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Non-immigrant Visa From L.a.; Valid Purpose?

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Non-Immigrant Visa from L.A.; Valid Purpose?

I see a few recommendations on this forum recommending Non-Immigrant Multi-Entry One-Year Thai Visas? I will be back in America in August and can take a trip to the Thai Consulate in Los Angeles and apply for this.

Does the Embassy even ask the purpose for wanting the visa? I see the application form, and there is no place for writing the Purpose. How could I state my purpose in a way that would be approved for Non-Immigrant Multi-Entry One-Year Thai Visa?

My specific purpose for wanting the visa is this:

I am 39 years old and retired early. I would like to live in Thailand about 70 % of the year (eight months out of 12) and travel in neighboring SEAsian countries or America the remaining 4 months. I enter and leave Thailand about 8 times a year in the course of these travels. While in Thailand I do not work, I live from my savings in America, transferring money to my Thai bank account as needed. I have more than one million dollars in savings in America and can document this with account statement. I keep between 100,000 and 400,000 Baht in my Thai Bank Account. I have a lease on Apartment in Bangkok, and study Thai Language (part time only, not enough for study visa).

Is this valid purpose for receiving a Non-Immigrant Multi-Entry One-Year Thai Visa ($125) from a Thai consulate in America?

I am not married to a Thai. The Thailand Elite card seems rather expensive at $25000 for 5 years. I saw another thread that buying a 3 million baht condo would qualify me for Non-Immigrant Multi-Entry One-Year Thai Visa. More confirmation of that would be appreciated. This sounds much better than Elite card for me because the condo lasts longer than 5 years.



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Yes the "IM" visa will work as will the "B" visa.

As for LA, I would advise mailing the application to any Consulate rather than visit the Thai LA Consulate. For the B visa they'll insist on a letter from a employer even though you'll insist that you are not looking to work but invest and set up your company or buy a condo. It will be easier to go to Pluto then get a "B" visa from them. Other Consulates seem to be update with the laws and understand that you have the same rights as a Thai and can form a company under Amity or invest under the "IM". If you want to invest in a company, it would be a "B" visa. LA just doesn't get it unless you have the letter of pre approval along with your company paperwork. Thank God Los Angeles is the only consulate that I know of that insist on a employer of the applicant must first apply ( by Form WP3) for and receive approval for the applicant's employment through the Alien Occupational Control Division. (The applicant is not looking to be employed at that point just invest at that point.) Later after he sets up the company he can apply for employment. What comes first the chicken or the egg? I have heard many many stories of people who were approved after being rejected in LA but never the other way around.

Our lawyers can advise you, the paperwork needed and consulates who will understand your situation. [email protected]


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