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Academy Awards


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I just love watching the Oscars--and I'm really rooting for a couple of great films this year (La La Land-- NOT!)


I find myself smack-dab in the midst of a house move, and won't be able to tune in on True Visions this year.


I doubt there are any pub-related Oscar events (too early), but thought I'd ask here anyway--just in case.


Assuming there are no public viewings, does anybody know of an Oscar party I can crash?  I'LL BRING FOOD!


Thanks in advance for replies or PMs.

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I SO wanted to love La La Land.  But a paper-thin plot, actors who couldn't truly sing nor dance (although I absolutely appreciated their earnestness), and  no memorable songs left me feeling that a revamp of the great musicals of the past should be left, well..in the past.


But it did come at a time that people really needed a sweet, uplifting film.


And it was beautiful to look at (saw it in the big screen here--had to wear ear plugs--what's up with the volume in theatres here?) 


And I DID enjoy it--and it will probably sweep the Awards, but...


MOONLIGHT... What a film...!


And my personal favorite-- MANCHESTER BY  THE SEA


It will be interesting to see if #oscarssowhite will make for a backlash vote this year.


I'll probably be looking at the highlights on YouTube later...sigh.

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I don't boycott the movies but will be skipping it for the political rants. Usually hypocrites before they drive off in a limousine to the private jet.

So they should say nothing about something as dangerous as the current American administration? Surely that would be more hypocritical. George Clooney for POTUS!
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