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'Prasong' the "slithery snake" has his car taken away


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I appreciate your input and take no offence to your constructive criticism.


Like anybody or race I like to study them thoroughly before I decide whether or not I wish to be a part of them.


Here in the village we hang with ourselves, I dare say that I must be one of the lucky ones who's wife keeps her family and their demands clearly away from me and that suites us fine, as for them, we don't really care, I successfully opened my wife's eyes to farang living years ago and she clearly sees the benefits for her and the kids in the future.


As for her twin boys (13), she has them so tight on a leash they cannot breath when she pulls on it (total respect) from me on how she is raising them as opposed to allowing them to roam the streets like wild animals, they have routines, like sweep and mop our 300m2 house after school, wash their own clothes, iron their own clothes, and they are rewarded with a play station, mobile phones with restrictions, 1 hour after dinner only.


A year ago when she granted them leave to play soccer at the school on the weekend with some friends, unbeknown to her one of her sons got on a motorbike with a couple of friends racing around the village, she found out by a call from a local, at dinner she raised it with the one who got on the bike who denied it, she then told the other son if he also lied she would unleash her anger onto him twice as hard, he confessed, she took them both outside in full public view, grabbed a piece of bamboo, like the cane we used to cop from the teachers back at school, and she let them both have it, I mean, she let them have it, farrrrrrk me, brutal, I wanted to stop her, but knew that she had to break them and teach them a good lesson so as to not do it again, I am talking across the back of the legs, the back, you name it, they were on the ground like wounded dogs and I could see in her eyes it was killing her inside, and when she stopped, I looked at her and said now that they think you have stopped, give them one more, and she did.


Sounds too harsh I know, and one would think they would NEVER try that again, well I remember picking up the boys from school a few weeks later and said to one of them that mumma was very angry, because someone told her that one of them was seen on a bike again, if you could see the look on his face in the revision mirror, suffice to say he asked me to drop him off at his grandparents house on the way home which is only 400 metres away, so I did.


Well as you can imagine mum walked to their grandparents house and gave him a flogging, the grandmother tried to intervene and she was told she would cop it as well, suffice to say she walked all the way home with her son while he copped a public flogging, long of the short, the boys do not go out to play, and as she has said to them, when they grow a brain, then she will let them out, about 6 months ago the guy who was riding the bike was killed on the bike he was riding and the other guy has a really badly looking leg from a different motorbike accident, it looks so bad, i.e. as if it's about to fall off below the knee.


She has already told the boys that if they are not happy living here with her rules, they can go and live with grandma which they have declined, wonder why.


Mothers love can be cruel but if others took to her ways, maybe there would be less deaths on the roads today ?


As for driving the car, or riding the bike, well when they work and can afford one, so be it, as they will not be driving ours, we teach our kids to stand on their own, we do not spoil them, no doubt some on TVF will criticise us, but hey, our kids, we will raise them our way, you raise yours how you want, and deal with it 555  

Edited by 4MyEgo
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