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Monthly Visa Runs

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I've never heard of anybody doing monthly visa runs. Man, that's a lot of unnecessary work! Every three months, ok, but monthly? I don't think it would be worht the hassle.

Are you serious? I'd venture to say that there's a good 5000 to 10000 people currently in the Los doing monthly visa runs.

Its all rumours. No one knows what is going on.

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I'd venture to say that there's a good 5000 to 10000 people currently in the Los doing monthly visa runs.

I wonder for how much longer though?

I know of people here living with women and have kids here on 30 day visas and have been here years.

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I'd venture to say that there's a good 5000 to 10000 people currently in the Los doing monthly visa runs.

I wonder for how much longer though?

I know of people here living with women and have kids here on 30 day visas and have been here years.

All I know is that we've been told as far back as last July that the 30 day people are about to be deported. It's never happened. And now the rumour again is that it is about to happen. If you read the quote from immigration posted in another thread, they say that they have no intention of enforcing any '3 consecutive entries and you've got to leave for 6 months' rule. (Does anyone else feel like hunting down that quote?) I've got to believe that the vast majority of walkers will be permitted to keep walking. I'm writing ads for Johnnie Walker now...

I know people who have gone to the border evry month for 2 years now- to the SAME border. They never have any problems and quite frankly, think that I am a little gullible for leaving last year to get a real visa. But the peace of mind is worth it.

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I'll admit that I was one of the first few that joined this bandwagon on another thread here. I recant. Until there is something in writing, it is a rumour. I just did my run a couple of days ago. No problem. Smiles from imm - officers.

What of the one day entries from the border countries? 3 days and banned?

What about the countries with only 15 day limits? 45 days and banned?

Take a deep breath and put things in perspective.


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At my local border crossing, they know my name and if my son is making the crossing, they ask about him and make sure he isn't sick. They whiz me through as fast as possible without even a second glance now. They are very friendly people.

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At my local border crossing, they know my name and if my son is making the crossing, they ask about him and make sure he isn't sick. They whiz me through as fast as possible without even a second glance now. They are very friendly people.

how about that. just think of all that unnecessary paranoia

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