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Glass Door Re-alignment-help needed


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Urgently need a tradesman to come and fix a ‘sagging’ glass door with internal lock. Something seems to have sheared and the door is now dragging on the floor. Am terrified that whatever is now holding it up also shears and am left with no way of securing the entrance to the shop/house.

Also in need of someone to do routine maintenance on a standard metal roller shutter. Been in situ approx 20 years with no maintenance whatsoever!

Location is the Pantip Plaza area.

If anyone has any contact details could they please PM me.

Help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Sorry I dont know of a tradesman but the sliding glass door maybe an easy fix.  At the edge of the door and near the floor you should see a plastic bung/cover that needs to be removed. Through the resulting hole you will have access to a screw that adjusts the rollers  that the sliding door glides on.


From memory tuning the screw clockwise will raise the door.


If this doesnt work then perhaps the roller has worn away (Quiet possible as they are generally just plastic!). In that case the roller wil have to be screwed counterclockwise which will allow the whole door to be removed from its tracks, thus allowing access to and replacement of the worn out roller


As for the metal roller door, what exactly is the problem?

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Thanks for the response CMkiwi but I should have made it clear that this is a hinged door, swings both in and out (normally) with a lock on the bottom corner away from the hinge which locks downwards into a whole in the floor.  The end with the lock used to swing freely both inwards and outwards with a clear gap between the door bottom and the floor.  The door has suddenly sagged and will not open out ward (slight floor gradient on the outside) and scrapes the floor when opening inwards.

The base plate has VPP in big letters on it, if that helps anybody!

Hope that clarifies the problem

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Photo would help. I now take it to be a frameless glass door with two hinges that are covered with a stainless steel cover.

the glass will be drilled and the hinge screw clamped each side of the holes. possibly one or two of the screws has worked loose and the drop is the result of the "play" in the hinge hole.

if you remove the nice hinge covers, you may well be able to see if its just a case of re lifting and re-turning the screwy.

i would always advise you to source the problem yourself then you know;  Somchai i guarantee will be in exactly the same boat but may just know the right person to be able to take advantage of you. 

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Thanks Eyecatcher.  As you can see from the attached photos the glass is embedded in the top and bottom metal parts with no access and the right hand screw to the top hinge plate cannot be accessed with the door in place!  The whole thing is very heavy plate glass and heavy metal.

My best bet is probably to drive round and find a shop/house getting fitted out and get the outfitters details.


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