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World scorns Thai lies on rights, democracy


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7 minutes ago, bangkokorbust said:

The 24 hours was for baboon.

So when should have they gone in exactly? Don't you think the country needs to sort out its political problems without calling in the army straight away?

Why, what did I say about 24 hours?

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29 minutes ago, bangkokorbust said:

The 24 hours was for baboon.

So when should have they gone in exactly? Don't you think the country needs to sort out its political problems without calling in the army straight away?

Of course ! Nowhere did I claim the army should get involved in any of this, unfortunately they did interfere without being asked by anyone in authority.  The Thai army isn't known for their problem solving capabilities, quite on the contrary, when they interfere innocent Thai civilians usually pay for it with their lives..


Had they not interfered, the country would have elected a new government and the economy and the human rights situation would most probably be massively better than now.

Edited by sjaak327
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24 hours? That has never happened. That's a dictatorship. People must be allowed to protest. What your suggesting is the worst case scenario. Total oppression
Not even in Egypt did that happen
It's exactly what would happen in north Korea
I've never heard of the army stepping in the first day anywhere on the planet
You are actually pro communism.

You have totally misunderstood my point.

I was a bit perplexed as to how.

Then I read the last line of your post

Of course - the commies arguement - trumps sensible debate every time!
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3 minutes ago, JAG said:

You have totally misunderstood my point.

I was a bit perplexed as to how.

Then I read the last line of your post

Of course - the commies arguement - trumps sensible debate every time!

'Wilfully Misinterpreted' might be the key phrase here. It was a pretty difficult post to misunderstand, even if the reader disagreed with what you said...

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I think the US needs to look in the mirror before sticking their noses in other countries affairs.A daily back flip from Trump and the investigations into most of his cabinet by US defence and intelligence agencies. The US has its own very large problems and record debt to worry about. Maybe it is the US that needs to stick to its own problems and not make more enemies around the world.

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3 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

I think the US needs to look in the mirror before sticking their noses in other countries affairs.A daily back flip from Trump and the investigations into most of his cabinet by US defence and intelligence agencies. The US has its own very large problems and record debt to worry about. Maybe it is the US that needs to stick to its own problems and not make more enemies around the world.

Should The Nation, whose article this is, also stop sticking their nose in?

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1 minute ago, baboon said:

Should The Nation, whose article this is, also stop sticking their nose in?

The Nation has the right to report anything they see fit to. It is the US that has no right to make reports on other countries until it cleans up its own mess.

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7 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

The Nation has the right to report anything they see fit to. It is the US that has no right to make reports on other countries until it cleans up its own mess.

Shooting the messenger even though the message is accurate and cannot be denied.


At least the citizens in the US are free to elect their senators, member of parliament and their president. Human rights are not trembled upon there either. Safe to say that compared to Thailand they have cleaned up their own mess...

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7 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

The Nation has the right to report anything they see fit to. It is the US that has no right to make reports on other countries until it cleans up its own mess.

Why? Nobody has to pay any heed if they don't want to and it isn't like The Nation were condemning the report. What are you so upset about?

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7 minutes ago, baboon said:

Why? Nobody has to pay any heed if they don't want to and it isn't like The Nation were condemning the report. What are you so upset about?

I am certainly not upset. I just find high and mighty claims by other countries to be totally hypocritical when these countries are sloshing around in their own moral muck.

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7 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

I am certainly not upset. I just find high and mighty claims by other countries to be totally hypocritical when these countries are sloshing around in their own moral muck.

Fair enough. Which countries would you support which issued a damning report on the junta and their human rights record?

Do you also champion the right of the Thai media to be as scathing as they wish to be?

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You want me to back over lets say the last 15 years and look at US human right abuses. No country such as the US with such a filthy record should throw stones. When they clean up the prison in Cuba, stop their police from shooting dead unarmed suspects - the list is so long with human rights abuses. And the US has the moral temerity to sling mud at other countries. I find it astounding that the US believes it is so morally clean. When they clean up their own mess, perhaps apologise for the wars they illegally started on trumped up information (or should that be Trumped up), then they may not have the clay feet that that is the foundation of their so called civilisation.  

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No, I asked which countries would you support which issued a damning report on the junta and their human rights record?

Do you also champion the right of the Thai media to be as scathing as they wish to be?

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2 minutes ago, baboon said:

No, I asked which countries would you support which issued a damning report on the junta and their human rights record?

Do you also champion the right of the Thai media to be as scathing as they wish to be?

Ok, the countries I would support throwing mud at another country would be those that have no human right abuses of their own and no blood on their hands. Or do you believe that Thailand has the right to publicly  call the US out for what it is. A morally superior hypocritical nation that loves tossing mud at other countries and denying everything that their country of truth, justice and the american way does all the time. That is/was my only point and I see no point debating it any further.

