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Bringing Thai person to UK as employee

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Ostensibly, I'd like to bring someone to the UK to help out around the house and teach Thai to my child. I have numerous companies and could construct it however the authorities require.


Not that we have someone in mind just yet but I think we are decided that we would prefer to do it this way rather than any other scenario.


So, being somewhat out of touch with the current immigration rules, I have a few questions:


What are the basic current rules ?


I foresee a salary, travel back to Thailand a couple of times a year, probably UK summers (July to September) and Xmas off. Perhaps Easter / Songkran too.


Salary is the sticking point. Whilst I am happy to pay a decent amount, I know I would be on the hook for flights and visa costs so someone wanting to jack it in after a few weeks would mean a lot of up front costs which would normally be accrued over a long time period, say 3 to 5 years. I understand that deductions from salary are difficult to legalise.


Not looking for an agent, but rather to understand what we can and cannot do. 

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I don't know what you mean by

7 hours ago, SGD said:

I have numerous companies and could construct it however the authorities require.

but to be eligible for a Tier 2 (General) visa the applicant must, among other things, be sponsored by an approved sponsor, be doing skilled work and, in most cases, be paid at least £25,000 p.a.


So the first thing you would need to do is apply for one of your companies to become an approved sponsor.


But the type of work you envisage is not skilled; so they wouldn't be eligible for a Tier 2 visa anyway!


Which leaves a Domestic Workers in a Private Household visa; but as you can see, it is not suitable as they would not have been in your employ in this capacity outside the U for at least 12 months prior to applying, it is only valid for 6 months and you are not visiting the UK yourself; you live here.


But if you are looking for a cleaner and/or child minder there are plenty available in the UK; and does your wife/husband not have any Thai friends who can help them teach your children Thai?


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