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Macron wins French presidency, to sighs of relief in Europe


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On 08/05/2017 at 9:27 AM, heroKK said:

for the first time ever in the history of FN, Muslims and even other minorities and left wingers were campaigning for Le Pen, First time ever !!!


The French has a choice between a criminal regime, and a nationalist state !! excerpts "I will show you how many children did Sarkozy and Hollande has massacred in Libya, Syria and Yemen"


On 08/05/2017 at 9:27 AM, heroKK said:

for the first time ever in the history of FN, Muslims and even other minorities and left wingers were campaigning for Le Pen, First time ever !!!


The French has a choice between a criminal regime, and a nationalist state !! excerpts "I will show you how many children did Sarkozy and Hollande has massacred in Libya, Syria and Yemen"



95% of Muslims voted for Macron. Of course they did. In five years he will have brought in another one million potential Macron supporters into the country. At least.


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2 hours ago, heroKK said:

4% approval rate at the end of his mandate, 30% unemployment rate after all the companies will relocate abroad, WW3 with Russia because of Iran and endless streams of terrorist attacks, good reasons to celebrate indeed ! you got not a single clue what the bankers is gonna do to your country! sad that the French do not have the mental power to elect someone like François Asselineau.




The journalist Laure Daussy observed on the Arrêt sur images website that Asselineau's videoconferences on YouTube include claims that "Marine Le Pen is entrusted with ruining [his] discourse" and that her party, the National Front "was an invention of François Mitterrand and Jacques Attali" and had been financed by "Pierre Ceyrac and the financial arm of the Moonies, CAUSA International, and behind them by the CIA and the Bush family", whose "fortune manager, the Carlyle group (...), is represented in France by Yves de Chaisemartin, the owner of 25% of the magazine Marianne which promotes Marine Le Pen in order to have Dominique Strauss-Kahn elected".[3] Asselineau also told the regional newspaper Nord Éclair that the National Front's intention of leaving the European Union is part of the "smokescreen" of the French political theatre and that they do not want to do so at all.[35]


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17 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

In fact, since macron won by 2 to 1, that means that virtually everyone who voted for him once, did it again.

Yes, the figures certainly add up.


Down with complexity! Out with greyness! We voted for simplicity and we're determined to have it!

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"Macron has great acting skills" - Marc de Ferrand , Macron 's high-school teacher.


Marc de Ferrand  was Macron's high school teacher, he was asked by the TV crew if he ever imagined that Macron is going to be a president, "Never "he replied, I thought he is going to be an actor, a famous theater actor !!" :smile::smile:, The TV cut that interview instantly :post-4641-1156694572:




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13 minutes ago, heroKK said:

"Macron has great acting skills" - Marc de Ferrand , Macron 's high-school teacher.


Marc de Ferrand  was Macron's high school teacher, he was asked by the TV crew if he ever imagined that Macron is going to be a president, "Never "he replied, I thought he is going to be an actor, a famous theater actor !!" :smile::smile:, The TV cut that interview instantly :post-4641-1156694572:




What's your point? In the modern age, stagecraft is necessary for successful politicians. 

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

What's your point? In the modern age, stagecraft is necessary for successful politicians. 

Yup that s why, I suggested that we should award François Hollande with the 2017 - Nobel Prize for advancing the science of reelection. No politician ever with 4% approval rate succeeded to get reelected with 65%, it will make every dictator on earth jealous !!! François Hollande is genius ! I admit.

C_PxzRRUIAAV1dp.jpg large.jpg

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

In fact, since macron won by 2 to 1, that means that virtually everyone who voted for him once, did it again.

The average populace are not smart like you and Jingthing,, because I can bet 1$ million that people like you never always votes Left, but do vote occasionally right and even far right on certain places or occasions :thumbsup:, 90% of my family members voted for far left (Melenchon) on first round then they voted Le Pen on the second round, they are voting against the establishment and the dinosaurs as a protest vote, and are not Nazis as the MSM tries to depicts them.

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37 minutes ago, heroKK said:

The average populace are not smart like you and Jingthing,, because I can bet 1$ million that people like you never always votes Left, but do vote occasionally right and even far right on certain places or occasions :thumbsup:, 90% of my family members voted for far left (Melenchon) on first round then they voted Le Pen on the second round, they are voting against the establishment and the dinosaurs as a protest vote, and are not Nazis as the MSM tries to depicts them.

