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British PM May calls for early election on June 8

Jonathan Fairfield

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You need to read the rest of my posts for the detail which shows, incontrovertibly, the vast majority of the damage was caused by tory policy.
Also, It was thatcher who moved the uk economy away from manufacturing to become more dependant on the casino that is global finance....Labour were just left to clean up the mess of previous Tory policy.

I think your analysis is slightly flawed as we've come along way from blaming Thatcher.

Labour's clean up after the Tories? Oh dear...

You are aware St Tony of Labour adopted some of Thatcher's policies? (Research freely available).

I see the same old mantra, Conservative's making the hard decisions that Labour are to cowardly to implement for fear of losing its voter base.

Labour tax & spend while Bad Conservative's come in and tidy up the economic whilst getting a bad name doing it.

Who was it that stated, Socialism is only as good until other people's money runs out? Along with a humour driven note from the last Labour treasury in charge.... sorry no money left.

Lastly, I do agree that we need a strong opposition in the HoP and Labour are clearly miles away from that honourable title.

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4 minutes ago, citybiker said:


I think your analysis is slightly flawed as we've come along way from blaming Thatcher.

Labour's clean up after the Tories? Oh dear...

You are aware St Tony of Labour adopted some of Thatcher's policies? (Research freely available).

I see the same old mantra, Conservative's making the hard decisions that Labour are to cowardly to implement for fear of losing its voter base.

Labour tax & spend while Bad Conservative's come in and tidy up the economic whilst getting a bad name doing it.

Who was it that stated, Socialism is only as good until other people's money runs out? Along with a humour driven note from the last Labour treasury in charge.... sorry no money left.

Lastly, I do agree that we need a strong opposition in the HoP and Labour are clearly miles away from that honourable title.

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... I'm sorry if the facts of the matter have given you a headache.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Latest news reports in today's UK papers


"Jeremy Corbyn in shock surge as Labour leader now more popular than Theresa May in London "


"Labour enjoys huge 17-point lead in London as Tories face losing seats"


"Labour could take Conservative majority Nationally"


According to the latest YouGov poll Labour has narrowed the lead to just 3 points, Con 42%, Lab 39%, Lib Dems 7%, UKIP 4%, Others 8%.


In other news Theresa May's shoes are reported to be falling apart after becoming waterlogged from her tears and Tory knives are being sharpened in expectation of the bloodbath after Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime Minister.

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7 hours ago, Bannoi said:

Latest news reports in today's UK papers


"Jeremy Corbyn in shock surge as Labour leader now more popular than Theresa May in London "


"Labour enjoys huge 17-point lead in London as Tories face losing seats"


"Labour could take Conservative majority Nationally"


According to the latest YouGov poll Labour has narrowed the lead to just 3 points, Con 42%, Lab 39%, Lib Dems 7%, UKIP 4%, Others 8%.


In other news Theresa May's shoes are reported to be falling apart after becoming waterlogged from her tears and Tory knives are being sharpened in expectation of the bloodbath after Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime Minister.

Seems like you also read the Evening Standard. Corbyn is unlikely to be Prime Minister with an overall marority. Most likely a Hung Parliament with the Liberals as partners, where he would have to willingly sacrifice Brexit and I do not think he would mind doing this.

Parliamentary elections are sovereign, referendums are advisory.

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On 2017-4-19 at 6:02 AM, Bannoi said:

My Prediction after the election there will be a Labour/Lib Dem/SNP coalition thereby keeping the Tory's out so it is just possible Jeremy Corbyn could be Prime Minister however unlikely that may appear at the moment and possibly another referendum to see if the people really want to leave the EU. I know a lot of people have changed their minds now they are starting to realize the full implications of leaving.


If however the Tory's win Scotland will in the next referendum vote in favour of leaving and there will be a referendum in Northern Ireland who could very well vote to leave thereby guaranteeing they remain in the EU as part of a United Ireland.


