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Thai driving standards: Will raising training from five hours to 15 make any difference?


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3 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

But when you see people on bikes cars sitting waiting for a red light and then all of sudden patience runs out and they just drive through it. I take it you are in Thailand so i will ask you You have seen Thais break the rules so many times and how many times have you seen the police pull them over and book them I have been here 2 years and i have  never seen a policeman actually pull over someone for driving through a red light and anything else they do like driving up the wrong side of the road. But you may be right they dont know the rules so why have they got a drivers license? Ok then the traffic branch needs retraining badly because i starting to think some of the cops dont even know the rules themselves

I do not know what part of Thailand you're in or how often you are out and about but not only have I seen Thais but other nationalities not adhering to the rules and I have also seen Police pull over trucks, motorcycles and other vehicles.  Now, I do not know if they were stopped for traffic offences but one could assume they were given the siren was used and the red lights were flashing.   


Yes, I have seen many riders and drivers run the red and not been stopped, as there were no police in the area.  I have however, seen others do the same thing and get stopped but what happened after that I would only be guessing but one can assume they got the normal B400 fine.  And when you saw someone run the red, were there any police present, I'd say not because the police find that red light runners are easy pickings and if in the immediate area I am sure they would not miss them, as they often target certain areas where this type of offence is prevalent.


I am of the opinion that the police do know the rules but because of who they are, they do not adhere to them and being lazy many do not take action when and where it is required.  They tend to take the easy way and grab the pick ups, motor cycles and trucks at check points, fine them and after the money is handed over, the offenders are allowed to leave, even if doing so is again in breach of the rules..  That's the way it works here in Thailand.  And just for your benefit, I am in Thailand and been here longer than yourself.


Do you have a Thai license?  Are you aware of some of the underhanded ways that some are able to obtain licenses, favours and payments are prevalent.  Being here two years doesn't make one an expert nor does the length of time that I've been here but I am out and about, speak the language and know that many, many people do not have a license, are illiterate in their own language, cannot read Thai, have no idea of the road rules and should never be in charge of a vehicle as they are quite incapable of taking any type of evasive action should the need arise. :wai:

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16 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Did u sign up for organ donorship yet?since u love speeding on your small bike maybe its something worth to consider!

It  would  appear that you  are bored  and would  like  to  make  an issue  of  something.

I  usually  drive  a pickup/utility  vehicle or  whatever you  would  prefer  to  call it. 

Occasionally  I ride  a  CBR.

Where  did  I say  I liked  speeding? 

Yes. I am an organ donor but I am not sure at  my age I  have  anything  worth extracting. :smile:

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2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

I do not know what part of Thailand you're in or how often you are out and about but not only have I seen Thais but other nationalities not adhering to the rules and I have also seen Police pull over trucks, motorcycles and other vehicles.  Now, I do not know if they were stopped for traffic offences but one could assume they were given the siren was used and the red lights were flashing.   


Yes, I have seen many riders and drivers run the red and not been stopped, as there were no police in the area.  I have however, seen others do the same thing and get stopped but what happened after that I would only be guessing but one can assume they got the normal B400 fine.  And when you saw someone run the red, were there any police present, I'd say not because the police find that red light runners are easy pickings and if in the immediate area I am sure they would not miss them, as they often target certain areas where this type of offence is prevalent.


I am of the opinion that the police do know the rules but because of who they are, they do not adhere to them and being lazy many do not take action when and where it is required.  They tend to take the easy way and grab the pick ups, motor cycles and trucks at check points, fine them and after the money is handed over, the offenders are allowed to leave, even if doing so is again in breach of the rules..  That's the way it works here in Thailand.  And just for your benefit, I am in Thailand and been here longer than yourself.


Do you have a Thai license?  Are you aware of some of the underhanded ways that some are able to obtain licenses, favours and payments are prevalent.  Being here two years doesn't make one an expert nor does the length of time that I've been here but I am out and about, speak the language and know that many, many people do not have a license, are illiterate in their own language, cannot read Thai, have no idea of the road rules and should never be in charge of a vehicle as they are quite incapable of taking any type of evasive action should the need arise. :wai:

Ok officer i will dismiss the jury I cant beat an ex cop

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4 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

Ok officer i will dismiss the jury I cant beat an ex cop

oh i do have a Thai license an international license and an Australian license  Leave it at that ok

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For me, the best thing I'd ever done in my driving life was to attend a compulsory 'Defensive Driving' course which is mandatory in New Zealand if you want to get your licence, and had been for decades. I'm sure it has saved my body quite a few times. That should be compulsory here in Thailand. Not just for learner drivers but also for existing drivers and licence holders. 

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On 4/29/2017 at 4:17 PM, smedly said:

no it won't make a difference


Actually driving the car is not the issue, continually breaking the law is.................why ?  - because they generally can as it is not enforced properly


I would wager that 90% of drivers that cause accidents know they were doing something wrong.


The problem is effective enforcement of traffic law (moving violations) everything from mobile phone use, obeying road markings and signs, DUI and speeding, also the road worthiness of vehicles.

Many feel the Thai police are the reason this country is the way it is. I'd say this is true in all matters. Rule of law in Thailand? lol lol lol yeaaaaaaaaaaaa right.