Whether voting individuals are Nazis is beside the point. What is the point is that voters for the French NF would have been voting for a party which has historical roots in the Vichy Regime and Nazi collaboration. There is no getting away from that. Not only that, Le Pen in her campaign had to tip her hat (just as her father did) to those historical roots. Father is old school and so persisted with the holocaust denial. Daughter, on the other hand, went for the whitewash, and denied French responsibility for the round-up of Jews to be sent to the camps. What is further to the point is that some forum contributors are into all the old nonsense thinly disguised as more general populism. As for the ultra-left, Melenchon's standing aside for the second round is redolent of the late 1920s Stalinist Third Period when the Communist Parties labelled the Centrist Parties as Social Fascist and refused to unite against the German Nazis. Good that the French NF lost this election (and any election for that matter). And good that their nasty supporters on this forum can stop thinking the wind is always in their favour

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28 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Whether voting individuals are Nazis is beside the point. What is the point is that voters for the French NF would have been voting for a party which has historical roots in the Vichy Regime and Nazi collaboration. There is no getting away from that. Not only that, Le Pen in her campaign had to tip her hat (just as her father did) to those historical roots. Father is old school and so persisted with the holocaust denial. Daughter, on the other hand, went for the whitewash, and denied French responsibility for the round-up of Jews to be sent to the camps. What is further to the point is that some forum contributors are into all the old nonsense thinly disguised as more general populism. As for the ultra-left, Melenchon's standing aside for the second round is redolent of the late 1920s Stalinist Third Period when the Communist Parties labelled the Centrist Parties as Social Fascist and refused to unite against the German Nazis. Good that the French NF lost this election (and any election for that matter). And good that their nasty supporters on this forum can stop thinking the wind is always in their favour

Utter- non-senses, the socialists and leftists were the collaborators with Vichy and were directly responsible for The Vel' d'Hiv, Le Pen was not even born. hey !!! we are not in the 1930s, we are in 2017, German Panzers are not threatening us any more, we dont mix 1930s issues with modern election issues. our current concerns are outsourcing of jobs, high unemployment rates, safety and terrorism.





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8 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

I'm sure France did a huge mistake and they will regret it biggly.


For sure there are a few forum contributors who tied their support to both the British UKIP and the French NF and are feeling extremely sorry for themselves right now. Too many consoling lunch-time Leos can really mess things up as well........

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1 hour ago, heroKK said:

The average populace are not smart like you and Jingthing,, because I can bet 1$ million that people like you never always votes Left, but do vote occasionally right and even far right on certain places or occasions :thumbsup:, 90% of my family members voted for far left (Melenchon) on first round then they voted Le Pen on the second round, they are voting against the establishment and the dinosaurs as a protest vote, and are not Nazis as the MSM tries to depicts them.

Who cares about your testimony about the way your family may have voted? The electoral maps of the first and second round show that those regions that voted for Melancthon in the first round overwhelmingly voted for Macron in the 2nd round.

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29 minutes ago, heroKK said:

 we are not in the 1930s, we are in 2017, German Panzers are not threatening us any more, we dont mix 1930s issues with modern election issues. our current concerns are outsourcing of jobs, high unemployment rates, safety and terrorism.






You are right of course in all points. Although when looking at outsourcing of jobs, the fact how many jobs were "insourced" and created by int'l trade and fostering of new technologies never gets mentioned strangely. Or the fact that if you tell companies to stop it or else, the prices of goods will likely rise. Companies are highly motivated by saving money and I find it laughable if populist politicians pretend they could buck that trend.

You do not counter high unemployment in the case of France by leaving the EU and introducing a new untested currency and keeping foreigners out. To sell this experiment to the voters as the way out is extremely irresponsible and naive to the point of lunacy. You do that and foreign investment will plummet and jobs start walking out the door as foreign companies will retreat.


The job markets are changing more because of changes in technology and not "globalism". If products made in France are offered in other countries - isn't that globalism too?

