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Video: weaving truck case prompts highway chief to consult with land department about dash-cams


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16 hours ago, garywim said:

The thing I noticed the most was no one uses their indicators in Thailand. What the "L " is wrong with them.

My pet peeve,  indicators .

And of those that do turn on their indicators...at least 30%+ have yet to learn that they

can also be turned off....!

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On 4/21/2017 at 4:04 AM, webfact said:


He said there would not be much point in having it if it could not be used to nail negligent drivers.


The footage of the Chiang Mai truck shocked many people - not least those in the car doing the filming.


Many want to see such footage used for prosecutions that go beyond the provisions of the highway code.


Is there an implication in the police spokesman's words that RTP would like to encourage road-users to 'dob in' other drivers they believe are driving recklessly? There aren't enough police already to patrol public roadways? This starts to look more like police state tactics thany genuine attempt to make roads safer. If Police want safer public roads they need to get fair dinkum, show the general public that they genuinely care for the welll-being of ordinary citizens and actually carry out btheir duties properly, rather than setting up roadblocks t oearn pocket money; arrest the real crims rather than milk cowed citizens. People would be willing to help the police if they believed the RTP was genuinely committed to their civic responsibilities.  I'd like to know if this spokesman believes dashcam footage would have made any differernce to the police's response and actions subsequent to the criminal activities of the Red Bull heir. Would police dealings with local big men accused of raping and procuring a 14-year-old girl reflected community outrage rather than protecting the 'big man' and putting the girl's mother in fear of her life?

The police have a long, tricky trail ahead if they want to win back the trust, respect and co-operation of the general public. I keep dashcams in my car to help protect me from police skullduggery as much as.drunken idiots in charge of vehicles.


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On 4/21/2017 at 10:05 PM, connda said:

I had a one of those double-decker tour buses  traveling south on highway 11 almost go sideways after passing me.  Caught it on the dash cam.  And I was thinking, "why don't the cops accept these videos and then charge these wackos for negligent and dangerous driving?"  The bus footage I had was much more exciting than that truck.  

Even if the police saw it the would laugh and forget about it

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On 4/21/2017 at 11:10 PM, ableguy said:

Nothing in this video is unusual. I witness this driving and much worse every single day here in Korat. Totally me first , me first.

You are so right Me me me Yesterday i was doing a right hand U turn Cars came up on the outside of me They were not even in the turning lane They came off the lane that was meant for flow through traffic Taxi drivers are the worst So i gave them some with my car horn My Thai wife got upset and said why did you do that? I said because they are in the wrong She said you dont understand Thai driving I replied what am i suppose to about Thai driving? Not knowthe rules like they  do? They know they are in the wrong but its Me Me Me and where are the cops lol NOWHERE TO BE SEEN  truly i have nevr seen so many bad drivers in my life and they are getting away with it

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