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State of Hawaii to challenge Trump's new travel ban


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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

I accept the fact Trump won the election but he used lies; deceit; and playing upon people's fears and prejudices. In addition, he was up against a poor candidate. 

Most of Trump's 'election promises'  are not only the wrong approach but will set America back and cost jobs not provide them.

1.  Building a wall along the border will cost several Billions of Dollars and not keep a committed terrorist out -but will keep out Mexican labor who is needed to harvest crops; work in processing plants and do general labor work. Americans won't do these jobs because they are minimum wage. Mexico will fight back- it will stop buying American products and seek alternatives. Mexico is America's 3rd largest trading partner and is predicted to have the 9th largest economy by 2030. A real business man would already know this and realize that what America really needs is an Immigration policy that legalizes the vast majority of the illegal immigrants and provides a work Visa program that allows legal entry. Even Thailand has figured this out and provides legal entry to millions of labor from surrounding countries.


2.  Deportation-  Everyone wants people convicted of a felony deported- rapists, murderers etc. However, what is now happening is that people with no arrest record and children are being picked up and sent for deportation and parents being separated from their children.  This so called program is not what the American people want nor voted for Trump to do. Trump's deportation system will cost the US taxpayers many Billions of Dollars and separate children from parents and this is cruel and inhuman.

3.  Repeal of Obama Care-  Instead of taking Obamacare and fixing its problems- he is repealing  it and replacing it with a plan that will cost more and throw about 10 million currently insured back into the uninsured. His new plan is disliked by hospitals and doctors as well as members of his own party.

If he had any ethics or 'guts' he would declare healthcare a human right and go to a single payer system in the same manner that every other industrialize country in the World has. That would be universal healthcare and would be paid through payroll deductions for those working and free to the unemployed and those over 65. This would immediately lower prices .

4.  Where is the $trillion dollar infrastructure project?- Trump said this was a done deal and America's roads; airports; bridges etc would be upgraded and Americans put back to work.  Seems his Republican House and Senate don't want to fund it.

5.  Where are the jobs that he is bringing back to the US from abroad?  I don't see the I phone which is made in China bringing production back to the US or the so called trillions of dollars parked offshore by greedy big business moving into the US. Where is the tax reduction program.

Instead- Trump is feuding with Arnold S about nonsense; telling us the media is an 'enemy'; and now accusing President Obama (who actually was a real President) of taping his phones and office without any proof .  However, that is how this man operates- he is a congenital liar and a meglomaniac narcissist that seeks only his own selfish aims and he is destroying the values of the American Nation .

The people who voted for him were sold a bunch of crap and those that didn't vote for him almost 3 million more votes than he got knew exactly what he was. Oh . I forgot, Donald says he actually won the popular vote because almost 3 million illegals were allowed to vote and all voted against him. 

Good Lord- can it get any worse?


I could not have put that better myself , excellent. You did however leave out that he apparently likes Russian prostitutes peeing on him, so what a p*ss artist he is

Edited by whatawonderfulday
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4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually, it's been pointed out that had he invested that 200 million in index funds, that's about as much as he would have today.  Also, how do you know that Trump is worth 3.7 billion dollars. Have you seen his tax returns?

I posted the link to Forbes magazine regarding Mr. Trump's net worth. 

Index funds?  Who gives a rip?  You may consider Mr. Trump an average man of business; go ahead and do that. 

He has major real estate holdings globally; it is not necessarily an apples to apples comparison with funds.

Tax returns and net worth are not necessarily going to be identical in value when you have major business interests.

Please give it up on tax returns.  

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Why should the anti-trump resistance give up on demanding that trump release his tax returns? He's obviously hiding something very damaging. The American people have a right to know. It's tragic he didn't do it before the election, but too late for that. 

Decent Americans don't want an autocratic dictator which trump clearly thinks he can be. The challenge now is to DUMP this mistake before he causes PERMANENT damage to the more fragile than we thought precious American democracy. 

Yes, the CEO of a family based business is basically a dictator. trump never applied for a job, never had to answer to even stockholders. 

So that's how he thinks. DICTATOR mode.

Edited by Jingthing
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14 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

If he is so wonderful at business why won't he release his tax returns for the last 20 years so we can all see how much he has made and from whom.  I would venture to say his returns will show he is not as wealthy as he says he is and some of his business dealings are with people or countries of questionable status and reputation.

Frankly speaking- there are many people on the board who could take $200 million and turn it into a lot more than Trump has.