Teresa May called this Election thinking she is in a good position to get an even bigger majority she could very well rue the day she called it.


It was done purely to further the Conservative Party's interests not the country's as was the EU referendum.

1 hour ago, William C F Pierce said:

Seems like you also read the Evening Standard. Corbyn is unlikely to be Prime Minister with an overall marority. Most likely a Hung Parliament with the Liberals as partners, where he would have to willingly sacrifice Brexit and I do not think he would mind doing this.

Parliamentary elections are sovereign, referendums are advisory.

Not just the Evening Standard even the Conservative supporting right wing leaning papers are reporting it.


Six weeks ago I said I thought there would be a Labour/Lib Dem/SNP coalition I still think that will be the outcome of this totally unnecessary election it was only called because the Tory party thought they would get a massive majority and would then be able to do do anything they wanted. Party first country second.


Theresa May was a poor Home Secretary and will make an even worse (weak and wobbly) Prime Minister she comes across to me as arrogant a coward and a liar I don't believe a word she says.


Personally I would love to see it backfire on them  but the polls have been wrong before they could be wrong now there is only one poll that matters and that is the one on the 8th May.


This time I will be voting labour.






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7 minutes ago, Bannoi said:

Not just the Evening Standard even the Conservative supporting right wing leaning papers are reporting it.


Six weeks ago I said I thought there would be a Labour/Lib Dem/SNP coalition I still think that will be the outcome of this totally unnecessary election it was only called because the Tory party thought they would get a massive majority and would then be able to do do anything they wanted. Party first country second.


Theresa May was a poor Home Secretary and will make an even worse (weak and wobbly) Prime Minister she comes across to me as arrogant a coward and a liar I don't believe a word she says.


Personally I would love to see it backfire on them  but the polls have been wrong before they could be wrong now there is only one poll that matters and that is the one on the 8th May.


This time I will be voting labour.






Good on you, well done. I'll be voting Liberal I can't stand the idea of John Mcdonall as a Chancellor. When Neil Kinnock was getting rid of the Militant Tendancy in Liverpool. The Hayes Labour Party had 2 weeks to get rid of any evidence before they were investigated. Where does John McDonall come from? LIVERPOOL! Unfortunately, at times, he is pulling Jeremy Corbyn's strings. Under no cercumstances do I want the Tories to win a Majority.

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1 hour ago, William C F Pierce said:

Good on you, well done. I'll be voting Liberal I can't stand the idea of John Mcdonall as a Chancellor. When Neil Kinnock was getting rid of the Militant Tendancy in Liverpool. The Hayes Labour Party had 2 weeks to get rid of any evidence before they were investigated. Where does John McDonall come from? LIVERPOOL! Unfortunately, at times, he is pulling Jeremy Corbyn's strings. Under no cercumstances do I want the Tories to win a Majority.

To be honest i would vote for the Monster Raving Looney party if I thought it would keep Theresa May out.


I have just found out that a song has gone straight into the UK charts at no. 4 its called "Liar Liar GE2017" BBC are refusing to play it but its on YouTube if anyone's interested.



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It's funny how many criticised JC, incl. those in his own party, it was said he provided no realistic opposition to the Tories in a GE, now he is currently showing better polls than centre right Ed Milliband achieved......along with a very impressive recent uptick to Maybot's drooping popularity.



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Seems like you also read the Evening Standard. Corbyn is unlikely to be Prime Minister with an overall marority. Most likely a Hung Parliament with the Liberals as partners, where he would have to willingly sacrifice Brexit and I do not think he would mind doing this.
Parliamentary elections are sovereign, referendums are advisory.

The ideal scenario!
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19 minutes ago, citybiker said:


Ideal scenario is a strong Government capable of delivering Brexit suitable for a generation, good for the whole UK.



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Rather ambiguous?  A soft Brexit where we stay in the Single Market with freedom of movement might just get us out of a bad situation.  But mad May and her cohorts won't be able to deliver that.

