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Si Net Playing up again


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Still playing silly buggers.

I am not impressed with Si Net, if fact at B1,284, Could do better, would be the politest comment I can think of.

My True 4G 'Dongle' has never let me down and at B640.93 makes think it's the way to go.

My be if I get a 'Dongle' loaded for DTAC, which comes recommended by Thai friends .

2 ways to go plus anywhere coverage.





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mine was down all this morning...again, had to rely on my DTAC 4G connection. The techs were at my condo at lunchtime (1pm) fixing the yet again problem.


I do appreciate the price and when it works Sinet is great, but it seems that it keeps getting worse and worse and worse when it comes to reliability. That was the second time this week with a major outage for me, and barely a week passes now when it's not out at least once vs 12-18 months ago where outages where rare. 

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