is now plagued by high debt and unemployment. The EU has the worst economic performance in the developed world.


:sad: The EU doesn't work. Britain suffers a net loss of at least GBP 9 billion per year for the dubious distinction of being a member!


:sad: The EU doesn't work. Parts of the Lisbon Treaty have been ignored in order to keep Greece afloat at the expense of the richer members.


:sad: The EU doesn't work. EU (Dublin) Regulation(s) specify that asylum applications must be processed at the point of entry into the EU. Greece and Italy have failed, especially Greece to fulfill these obligations. Obviously Greece's position was made impossible by Merkel's "come on in boys" policies and I feel sorry for the Greeks and the Italians - Italy has had to deal with this problem for decades already. There is only a small percentage of real war refugees. There is a high percentage of young, mainly male, opportunists from the Middle East and Africa, who have to pay quite a lot cash up front to the people smugglers. Now I have sympathy for those who genuinely have to flee from likely harm or death ( i.e. Syria/Iraq) but this stop of border checks has allowed an out-of-control migration of millions, deep into Europe. The mass migration of 2015/6 probably swung the vote. 



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37 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


How anyone can try to defend a man who dishonestly signed off the deaths of several hundred thousand people for personal glory and gain is beyond me.


Like I said, the mental health of some posters has me concerned.

Nobody despises Blair more than me but that isn't the point is it?  He is mainly re-iterating what the remainers argued at the time.  Those arguments didn't butter any parsnips then and are unlikely to do so now.  Blair's credibility is  zero but until he is locked up he has the right to express a view the same as all the posters here.  The comments should be on what was said rather than who said them.

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

Read the post again.  I am not blaming Trump for the EU being under pressure I am saying that with his manic rantings and lying he is de-stabilising the world.  That has an effect on all of us.  In reality and bizarrely his input my well help the UK's Brexit position.

Sorry if I misread, old chap, but you did mention "EU" four times, "Trump" three times and "world" not at all!

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17 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Nobody despises Blair more than me but that isn't the point is it?  He is mainly re-iterating what the remainers argued at the time.  Those arguments didn't butter any parsnips then and are unlikely to do so now.  Blair's credibility is  zero but until he is locked up he has the right to express a view the same as all the posters here.  The comments should be on what was said rather than who said them.

Disagree - an important issue here is the credibility if the commentator - Blair? Come on! 

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

OK, whenever you can. Well here's my bit in the meantime as I don't have a hectic schedule on Saturdays:


:sad: From 1973 the EEC free-trade area mutated, "ever closer", to becoming a federal state, which the people of the UK did NOT approve in the so-called referendum of 1975. Everyone thought the idea was indeed a "common market", a purely economic arrangement. Ted Heath gave that impression and in the process he effectively lied! Heath knew of the long-term plans for federalization. Initial entry into the EEC was a con, so that alone was enough reason for another vote. The EU doesn't exist or work for the UK as it was advertised.


:sad: The EU doesn't work and it is governed by an unaccountable  bureaucracy. The majority of British people showed that they want return to democracy and self-rule that the EU has progressively been eroding. The majority of British people showed that they do not want the imposition of endless regulations and laws that are not made in the UK but which override British Law. The majority of Britons still value their sovereignty. They still want to be British. Why would anyone be surprised about that? The EU doesn't work due to the very nature of its anti-democratic structure. 


:sad: The EU doesn't work. The EU is now plagued by high debt and unemployment. The EU has the worst economic performance in the developed world.


:sad: The EU doesn't work. Britain suffers a net loss of at least GBP 9 billion per year for the dubious distinction of being a member!


:sad: The EU doesn't work. Parts of the Lisbon Treaty have been ignored in order to keep Greece afloat at the expense of the richer members.


:sad: The EU doesn't work. EU (Dublin) Regulation(s) specify that asylum applications must be processed at the point of entry into the EU. Greece and Italy have failed, especially Greece to fulfill these obligations. Obviously Greece's position was made impossible by Merkel's "come on in boys" policies and I feel sorry for the Greeks and the Italians - Italy has had to deal with this problem for decades already. There is only a small percentage of real war refugees. There is a high percentage of young, mainly male, opportunists from the Middle East and Africa, who have to pay quite a lot cash up front to the people smugglers. Now I have sympathy for those who genuinely have to flee from likely harm or death ( i.e. Syria/Iraq) but this stop of border checks has allowed an out-of-control migration of millions, deep into Europe. The mass migration of 2015/6 probably swung the vote. 