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1 hour ago, citybiker said:


Ideal scenario is a strong Government capable of delivering Brexit suitable for a generation, good for the whole UK.



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That rules the weak and wobbly Tory's out then :smile:

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44 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Rather ambiguous?  A soft Brexit where we stay in the Single Market with freedom of movement might just get us out of a bad situation.  But mad May and her cohorts won't be able to deliver that.

Maybe she is doing what the country wants and not what you want?

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Maybe she is doing what the country wants and not what you want?

The post-Brexit opinion polls suggest otherwise. But yes, if she gets a whopping majority on 8 June, it would seem to be over for soft-Brexiters and Remainers. It would be a betrayal of the young generation and I would have some hope that the next generation of politicians will be less nationalistic, more open-minded and may be able to repair the damage, which, by then, will be very apparent.
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3 hours ago, citybiker said:


Ideal scenario is a strong Government capable of delivering Brexit suitable for a generation, good for the whole UK.



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May slipping up on endless banana skins is not going to provide a strong government. Unlike previous elections young people see it as a chance for them to change things and will vote in numbers that you don't usually associate with them. A 500 million market can quite easily turn its back on Britain knowing there are other nation lined up willing to replace us. Europe loses nothing, the UK loses everything. Anyone with common sense now knows that Brexit is a mistake now. Only those with blinkers will not see it.

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3 minutes ago, William C F Pierce said:

May slipping up on endless banana skins is not going to provide a strong government. Unlike previous elections young people see it as a chance for them to change things and will vote in numbers that you don't usually associate with them. A 500 million market can quite easily turn its back on Britain knowing there are other nation lined up willing to replace us. Europe loses nothing, the UK loses everything. Anyone with common sense now knows that Brexit is a mistake now. Only those with blinkers will not see it.

Hogwash, there are no comparable countries to the UK waiting in the wings, no contributors and no big markets.

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May slipping up on endless banana skins is not going to provide a strong government. Unlike previous elections young people see it as a chance for them to change things and will vote in numbers that you don't usually associate with them. A 500 million market can quite easily turn its back on Britain knowing there are other nation lined up willing to replace us. Europe loses nothing, the UK loses everything. Anyone with common sense now knows that Brexit is a mistake now. Only those with blinkers will not see it.

Explain how the UK loses everything? Trade will continue & we have a global market to deal with.

17 million majority voters will disagree Brexit was a mistake.

The only blinkers are those in denial, do not respect the democratic result and unwilling to adapt & move on.

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:

Hogwash, there are no comparable countries to the UK waiting in the wings, no contributors and no big markets.

There is 3 or 4 lined up to join. Britains contribution £350 Million a week or £18 Billion a year against £220 Billion trade we receive, plus the sustantial rebate we receive. We would never get the rebate back again on rejoining. Setting up trading links with other countries further away than Europe puts an undeniable transport cost on business. The Chinese market is likely to implode from its huge internal debt. They built hundreds of empty cities with no population to fill them. A Chinese recession would really hit the UK hard outside of Europe.

The real world may be built on dreams, but real world does not continually live on dreams. 9th June 2017 Brexit will be over.

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7 minutes ago, citybiker said:


Explain how the UK loses everything? Trade will continue & we have a global market to deal with.

17 million majority voters will disagree Brexit was a mistake.

The only blinkers are those in denial, do not respect the democratic result and unwilling to adapt & move on.

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The vote was democratic, but the result is advisory only with a referendum. It  is not binding. Evertime there  is a General Election people have the oportunity to to change things it if they don't like it and this is binding if Parliament accepts all of a party's manifesto voted on in Parliament. Parliament has the authority to change things from a vote by a previous Government. It is no use you crying if Brexit is abolished with a change of government.

