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And it's goodbye from Mobi…


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2 hours ago, Mobi said:

Hmm… just a few random points…

1.    I never claimed I was skint – read my posts – I simply don't have enough money remain in Thailand and take care of my family.

2.    I don't believe I am paranoid about the eroding situation in Thailand, although I personally have never, ever, had one moment of trouble from Thais, or anyone else for that matter. Nevertheless, Thailand certainly isn't the same place it was, and IMHO the writing is on the wall. We shall see.

3.    As for freeloading on the British government… well, let me see… the last year I worked was 1999/200, and for that tax year I paid £75,886 in tax; the following year, although I was retired, I was still on the payroll and paid £132,864  in tax. In 2002 I paid £67,561 tax and in 2003 I paid £55,631.


I continued to pay similar, substantial amounts of tax until 2006 when I went off the payroll. After that, the tax payments slowly tapered down even though during all this time I was living in Thailand. I would estimate that in the 21st century I have paid over ½ million pounds in tax and that doesn't include my, and my employer's, NIC contributions.

I was a high earner for many years, so in my last 20 years of work, it is not unreasonable to assume I contributed more than £1 million to the UK Exchequer during my working life.

I have never had a major operation in the UK and in any case I always had private health care, and for the past 15 years I haven't taken a dime from the British government and my state pension has been frozen which saved them a few bob.

In my view, I'm entitled to get a bit back, now I am in my 70's and my health is not great. But I guess we are all entitled to our opinions.


4. Anyone who psychoanalyses somebody on the basis of what he reads in an internet forum - especially someone who is not medically qualified - probably needs to look to look hard at himself. For the record, I have suffered from bouts of depression for most of my life. I first saw a psychiatrist in the UK some 50 years ago, and had some very useful sessions with two different therapists in Thailand when I was battling the demon booze.


I would never try to claim I am 100% 'normal' - whatever 'normal' may mean, and I accept that someone who marries 6 times and makes and loses several fortunes may have an odd screw loose....:sad:


But I had a lot of fun along the way - probably more than many - and I'm still in there fighting for me and mine...:smile:


So you were making 200000+++ a year....what was your job?

Edited by tazly
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I quote out a few numbers from my tax returns which I am in the process of re-filing and  I am asked for more and more personal information.  Probably shouldn't have :sleep:


If I told you what I did, you would ask me for who, where and when, and I am not about to spend my Sunday trying to explain what I did to earn such a high salary.


As I said many posts ago, it is all in my blogs and books (which are available on Amazon). If you are that interested, spend a little time to research it. You would even find out about my car if you read my blogs carefully.


Maybe it's time to close this thread, Mods, as it seems to have run its course. I'm now gone, and won't be back. Thanks again to all those who have wished me well.

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