I actually don't care how much he has but he has a reputation of using bankruptcy laws as they were not intended; not paying debts to contractors or severance to his workers when he declares bankruptcy; using the eminent domain laws to force elderly people out of their homes and generally lacks anything that resembles ethical behavior.

To me and many millions of other- he is downright a lousy human being and does not represent the values of the majority of the American people. I am not alone in this belief- Trump lost the popular vote by almost 3 million showing he has no mandate for his presidency.

Such hubris. Knocking down a successful man worth billions of USD and saying ThaiVisa Forum members could outperform if. If they were better than him, they would have figured out a way to make millions of dollars without being staked by an inheritance.  Believe this: if those ethereal members could have hundreds or ten of millions, they would have. But they couldn't, so they didn't.

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U.S. judge allows Hawaii to challenge Trump's new travel ban

By Mica Rosenberg and Dan Levine




U.S. President Donald Trump attends a meeting with U.S. House Deputy Whip team at the East room of the White House in Washington, U.S. March 7, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria


(Reuters) - The state of Hawaii can sue over President Donald Trump's new executive order temporarily banning the entry of refugees and travellers from six Muslim-majority countries, a federal judge ruled on Wednesday.


Full story: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/972771-us-judge-allows hawaii to-challenge-trumps-new-travel-ban/

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No one cares really what his net worth is- what we care about is when is he going to do something that benefits the struggling middle class; the poor and stop insulting people of good faith who are trying to make him understand not everything he says is correct or the right approach. This man has insulted The Pope; the Australian Prime Minister; the Japanese; the Koreans; the Mexicans and these are America's friends.

I am beginning to really believe he is mentally unstable and should be removed from the Presidency using the 25th Amendment.

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Just now, Ramen087 said:

Such hubris. Knocking down a successful man worth billions of USD and saying ThaiVisa Forum members could outperform if. If they were better than him, they would have figured out a way to make millions of dollars without being staked by an inheritance.  Believe this: if those ethereal members could have hundreds or ten of millions, they would have. But they couldn't, so they didn't.

He's rich so he should be president. Got it. trumpist logic. No point in even trying to refute believers in that. 

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15 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

Absolutely hilarious response; thank you.  I haven't laughed so much and had a smile on my face while typing this in at least a decade. He's not a good businessman (uh, rrrright), but he turned two hundred million dollars inherited from his dad (as per previous post claims) into THREE POINT SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS. Yup, he sucks at it.

No doubt Trump made money on real estate deals. But the fact that he failed at so many other ventures tells you he is not a good businessmen. His net worth is mainly from the buildings that was own during his fathers period and passed on to him. Under his own control, he lost many properties due to bankruptcy and poor management. Perhaps you should do more research.


He is worth how many billion yet he hasn't pay income tax for close to two decades. Wow....what a legit model citizen he is.


The fact that he has over 2000 lawsuits against him shows the type of businessman he is. Frankly name me another billionaire who has this many lawsuits because he has failed to pay for contracted work / broke terms of his contract.


You must be very proud of individuals like this.... good for you then.






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On 3/8/2017 at 9:25 AM, craigt3365 said:

And so it begins.  Rather than focus on important matters, Trump continues down this path. 

It's the right path and worth some effort.


Do you really think Trump can focus on only one thing at a time? You know how hard the man works - that's why he's president. Do you think he was spending sleepless nights in the oval office trying to draft the new executive order? That's the fun of being president - he delegates.



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1 hour ago, tropo said:

It's the right path and worth some effort.


Do you really think Trump can focus on only one thing at a time? You know how hard the man works - that's why he's president. Do you think he was spending sleepless nights in the oval office trying to draft the new executive order? That's the fun of being president - he delegates.

I hear ya, but Trump so far has proven he has NO experience in government.  Which is NOTHING like running a business.  Yes, he's OK at running a business.  So far, not OK at running the country.  He's accomplished little.  Especially considering the rhetoric during the campaigns when he said he knew more about almost everything than anybody else.  That's proving not to be true.


Worth a read:





What Trump has done (and mostly not done) from his first 100 days agenda

A frenetic pace, but relatively little action.

It’s entirely possible that this is simply a slow start as a consequence of inexperience, and we’ll look back two or four years later and see an enormously consequential list of achievements Trump can claim credit (or blame) for. But so far, it’s an administration that’s been long on drama and somewhat short on substance.



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Yes, and as soon as the "forgotten people" that trump dedicated his campaign to realize they're getting hit hard by his kleptocratic policies for the super rich, he's going to be even more unpopular, and the way he'll probably deal with that is war. 

