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Video: Impatient driver goes for gap that wasn't there and pays the penalty


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6 minutes ago, gemguy said:

I do not disagree with what you are say ...but we , as in many people here are analyzing the cause of the accident and all the factors involved and it is clear BOTH drivers caused the accident and in this case more or less equally caused by both of them.

As I said before in a previous post: Had the driver of the pick up not been speeding at all and doing nothing wrong you can see the taxi driver recklessly merged into the lane without any regard to the flow of traffic while he is driving the way all too many Thai drivers drive and doing what ever suits them regardless of the rules and regulations and laws.

You see this practised on a regular basis while I surmise that the overwhelming majority of Thai drivers have no idea at all what right of way means and its importance concerning defensive driving conduct.

In this case the right of way law was totally ignored by the taxi driver, so definitely he is also at fault .

Talk about the perfect combination of bad timing concerning both drivers recklessly endangering one another and those around them.  

If you watch the video... you will see that there is only one vehicle that is not traveling at the same speed as the rest of the traffic.... that vehicle had enough speed to get airborne.... that vehicle is now scrap metal


that said... only a couple of the above 270 posts, have said that the taxi driver is blameless... he is not


however... he is of less to blame, as his transgressions are of a lessor nature.

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On 07/03/2017 at 6:57 AM, KMartinHandyman said:

Looks like he refused to slow down and allow the taxi to merge. Instead he tried to go around the taxi and got boxed.


Seeing as it was the taxi  in the merging lane would it not be the taxi who refused to slow down?  Not that he was driving correctly anyway, he was undertaking and probably speeding.

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I believe the taxi driver could not estimate the excessive speed of the truck just with a glance at his side mirror. He might have seen the truck and judging that the distance it was behind gave him time to merge safely. And the truck had plenty of time to slow down but did not. By watching the two videos, it is clear that the truck driver was not watching carefully where he was going, may-be busy doing something else like using his phone and he reacted too late.

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50 minutes ago, sumrit said:

Have you bothered to watch the video of the accident, posted in this thread, that was taken from the opposite direction?

It clearly shows that there was loads off space on the inside (to the left) of the taxi driver. There was no need for the taxi driver to attempt to move to his right when he did so, he could have safely carried on in his own lane until the pick up had passed and there was a safe space to move in to. It appears that the Taxi driver attempted to change lanes before he needed to because he never bothered to look to see if that lane was clear. 

I take it your referring to the video taken from the front, that shows the blue pickup, weaving dangerously and at high speeds, thru traffic.


why are you so willing to excuse this behavior.


we don't know what happened to the occupants of the truck.... they are probably severely injured, maimed or dead, due to the driving behavior that you are attempting to excuse.


nowhere in the world is this behavior acceptable... nowhere


really?... have you bothered to consider the actions of the pickup driver, whilst asking if others have been bothered to watch that video showing such atrocious disregard for other road users... other human beings... one day perhaps you or your kin, should that driver ever take to the roads again.

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2 hours ago, sumrit said:

Have you bothered to watch the video of the accident, posted in this thread, that was taken from the opposite direction?

It clearly shows that there was loads off space on the inside (to the left) of the taxi driver. There was no need for the taxi driver to attempt to move to his right when he did so, he could have safely carried on in his own lane until the pick up had passed and there was a safe space to move in to. It appears that the Taxi driver attempted to change lanes before he needed to because he never bothered to look to see if that lane was clear. 

Have I bothered to watch the video? No, I just made everything up from my vivid imagination. 


On reflection, I can see where you are coming from ... a maniac in a blue truck undertakes traffic at high speed heading into built up traffic and traffic filtering from the left and keeps on going at high speed until he smashes into a taxi driver driving at a sensible speed with virtually no chance of anticipating and avoiding the maniac hurtling towards him.


Conclusion - the taxi driver is wholly responsible? 


There's a post above [ID 269] detailing Section 43 of the Thai Highway Code - you might want to read it?
















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7 hours ago, wgdanson said:

So please, what if I am on a two lane highway, speed limit 90, on the left hand lane and there is a 'tosser' tootling along at 50 on the right hand lane, what do I do? Go up his arse tooting my horn and flashing lights, or break the law and 'undertake'.

Undertaking in most countries is illegal unless you are in the lane moving off the main road you are on. The UK has recently introduced, at long last, the offense of not moving over into the inside lanes when you can.

But we are of course wasting out breath here as no laws are enforced.

For me I would say: undertake with great caution and do not make a scene.

Stay safe...

Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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10 hours ago, Artisi said:

and if the taxi driver had driven responsibly and applied a little bit of pre-thought before driving into a lane already containing a vehicle when there wouldn't have been an incident.

Mirrors only show you what is happening directly behind you. Objects coming towards you from behind at a 45 degree angle are invisible. The only way you would have any chance of seeing them is with the head over the shoulder check, and how many times do you do that before filtering on? Once? Maybe twice if you are a very careful driver. More than that and you stand a chance of being caught out by something happening in front of you. The taxi driver would have had to have been performing his head over the shoulder check at the precise moment that the pick-up flew into view as it performed its erratic swerve from the middle lane to the inside lane, to have had any chance of applying pre-thought.

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Undertaking in most countries is illegal unless you are in the lane moving off the main road you are on. The UK has recently introduced, at long last, the offense of not moving over into the inside lanes when you can.
But we are of course wasting out breath here as no laws are enforced.
For me I would say: undertake with great caution and do not make a scene.
Stay safe...

