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Tillerson - Syria strike a message to others, including North Korea


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4 hours ago, Thaidream said:

If America has proof that Russia was complicit in allowing the Syrians to possess and use chemical weapons- take it to the United Nation and show the proof to the World. If you can't or won't do this- anything else is pure speculation. I don't like Trump but my irritation with his actions are simply that they are a sideshow that will not save a life or end the war.

I think your completely right on the proof part unfortunately over the decades I have watched the UN dither on just about most everything. I agree on Trump and the rhetoric is being ratcheted up and the navy is setting sail for the waters off of North Korean as well as off the coast of Syria. I am starting to feel the hairs go up on the back of my neck as to where this is going. 

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9 hours ago, Roadman said:

Easter Saturday here but also the Day of The Sun. Will be interesting if the little Korean boy decides to celebrate the Day of the Son with a rocket or two with the Carl Vinson in the area. Cant help but think there will be a missile strike back as with Assad to give Kim also a friendly reminder if he decides to push his luck. 



7 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Of course the warning was wise for the Syrian bombing. However, Trump could have gone directly to Putin and indicated they need to work together both strategically and militarily to stop ISIS and ensure that there would be no more chemical attacks. America is grandstanding and Trump is afraid of the Russians because he knows he is vulnerable to their blackmail. Trump went into bed with the devil to get elected and now the devil owns him.

As far as North Korea- Trump needs to sit down with the North Koreans and find out what they want to give up their long range missile goals and see if he can make them an offer they can't refuse. For a man who claims he can negotiate anything- I am not seeing much of it.

You're dreaming. Russia does not want 'help' in Syria as they are balls deep bosom buddies with Assad. No, the Ruskies do not own Trump, that's just anti-Trump tripe. He would never risk being compromised by bombing Syria had he been under Putin's thumb.


And, no, you can't sit down with the North Koreans either despite what he said while campaigning. The Kims' ultimate goal is to have workable nukes. It is the only thing that will guarantee their survival and they will never be coerced out of that drive. There can be only one outcome: take Kim and his cronies out or flatten the place. Keeping the status quo and hoping for the best  - that they won't plonk a miniaturized warhead on an ICBM - is total folly because it will happen.

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The beat goes on- how many wars does America have to fight because another country 'might' do something.  Years ago Vietnam was going to spread Communis, all over SouthEast Asia so the US fought a war that killed millions of Vietnamese and almost 60K Americans snf lody. Anyone see any Communists in the rest of SEA.  As a veteran of the war, I cannot even look at the Vietnam memorial in DC without shedding tears.  Then it was Iraq and its WMD's,- none of which ever existed.  Another million dead and 10K Americans dead or critically wounded. Then Afghanistan because Bin Laden and the Taliban are everywhere. Bin Laden hiding in a Pakistani city and the Taliban hiding in caves. More fake news

How long is the American public going to continue to believe the people in Washington DC that are way of life is at risk if we don't intervene and how many more American lives will be lost because of a lie or hubris. 

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