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Marriage.... Is It Just A Piece Of Paper?


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This is how I see this one going:

Very soon Donz makes an appearance "I predict this to go nasty". :D

Within 10 posts someone makes a violently inflammatory statement. :D

There follows 15 pages of jihad. :D

Post is closed. :o

Anyway, is a marriage cert just a piece of paper?

It is whatever you want it to be. The committment between the players is the marriage, the cert is just official proof for various reasons.

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Is marriage just a piece of paper?

Although this question has been posted many times and has usually been answered the same way, I thought that I would share a conversation I started with wifey a few minutes ago.

"You know what day it is today darling"

"number 22"

"yes, does that not mean something?"

"I don't know"

"So you don't remember what we did on Dec 22?"

"No, what did we do?"

"only signed marriage paper at the Amphur!!!"

Then followed an explanation from wifey about the fact that the paper is just paper, and we had already illustrated our mutual commitment some months prior to that day with the Buddhist Ceremony.

P.S. if anyone wants to wish us Happy Anniversary..... wait until April 21 :o

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Got me totally wacked..

Two people get a real good thing happening,

then screw it up by getting married..

The Paper is totally useless..

I see it this way GF..

If he is with you without the paper its cause he wants to be..

If you got the paper he is with you cause he thinks he has to be..

Which way would you prefer it???

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Got me totally wacked..

Two people get a real good thing happening,

then screw it up by getting married..

The Paper is totally useless..

I see it this way GF..

If he is with you without the paper its cause he wants to be..

If you got the paper he is with you cause he thinks he has to be..

Which way would you prefer it???

your a smart guy rob and thats why i like you.

keep on telling it how it is mate and these are my feelings exactly. :D

hence why i never have married. :o

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Yes it is. A commitment to another person rests in each other's hearts and not on a piece of paper.

Sounds nice but not accurate IMO. Imagine if the world rested on 'handshake agreements'. It would fall apart very quickly. mates screw over mates more often with handshake agreements than with paper commitments.

Ok, it is only a piece of paper, but the piece of paper has a symbolic meaning of 'commitment' behind it which does not change over time (unless formally & legally broken) unlike the heart which is easily deceived by the illusion of romantic love & can flip 180 on hearing just one bad word. Commitment is a weak sounding word for the heart, but fits better on a piece of paper.

Edited by Grover
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Got me totally wacked..

Two people get a real good thing happening,

then screw it up by getting married..

The Paper is totally useless..

I see it this way GF..

If he is with you without the paper its cause he wants to be..

If you got the paper he is with you cause he thinks he has to be..

Which way would you prefer it???

your a smart guy rob and thats why i like you.

keep on telling it how it is mate and these are my feelings exactly. :D

hence why i never have married. :o

Terry Mate...You gotta be a heap smarter than me cause it took me two goes to come to these conclusions..

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Yes it is. A commitment to another person rests in each other's hearts and not on a piece of paper.

Sounds nice but not accurate IMO. Imagine if the world rested on 'handshake agreements'. It would fall apart very quickly. mates screw over mates more often with handshake agreements than with paper commitments.


I'm going to be pedantic again (and a little off topic)

A Gentleman's Agreement, indicated by a handshake, is legally enforceable in the UK (don't know about the rest of the world, but it wouldn't surprise me)

LBD (Rob).... I can understand your sentiment and even agree with quite a lot of it, there have been a few ex=pats here get married recently, as it is the only way they can stay ex-pats. I can understand that too, and some of them had already been in their relationship for years without any paperwork.

However ..........

If you got the paper he is with you cause he thinks he has to be..

I think that is a little unfair to quite a few people I know.

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Yes it is. A commitment to another person rests in each other's hearts and not on a piece of paper.

Sounds nice but not accurate IMO. Imagine if the world rested on 'handshake agreements'. It would fall apart very quickly. mates screw over mates more often with handshake agreements than with paper commitments.

Ok, it is only a piece of paper, but the piece of paper has a symbolic meaning of 'commitment' behind it which does not change over time (unless formally & legally broken) unlike the heart which is easily deceived by the illusion of romantic love & can flip 180 on hearing just one bad word. Commitment is a weak sounding word for the heart, but fits better on a piece of paper.


thats a very nice thought mate and i wish it could hold water but try and tell that to the 50% of marrages that go down the gurgler.

another 25% stay together because its to hard or to expensive to split so they live in pain and the other 25% are blissfully happy.

so at the end of the day out of 100% of married couples that marry you have 25% that are truly happy.


i respect the notion of marrage but the reality is far from what it should be.

its only natural that partnerships come unstuck some times as it does'nt seem to work out that people can be together for all of there lives.

it would be very nice if we could but the death do us part gig just dont crack it with me unfortunatly.

every one to there own mate and i wish you continuing luck with your wife.


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I'll tell you how good the piece of paper is...

I have an older widowed sister who's husband died 5 years ago..

She met a guy who's wife has alzheimer's and is in care,..

He claims to love both of them..

Doesn't the wedding vow say ..in sickness and in health , till death us do part..

Now I know he is a gambler but isn't that taking the two way bet just a bit too far ???

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