If France buys the imports it absolutely needed on the international market (think uranium for example for their dependency on nuclear energy production - just imagine them for a minute being suddenly cut off from this) - isn't that globalism too?

If the people in France can buy the latest gadgets not developed or produced in France - isn't that globalism?


The answer is yes, yes and yes. Only then, it is just quietly accepted as it's good for the country.


I would have tipped my hat if the FN had said, we will exit the EU, cease using the Euro and Globalism in all forms and we will now go it alone in all aspects of life. The borders will be closed. No more exports and no more imports - no more selling of weapons in the middle East and no more buying of oil from there. Air France will become a domestic carrier only (at least as long as there is kerosene left). No more products on the shelves unless made in France 100%. No more vacances abroad allowed, all holiday homes must be sold or you have to rescind French citizenship and stay outside and kiss your pension goodbye. Those committing serious crimes will lose their citizenship and be deported. It will be tough and our standard of living will be greatly reduced (no more electricity at first for one thing as we will have to develop sources that are 100% French made) but we will come out of this much stronger as we rediscover the real French way of life for and by the French.


Now, who would have voted for that?

Edited by mrdome
a few changes I wanted to add
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6 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Who cares about your testimony about the way your family may have voted? The electoral maps of the first and second round show that those regions that voted for Melancthon in the first round overwhelmingly voted for Macron in the 2nd round.

Because the "biased media" kept bombarding them in ways that exceeds even communist China, There must be something seriously wrong with the French. After one Islamic bloodbath after another, after one crime by a "refugee" after another, they still elected en masse open borders globalist shills.

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3 minutes ago, heroKK said:

Because the "biased media" kept bombarding them in ways that exceeds even communist China, There must be something seriously wrong with the French. After one Islamic bloodbath after another, after one crime by a "refugee" after another, they still elected en masse open borders globalist shills.

What a good little populist hater you are. Got any more superlatives?


Many of the crimes you describe were committed by passport holders of EU countries; most of them weren't refugees. As I said before, if you don't want Muslims, don't colonize their countries or ask them to come and work for you.

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I don't think Macron is a neoliberal.


As an ex-philosopher and investment banker who married his cougar schoolteacher, I do think he has the courage of his convictions and I hope he will garner enough support to change France.


The cornerstone of his philosophy is "the freedom to do", which is very much in opposition with how France has been run in the past 40 years.

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14 hours ago, Grouse said:


Yes, from the map it looks like the sharp spring frosts that have already damaged grapes in select regions may have damaged Le Pen's regional votes too? Looks like for 2017, Bordeaux and Burgundy will be a below par vintage at best.

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14 hours ago, manarak said:

I don't think Macron is a neoliberal.


As an ex-philosopher and investment banker who married his cougar schoolteacher, I do think he has the courage of his convictions and I hope he will garner enough support to change France.


The cornerstone of his philosophy is "the freedom to do", which is very much in opposition with how France has been run in the past 40 years.

However well or badly Macron does in the future is besides the point. What is the point is that in the French Presidential election Macron defeated the candidate standing in the fascist tradition, namely Le Pen. And no attempted humourous posturings by some on this thread will divert from which side of the fence they have been seen to stand.

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An ideal oppertunity to smash the German/Belgian dictatorship that is the EU. Shame the Jellyfish of France showed their lack of backbone they will live to regret it as Macron heads to Germany to visit his handler for instruction.

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During the last 30 years, not a single French start-up company managed to get into the CAC 40, just compare this to the US, Singapore etc.., hey people !!, these euro policies does not work, there were an experiment in Portugal where the local government gave zero tax incentive to corporations and could not create a single job, the reason given ,Portugal could never ever compete with Germany as long as they have the same currency, those countries(Greece, etc..) needs massive devaluation in order to attract investments again. Argentina recovered successfully from the financial crash but not Greece guess why ? because it does not have its own currency.


France needs a genius politician who mix and match between liberal and protectionist policies according to the situation just like Switzerland does, otherwise how do u explain the low unemployment rate, more submission to Brussels wont solve any problems, the EU is doomed to failure Italy, Greece and Portugal are time-bomb that will explode sooner or later. imagine if Thailand had Japanese yen as its currency ?? think of the horrible consequences of that ?

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