This is a dangerous situation. Tragic so many people were conned by the master con man -- trump. 

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

I hear ya, but Trump so far has proven he has NO experience in government.   


Why does Trump have to prove he has NO experience in government. LOL. I'm sure Trump wouldn't dispute that either.


How much has any new president achieved in 7 weeks? What did you expect? I think he's doing well.





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4 hours ago, mike324 said:

No doubt Trump made money on real estate deals. But the fact that he failed at so many other ventures tells you he is not a good businessmen. His net worth is mainly from the buildings that was own during his fathers period and passed on to him. Under his own control, he lost many properties due to bankruptcy and poor management. Perhaps you should do more research.


He is worth how many billion yet he hasn't pay income tax for close to two decades. Wow....what a legit model citizen he is.


The fact that he has over 2000 lawsuits against him shows the type of businessman he is. Frankly name me another billionaire who has this many lawsuits because he has failed to pay for contracted work / broke terms of his contract.


You must be very proud of individuals like this.... good for you then.

You know very little about me and to assume I am proud or not of Mr. Trump is mindboggling. The USA is a very litigious society and your assumption he must be doing something illegal or unethical because he avoided tax liabilities is weird. Everyone takes advantage of the tax code in the USA to their best advantage . If you have a problem with his avoidance, place the blame where it belongs -----> On the people in the US Congress and US Senate who created the monstrosity that is has become. As far as naming other billionaires  with lawsuits against them... this isn't contest or standard by which to judge businessmen. When more billionaires join the Congress, Senate, White House I might begin to care.

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1 minute ago, Ramen087 said:

You know very little about me and to assume I am proud or not of Mr. Trump is mindboggling. The USA is a very litigious society and your assumption he must be doing something illegal or unethical because he avoided tax liabilities is weird. Everyone takes advantage of the tax code in the USA to their best advantage . If you have a problem with his avoidance, place the blame where it belongs -----> On the people in the US Congress and US Senate who created the monstrosity that is has become. As far as naming other billionaires  with lawsuits against them... this isn't contest or standard by which to judge businessmen. When more billionaires join the Congress, Senate, White House I might begin to care.

How many plead no contest to a civil fraud lawsuit?

How many pursue baseless legal cases against people simply as a means of revenge?

This is a man without honor.

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10 hours ago, tropo said:

Why does Trump have to prove he has NO experience in government. LOL. I'm sure Trump wouldn't dispute that either.


How much has any new president achieved in 7 weeks? What did you expect? I think he's doing well.

Research what Obama did his first day in office.  Incredible.  Trump has created more turmoil than any other president in recent history.  That's a fact.  And this travel ban is proof of that.  It accomplishes almost nothing other than create lawsuits.  There are more important things to focus on.  Sadly, Bannon is behind Trump pushing this one.

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19 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Research what Obama did his first day in office.  Incredible.  Trump has created more turmoil than any other president in recent history.  That's a fact.  And this travel ban is proof of that.  It accomplishes almost nothing other than create lawsuits.  There are more important things to focus on.  Sadly, Bannon is behind Trump pushing this one.


The turmoil is being created by you and millions of other sore losers who wanted a Clinton presidency instead. That's the sad part.


I haven't posted in a Trump thread for ages and I'll take my leave again... it's too sad hearing you all constantly whining about his every move. You all try your best to put a negative spin on everything he does. How long are you guys going to keep this up? 8 years of this will take a toll on your health.

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5 minutes ago, tropo said:

The turmoil is being created by you and millions of other sore losers who wanted a Clinton presidency instead. That's the sad part.


I haven't posted in a Trump thread for ages and I'll take my leave again... it's too sad hearing you all constantly whining about his every move. You all try your best to put a negative spin on everything he does. How long are you guys going to keep this up? 8 years of this will take a toll on your health.

Enough with the sore losers.  That's a deflection and trolling.  The turmoil is being created by Trump.  I wasn't against him until now.  I find it amazing some can't see the turmoil he's created.


I don't try to put a negative spin on anything.  The OP here is about Hawaii suing against Trump's new travel ban.  The first one was a proven disaster and did create turmoil all over the world.  How long will we keep this up?  Until Trump becomes POTUS material. 

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

Enough with the sore losers.  That's a deflection and trolling.  The turmoil is being created by Trump.  I wasn't against him until now.  I find it amazing some can't see the turmoil he's created.


I don't try to put a negative spin on anything.  The OP here is about Hawaii suing against Trump's new travel ban.  The first one was a proven disaster and did create turmoil all over the world.  How long will we keep this up?  Until Trump becomes POTUS material. 