Who cares about most countries? It is legal here in Thailand.

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11 hours ago, farcanell said:

I take it your referring to the video taken from the front, that shows the blue pickup, weaving dangerously and at high speeds, thru traffic.


why are you so willing to excuse this behavior.


we don't know what happened to the occupants of the truck.... they are probably severely injured, maimed or dead, due to the driving behavior that you are attempting to excuse.


nowhere in the world is this behavior acceptable... nowhere


really?... have you bothered to consider the actions of the pickup driver, whilst asking if others have been bothered to watch that video showing such atrocious disregard for other road users... other human beings... one day perhaps you or your kin, should that driver ever take to the roads again.


From what I can find out, all passengers are alive but two may still be in hospital. All the more amazing as the truck hit a service pole on the way down - impact to pole not near the cab and this might have actually saved them - truck upside down on hard ground but cab not crushed too badly. They are lucky folks.


I guess the truck driver will get some extra amulets after this as they obviously work well! If he can't find any good ones then he could try slowing down instead, that works too!   

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How can so many people view the same two videos and come to widely differing opinions on which driver is to blame for the outcome. If you have another look at the front on video you should noticed that when the pickup was between the taxi and the other vehicle there was room to make it through but there was an obvious move to it's left resulting in it being clipped on it's left rear and we all saw the end result.Maybe the driver misjudged the manoeuvre to move to the left before crossing back to the outside lane.


My advice to all here is to let the law and insurance companies sort this one out rather than the I'm right and you're wrong  attitude that has prevailed here.

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37 minutes ago, Gobbledegook said:

How can so many people view the same two videos and come to widely differing opinions on which driver is to blame for the outcome. If you have another look at the front on video you should noticed that when the pickup was between the taxi and the other vehicle there was room to make it through but there was an obvious move to it's left resulting in it being clipped on it's left rear and we all saw the end result.Maybe the driver misjudged the manoeuvre to move to the left before crossing back to the outside lane.


My advice to all here is to let the law and insurance companies sort this one out rather than the I'm right and you're wrong  attitude that has prevailed here.

pure gobbledegook

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1 hour ago, Gobbledegook said:

How can so many people view the same two videos and come to widely differing opinions on which driver is to blame for the outcome. If you have another look at the front on video you should noticed that when the pickup was between the taxi and the other vehicle there was room to make it through but there was an obvious move to it's left resulting in it being clipped on it's left rear and we all saw the end result.Maybe the driver misjudged the manoeuvre to move to the left before crossing back to the outside lane.


My advice to all here is to let the law and insurance companies sort this one out rather than the I'm right and you're wrong  attitude that has prevailed here.

We are here to exchange viewpoints and debate or argue same.... that's the point of these threads..


thanks for your viewpoint though... that's the spirit ?

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On 3/8/2017 at 6:52 PM, Ron19 said:

That is another thing, I have not seen anything at all about the condition of the occupants of the pickup, unusual.

They were toast Ron. No chance and by the look of the wreckage, very quick. 




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7 hours ago, nauseus said:


From what I can find out, all passengers are alive but two may still be in hospital. All the more amazing as the truck hit a service pole on the way down - impact to pole not near the cab and this might have actually saved them - truck upside down on hard ground but cab not crushed too badly. They are lucky folks.


I guess the truck driver will get some extra amulets after this as they obviously work well! If he can't find any good ones then he could try slowing down instead, that works too!   

Here it is... amazing as it may seem

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6 minutes ago, stevenl said:

According to earlier posts here your statement is incorrect.

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You post is unclear Steven as to which posts, what is incorrect and how this is so. I was responding to the outcome of the accident here and do not see your connection .


Previously, I  suggested that i thought the pickup was at fault. Speed and an unmitigated sense of presence did not preserve safety first. Clearly, he had more options and executed the worst at hand. THe taxi had merged, albeit badly but the lane split with no discernible deacceleration very high on the reasons for impact and trauma. The fact he was going too fast and not alert even to a less than perfect freeway merger is the point. Even the new video leaves nothing in the academic argument bin for me re the pickup. He was a dill on a race track.

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6 minutes ago, optad said:

You post is unclear Steven as to which posts, what is incorrect and how this is so. I was responding to the outcome of the accident here and do not see your connection .


Previously, I  suggested that i thought the pickup was at fault. Speed and an unmitigated sense of presence did not preserve safety first. Clearly, he had more options and executed the worst at hand. THe taxi had merged, albeit badly but the lane split with no discernible deacceleration very high on the reasons for impact and trauma. The fact he was going too fast and not alert even to a less than perfect freeway merger is the point. Even the new video leaves nothing in the academic argument bin for me re the pickup. He was a dill on a race track.

Whilst agreeing 100% with your take on the accident... stevenl was referring to post 281 ( which I reposted for you at 290)


i dont know where nauseus got his info.... but it is feedback in reply to one of my earlier posts, which may well be correct

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16 hours ago, kannot said:

Id  suggest you  look very hard in the  mirror

Really. Only reason I ask is because if I am driving that cab and you are driving the pick up or visa versa. I will still be alive, your last memory will be crashing into a concrete barrier and flying before dying.

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Undertaking, weaving and speeding, all while talking on a mobile, are legal here as nobody enforces the laws there are...
I say again, please drive with care.

No. Undertaking is legal, weaving, speeding and talking on a mobile are not. Please refrain from posting nonsense.

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