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13 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

Ok, the countries I would support throwing mud at another country would be those that have no human right abuses of their own and no blood on their hands. Or do you believe that Thailand has the right to publicly  call the US out for what it is. A morally superior hypocritical nation that loves tossing mud at other countries and denying everything that their country of truth, justice and the american way does all the time. That is/was my only point and I see no point debating it any further.

But which countries? 

It looks to me like you aren't debating anything, merely slagging off the US, flawed and certainly not above criticism though it is.

Do I believe Thailand has the right to call the US out? Absolutely, and as vocally as they wish. Why do you think it is that they might not choose to do so at the moment? 


Do you also champion the right of the Thai media to be as scathing as they wish to be about the junta and their human rights record?


Reason for edit: Crappy South Korean spellchecker with a mind of its own. You ought to see some of these so called 'corrections'...



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16 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

O)ne thing I have learnt in my many years here is that Thais don't give a damn what the outside world thinks. Thailand is the centre of the universe and everyone else is wrong. So they will continue to keep the masses stupid and ignorant, keep telling everyone that Thailand is the hub of hubs and has the best of everything. Then continue on what they have been doing for decades.

Speaking of center of the universe, a few years back I was chatting with my Thai lady friend and I happened to have my little phone book and it had some world maps in there showing the time zones, and the little maps were to scale.  I showed her how Thailand compared to some of the sizes of some USA States.  She studied the little maps and then said "I thought Thailand was big".  Actually Thailand is fairly large compared to some places, but I think she really for the first time started thinking of Thailand in relation to the rest of the world

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Meanwhile back in LaLa Land.... The world just does not understand Thainess. Looks like the reeducation seminars are going to be full for some time.


It's not LaLa Land. It's Kalaland. Meaning the Thai peoples knowlegde and view of the outside world is on par with having spent their whole lives under a coconut shell. The Thai word for coconut shell: Kala. In Thai language: กะลา 'k(g)alla'

Sent from my SM-N920C using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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The lying and denial is the prime driver of the Thai psyche. No one admits when they are wrong and so they just lie. Go to court here and you will hear and see lying at a whole new level. It is quite obvious but not given much weight against the liars - I guess because it is just what you expect from a Thai. And then complaints about the saying 'Don't Thai to me'

Totally agree. That's the main reason I have installed the latest HD dashcam front and back in my new car. I can just imagine what would happen if a Thai driver crashed into me....

Sent from my SM-N920C using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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I have lived here for more than 10 years and will continue to live here; for those respondents who find Thailand not up to their homeland standards - go back and see how that has changed while you were away. Put up or shut up - the Thais will decide if they want to control or be controlled.
All I see on Thai Visa is moan, moan, moan

You must be some kind of special person. After 10 years in Kalaland you are still blind...

Sent from my SM-N920C using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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How does it affect you? And yes maybe you were not in Thailand at the the time but it was close to civil war so yeah good they stepped in unless of course you prefer thousands dead.

The only people making a song and dance are farang.. So keep your nose out of it, your just a tourist.. Or like you said go elsewhere in Asia. Up to you

For me as a 'farang' whoevers in charge in Thailand does not affect me. But for the Thai people? Well they are slaves of the 0.1% mafia elite. They are unfortunately accustomed to this for centuries. So not much change for them. True. But are we wrong feeling sorry for them and trying to convey the truth to them? I give you a quote from Goethe which is so true regarding Thailand:

"The best slave is the one who thinks he is free"

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sent from my SM-N920C using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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9 hours ago, clifric said:

I have lived here for more than 10 years and will continue to live here; for those respondents who find Thailand not up to their homeland standards - go back and see how that has changed while you were away. Put up or shut up - the Thais will decide if they want to control or be controlled.


All I see on Thai Visa is moan, moan, moan


and that includes you - not moaning just saying .....:sleepy:

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1 hour ago, spiderorchid said:

Ok, the countries I would support throwing mud at another country would be those that have no human right abuses of their own and no blood on their hands. Or do you believe that Thailand has the right to publicly  call the US out for what it is. A morally superior hypocritical nation that loves tossing mud at other countries and denying everything that their country of truth, justice and the american way does all the time. That is/was my only point and I see no point debating it any further.

Good, as there are numerous countries, the VN and human rights watch that say the exact same thing. Whilst the US might have blood on their hands, a US citizen that is critical of Trump and his government is NOT going to be rounded up with some Humvee, transported to an undisclosed location and subsequently tried by a military court for whatever reason.


So yes the US as such has every right to criticise the current Junta for their blatant civil rights absument against innocent Thai citizens. I am shocked at this attempt to deflect the issue, it's tasteless and totally out of place.

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But, the people are the happiest in the world. Go figure.

A survey says they are the happiest in the world...

Ask the right questions, of the right people and you will get the right answer.
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21 hours ago, louse1953 said:

I will tell you one thing for free,he is far and away better than the alternative.Another 10 years for me.

Cool if you say so, we all have our opinions.

Question,  you claim he is "far and away  better than the alternative."    What alternative are you talking about?

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