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9 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

Many feel the Thai police are the reason this country is the way it is. I'd say this is true in all matters. Rule of law in Thailand? lol lol lol yeaaaaaaaaaaaa right.

We all agree if the Royal Thai Police did their jobs the accident rate would fall sharply Sad situation

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  • 5 months later...
On 4/29/2017 at 1:47 PM, Crossy said:

The problem in Thailand and many other developing countries is that students are taught to operate the vehicle, they are not necessarily taught to drive. Things like road sense, anticipation, reading the road etc. just don't get the attention they should.


Even 5 hours of training should be enough, if performed on actual roads with a decent instructor.


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Even 100 hours of training will not work if the legal factor of deterrence is not enforced by stricter laws.


French or Spanish roads at one time were amongst the worst in the world. Merciless enforcement of the law, severe penalties for driving infractions including jail, bought back serenity. Human nature is such. 


Perhaps Thai laws need to have stricter enforcement and not let the culprits get away with some tea money or 500 THB fines.

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14 hours ago, observer90210 said:

Even 100 hours of training will not work if the legal factor of deterrence is not enforced by stricter laws.


French or Spanish roads at one time were amongst the worst in the world. Merciless enforcement of the law, severe penalties for driving infractions including jail, bought back serenity. Human nature is such. 


Perhaps Thai laws need to have stricter enforcement and not let the culprits get away with some tea money or 500 THB fines.

I dont know about you guys but every time i go driving here i am getting more scared Must of being stupid Saturday yesterday The bloody idiots on the roads unbelievable  Th number of times they pulled out in front of me made me a nervous wreck by the time i got to shopping centre. One time i was in right lane so i dont have to sit behind the tut tuts and motorbikes when i came to the U turns Cars were doing U turns so stopped waited for them Why they have these U turns i dont know? After i waited and the cars were gone i started to go again Lucky i took off slow because this bloody idiot in a pickup came from the slow lane and cut right in front of me to do a U turn I nearly hit the bastard. These idiots have a  license and cant drive Have no idea   Trouble is where are the cops? Thailand would have the most dangerous drivers in the world 90% of all Thai drivers should not be driving They do not have a clue what they are doing

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without a real driving test there is no hope of making any difference, I refuse to drive here- the mrs does the horror trip to the shops and we do the commentary on the insane madness on the roads together, thank god it's only 9k there and back.

Edited by Orton Rd
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Who is going to educate the trainers and then who will teach them how to drive properly? 


Why don't they start this program with passenger vehicles such as Vans - commuter-tourist-school, busses - long haul and tourists local.Taxis are actually pretty good as the aren't in any (head) race and drive over 8-10 hours per day. Emergency vehicles are terrible and need proper training, and then little things like the red trucks in Chiang Mai.


Ban dark and all films over a certain shade tolerance in side and front windows of all vehicles, private and commercial. It is terrible and restricts vision in daytime, but night time is a total different problem, as my guess it cuts down proper vision of seeing safely by 30%. Side mirrors a bit more in my experience as it doesn't allow you to see properly for some reason, but the darker the film the bigger the danger. My wife has a car that has a light film on it, and I have had 2 arguments to take it off. She wont. She says it is for the heat of the sun. Nighttime is the big problem, but her film is pretty light on most part; meaning you still can see the driver and into the car from the outside. 


With dark films people hide and play with their phones more and become less connected to the real safety of driving in not just one but many ways. 



Edited by holy cow cm
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RTP lack.the brains or will to enforce laws other than to stand on a corner catching farangs or Thai on scooters. Yet daily they ride past a whole family of 4 or 5 on a bike. And do nothing.

They are incompetent and need to be disbanded 

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58 minutes ago, Media1 said:

RTP lack.the brains or will to enforce laws other than to stand on a corner catching farangs or Thai on scooters. Yet daily they ride past a whole family of 4 or 5 on a bike. And do nothing.

They are incompetent and need to be disbanded 

I am a little sympathetic to families of 4-5 on a bike. Don't ritely ever see or hear of them having an accident or being killed, and usually never in big cities you will see them on bikes. There has to be some give or take, but mainly under safety of what not to do, i.e. making a right turn from the far left lanes, or swinging into the left lane beside you to make a U-Turn. The things most all Thai inherently do that are head scratchers. .... What about the handicapped driving motorcycles. Education and not more rules for the police to put their $ palm out on. 

Edited by holy cow cm
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5 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

without a real driving test there is no hope of making any difference, I refuse to drive here- the mrs does the horror trip to the shops and we do the commentary on the insane madness on the roads together, thank god it's only 9k there and back.

Orton I going to join and not drive anymore God i have never seen so many bad drivers in my life I going to let the Mrs drive from now on or just walk Bugger this for a joke

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1 hour ago, Media1 said:

RTP lack.the brains or will to enforce laws other than to stand on a corner catching farangs or Thai on scooters. Yet daily they ride past a whole family of 4 or 5 on a bike. And do nothing.

They are incompetent and need to be disbanded 

Or better still they drive through red lights themselves They really need to start over with the police force

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