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How a Tsunami in Japan Endangered Children in Cambodia

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The tsunami and nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, now threatens the developing brains of children in Cambodia — but not for reasons that were ever expected.

Cambodia has long struggled with iodine deficiency. The element is crucial to early brain growth: When pregnant women and their infants have low levels, the children can permanently lose 10 to 15 I.Q. points. Iodine deficiency is considered the world’s leading preventable cause of mental impairment.

But there is a cheap, easy remedy: iodized salt. As salt is cleaned and packaged, potassium iodate may be sprayed on it, normally at a cost of only a dollar or two per ton. That means, nutrition experts say, that the I.Q. of entire nations can be raised 10 points for just a nickel per child per year. Cambodia was making great progress against iodine deficiency until 2011, according to a report published in 2015 by the Iodine Global Network, a public-private partnership combating the deficiency.


read more https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/15/health/tsunami-japan-cambodia-iodine-defiency.html?_r=0

4 hours ago, cruisemonkey said:

Iodine deficiency may explain a lot of what's going on on Thai roads.

Not to mention all the farang who arrive here who were unable to find love at home but expect they will suddenly be a real catch once they deplane here.

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