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15 minutes ago, William C F Pierce said:

There is 3 or 4 lined up to join. Britains contribution £350 Million a week or £18 Billion a year against £220 Billion trade we receive, plus the sustantial rebate we receive. We would never get the rebate back again on rejoining. Setting up trading links with other countries further away than Europe puts an undeniable transport cost on business. The Chinese market is likely to implode from its huge internal debt. They built hundreds of empty cities with no population to fill them. A Chinese recession would really hit the UK hard outside of Europe.

The real world may be built on dreams, but real world does not continually live on dreams. 9th June 2017 Brexit will be over.

Whoever these "3 or 4" are they will not be net contributors but a further drain on Germany, so I don't foresee any new members now.

The UK has a 60 billion trade deficit with the EU. The rebate was 4 billion in 2016, it is in decline and will shortly disappear altogether.

There is debt globally, especially in several EU countries but if China collapses it will hurt Germany the most by far. 

Whoever wins the election now will deliver Brexit, or be out on their ears by March 2019. 

Brexit over? Dream on.

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I was thinking about transfering some money from the UK, but I thought it might be better to transfer once the Torys got in, when the interest rates would have been more than likely higher, but with the possibility of Labour getting in, it has cast some doubt on the whole affair. Any thoughts?

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14 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Whoever these "3 or 4" are they will not be net contributors but a further drain on Germany, so I don't foresee any new members now.

The UK has a 60 billion trade deficit with the EU. The rebate was 4 billion in 2016, it is in decline and will shortly disappear altogether.

There is debt globally, especially in several EU countries but if China collapses it will hurt Germany the most by far. 

Whoever wins the election now will deliver Brexit, or be out on their ears by March 2019. 

Brexit over? Dream on.

If it is a drain on Germany. It will be their own fault. They were along with France breaking the rules of the Euro when it first started. 

Letting Spain, Italy, Portugal, Eire and Greece to choose to break the rules also. Immigration was what carried the Brexit vote. Whites voted to stop Blacks & Asians and Blacks and Asians voted to stop East Europeans coming as migrants. Both voted with each other to stop each other. That was so clever. Greenland with a single industry of fishing took 3 years to leave the EU. It took 7 years for Canada to get a trade deal with Europe. At what cost and how many years would it take to get many hundreds of trade deals worldwide. The most noticeable thing about Brexit is none of the other 27 members of the EU have broken rank with each other on the UK's position.

Brexit was the biggest betrayal of the UK's greatest Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill. A United States of Europe was his idea as far back as 1947. It took the USA 150 years to develop the stability of economic union(the USA is 50 countries acting as 1 country. Just as the UK is 4 countries acting as 1 country). The EU has been going just over 50 years, but it could be more powerful and properous than the USA in 150 years. Deal with the problems not run away from them like May,s weak leadership, whose only strength is to attack pensioners and children with her manifesto.

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5 minutes ago, vogie said:

I was thinking about transfering some money from the UK, but I thought it might be better to transfer once the Torys got in, when the interest rates would have been more than likely higher, but with the possibility of Labour getting in, it has cast some doubt on the whole affair. Any thoughts?

My thoughts are if the Tories don't get back in. Brexit will be finished and the Pound could rocket  to US$1.5 to US$1.7

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5 minutes ago, William C F Pierce said:

My thoughts are if the Tories don't get back in. Brexit will be finished and the Pound could rocket  to US$1.5 to US$1.7

Mmnn, it is a very worrying as we're all in uncharted waters.

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The vote was democratic, but the result is advisory only with a referendum. It  is not binding. Evertime there  is a General Election people have the oportunity to to change things it if they don't like it and this is binding if Parliament accepts all of a party's manifesto voted on in Parliament. Parliament has the authority to change things from a vote by a previous Government. It is no use you crying if Brexit is abolished with a change of government.

IIRC JC has already accepted Brexit, it's the format that Labour would try and water down.

Article 50 has been given Royal approval and accepted by the EU.

No tears from this callsign, I leave that to the people who struggle to handle change & move on.

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