Have you done?


I was at a funeral and away from my MacBook 

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On 2/17/2017 at 6:38 PM, Jingthing said:

Article 50 isn't invoked until it's invoked. 


I'm surprised by this move by Blair but really is changing your mind really that bad if the initial decision was a bad one? 

It wasn't a bad one 

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4 hours ago, nauseus said:

From 1973 the EEC free-trade area mutated, "ever closer", to becoming a federal state, which the people of the UK did NOT approve in the so-called referendum of 1975. Everyone thought the idea was indeed a "common market", a purely economic arrangement. Ted Heath gave that impression and in the process he effectively lied!

I remember Enoch Powell explaining on television during the campaign that the ultimate destination of the EEC was a federal state.

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5 minutes ago, Richard W said:

I remember Enoch Powell explaining on television during the campaign that the ultimate destination of the EEC was a federal state.


We all, myself included, thought Powell was a right wing nutter back in the day, but he's turned out to be quite the prophet.

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5 hours ago, nauseus said:

Sorry if I misread, old chap, but you did mention "EU" four times, "Trump" three times and "world" not at all!

Ha! Ha!  I love it!  I also didn't mention that Trump was insane but that doesn't mean he isn't.  I will endeavour to monitor my word count in future.  Obviously an implication isn't sufficient!

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On 17/02/2017 at 1:03 PM, brewsterbudgen said:

Not a fan of Blair, but he talks sense and his country, the EU and the world needs him right now.

how much have you had to drink?


There are only two people who lie more than him, Bush is one and the self imposed chosen one is the other

Get real


Blair will do anything for money

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13 hours ago, nauseus said:

OK, whenever you can. Well here's my bit in the meantime as I don't have a hectic schedule on Saturdays:


:sad: From 1973 the EEC free-trade area mutated, "ever closer", to becoming a federal state, which the people of the UK did NOT approve in the so-called referendum of 1975. Everyone thought the idea was indeed a "common market", a purely economic arrangement. Ted Heath gave that impression and in the process he effectively lied! Heath knew of the long-term plans for federalization. Initial entry into the EEC was a con, so that alone was enough reason for another vote. The EU doesn't exist or work for the UK as it was advertised.


:sad: The EU doesn't work and it is governed by an unaccountable  bureaucracy. The majority of British people showed that they want return to democracy and self-rule that the EU has progressively been eroding. The majority of British people showed that they do not want the imposition of endless regulations and laws that are not made in the UK but which override British Law. The majority of Britons still value their sovereignty. They still want to be British. Why would anyone be surprised about that? The EU doesn't work due to the very nature of its anti-democratic structure. 


:sad: The EU doesn't work. The EU is now plagued by high debt and unemployment. The EU has the worst economic performance in the developed world.


:sad: The EU doesn't work. Britain suffers a net loss of at least GBP 9 billion per year for the dubious distinction of being a member!


:sad: The EU doesn't work. Parts of the Lisbon Treaty have been ignored in order to keep Greece afloat at the expense of the richer members.


:sad: The EU doesn't work. EU (Dublin) Regulation(s) specify that asylum applications must be processed at the point of entry into the EU. Greece and Italy have failed, especially Greece to fulfill these obligations. Obviously Greece's position was made impossible by Merkel's "come on in boys" policies and I feel sorry for the Greeks and the Italians - Italy has had to deal with this problem for decades already. There is only a small percentage of real war refugees. There is a high percentage of young, mainly male, opportunists from the Middle East and Africa, who have to pay quite a lot cash up front to the people smugglers. Now I have sympathy for those who genuinely have to flee from likely harm or death ( i.e. Syria/Iraq) but this stop of border checks has allowed an out-of-control migration of millions, deep into Europe. The mass migration of 2015/6 probably swung the vote. 



Informative interesting post .   It took the British folk a long time to wake up and smell the coffee . All down to one man really who told it as it was , Farage  .     Globalisation was getting closer until along came Brexit and Trump  .  

         Blair survived a vote in parliament 3 months ago to open a further investigation into the Iraq war following the outcome of the Chilcot report which criticised Blairs actions . However I do not think he is out of the woods yet . Time will tell . 

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