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Bannon emerges from White House to appeal for conservatives to unite behind Trump


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6 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Absolutely not.  No easy answers here.  Just like saying we only manufacture in China because there are no pollution laws.  That's not entirely the case.


No easy answers.  Sadly, the POTUS is not aggressively going after this.  Education is a key for improving our society.

Our Universities are a complete joke now and I can't see how they can get any less efficient. I lived in a university town and there are around a hundred or so professors that are on permanent sabbatical drawing six figure incomes to go fishing. The waste is phenomenal. And the chance program is a total farce as most only live there for a couple years with free room and board but you never see them on campus, then when they wear out their welcome there they are now citizens of your county and entitled to free schooling at your junior college and all assistance from your local tax dollars, after they wear that out things get even worse. No there is no easy answers and that is precisely why the status quo has to step aside as we try a hard answer. As for grade schools and high schools maybe we need higher paid teachers as to attract some real talent into the mix. If you say you are studying to be a teacher people assume that you are not very bright and are usually right.

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8 hours ago, Grubster said:

Yes and the fact that the Chinese worker can produce our goods at a much lower price than our workers can is hinged on that pollution, lack of worker rights etc. etc.  Some here think its because the american worker is greedy and lazy.  I haven't seen any workers that can compete one on one with the american worker.   Big business does not care about any of that, its bottom line only and its time they get punished for that.

You should really acquaint yourself with the concept of Purchasing Power Parity.

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I've read two of Neil Howe's books, Generations and The Fourth Turning. While the future is not cast in stone I've found his theses to be right more often than not and he certainly provides food for thought for anyone who cares to think.



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1 hour ago, thaihome said:



Good article for those unsure exactly what Bannon meant and what his political agenda is.  For me, it's pretty scary.



Stephen K. Bannon's CPAC comments,  annotated and explained. 


Very scary.  From the article.



Economic nationalism is formally defined as encompassing domestic control of the economy, protectionist policies such as tariffs and opposition to trade and immigration.


‘Deconstruction of the Administrative State’

“The third, broadly, line of work is deconstruction of the administrative state. ... If you look at these cabinet appointees, they were selected for a reason and that is the deconstruction.


This is a core argument of populist leaders, who typically rise by promising to oppose institutions, which are blamed for society’s problems. But in practice, they often consolidate power away from those institutions for themselves.



Sad that many don't seem to see this.  That last is what we are seeing prominently now.

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