How long ?


Remember the old saying"  You can't turn a Sow's ear into a silk purse"

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

Enough with the sore losers.  That's a deflection and trolling.  The turmoil is being created by Trump.  I wasn't against him until now.  I find it amazing some can't see the turmoil he's created.


I don't try to put a negative spin on anything.  The OP here is about Hawaii suing against Trump's new travel ban.  The first one was a proven disaster and did create turmoil all over the world.  How long will we keep this up?  Until Trump becomes POTUS material. 


LOL> now anyone who doesn't agree with you is a troll and deflecting. I'm not trolling, I'm calling you out. 


You haven't even bothered waiting to see the result in court and you're slamming it. It will be heard on March 15. Trump didn't draft the executive order - high paid lawyers did. They didn't draft it without knowing the possible reactions by various circuit courts. They had a few weeks to work it out.


Anyway, go ahead and have the last word... I'm outa this thread. I'll leave you all to your misery.

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7 minutes ago, tropo said:

LOL> now anyone who doesn't agree with you is a troll and deflecting. I'm not trolling, I'm calling you out. 


You haven't even bothered waiting to see the result in court and you're slamming it. It will be heard on March 15. Trump didn't draft the executive order - high paid lawyers did. They didn't draft it without knowing the possible reactions by various circuit courts. They had a few weeks to work it out.


Anyway, go ahead and have the last word... I'm outa this thread. I'll leave you all to your misery.

Talking about losing the election is trolling...and deflecting.  That's not what this topic is about.


People smarter about this than you and me are saying this ban is illegal.  Just like the last one. 






Washington state asks judge to block new Trump travel ban

Bob Ferguson, Washington state's attorney general, said that despite the significant changes to the President's previous executive order, the new travel ban still suffers from legal flaws.
"The revised executive order does narrow" its impact, but "there is still harm," Ferguson said in a news conference on Thursday. "This is effectively a Muslim ban."
Attorneys general from Massachusetts, New York and Oregon confirmed they are planning to join the lawsuit. Minnesota is already part of the challenge to Trump's actions.


These are all high paid lawyers.  Who know the law.  This ban, like the last one, is DOA.  More time wasted.


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14 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

You know very little about me and to assume I am proud or not of Mr. Trump is mindboggling. The USA is a very litigious society and your assumption he must be doing something illegal or unethical because he avoided tax liabilities is weird. Everyone takes advantage of the tax code in the USA to their best advantage . If you have a problem with his avoidance, place the blame where it belongs -----> On the people in the US Congress and US Senate who created the monstrosity that is has become. As far as naming other billionaires  with lawsuits against them... this isn't contest or standard by which to judge businessmen. When more billionaires join the Congress, Senate, White House I might begin to care.

You just defended Trump as a good businessmen, and I simply argue otherwise and he is a shady human being, definitely not a president I would want my kids to look up to.


Under Trump more high net worth individuals has joined office, I don't know if thats worrying or he thinks bringing in business folks to handle the countries issues is a good idea. Only time will tell, but at the moment many things aren't going too well due to lack of experiences.

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7 minutes ago, mike324 said:

You just defended Trump as a good businessmen, and I simply argue otherwise and he is a shady human being, definitely not a president I would want my kids to look up to.


Under Trump more high net worth individuals has joined office, I don't know if thats worrying or he thinks bringing in business folks to handle the countries issues is a good idea. Only time will tell, but at the moment many things aren't going too well due to lack of experiences.

I don't care about your opinion of Mr. Trump as a role model for your offspring. The net worth of people he's bringing in isn't a negative or positive indicator, as you just stated.  They're less than two months into a four year term; it seems to me more time is needed to get a handle on performance ratings.

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4 hours ago, tropo said:

LOL> now anyone who doesn't agree with you is a troll and deflecting. I'm not trolling, I'm calling you out. 


You haven't even bothered waiting to see the result in court and you're slamming it. It will be heard on March 15. Trump didn't draft the executive order - high paid lawyers did. They didn't draft it without knowing the possible reactions by various circuit courts. They had a few weeks to work it out.


Anyway, go ahead and have the last word... I'm outa this thread. I'll leave you all to your misery.

Well, if they were high paid lawyers, then they weren't working for the U.S. government.  And even if they were, any lawyer, high paid or otherwise, is told by his client to concoct a document based on dubious legal grounds, they'll do it and try to make the best case for it. That's what lawyers do.  It has no bearing at all on the validity of said document.

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