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Non-im "b" Visa In Hong Kong ?

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Does anyone have any info on getting a Non-Immigrant "B" Visa in Hong Kong?

I've never seen any info posted on getting a Visa there.

Are they available? Any hassles? What's the cost? Length? etc.

I'm getting married on March 1 and planning on a HK honeymoon... But I may need to do a Visa Run on March 12 if my Work Permit is still stalled.

I have 3 options:

- Get a new Visa in Hong Kong.

- Change my plans and go to Kaula Lompor

- Try and get an "O" visa in the 2 weeks between my Wedding and Visa Expiry Date... Which I figure will be impossible.

Does anyone have any info to share?

Thanks, and have a Happy Happy.. Merry, Merry


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Hongkong does not have a reputation as the most helpful consulate.

Apply one day, collect the next is the usual arrangement.

Thanks for the input, but I was hoping for some more detailed info.

Maybe someone else has more to add.

The other info on the Thaivisa site Home Page linking to a HK Visa Run report also doesn't give any detail.. just that the person got yelled at for not going to Penang.. But no info about what kind of Visa they requested.. maybe just a Tourist.. and hopefully they are better about issuing Non-Im "B" ???

I hope someone out there can contribute some more details.

Thanks in advance


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Used the HK Thai Consulate once and found them very helpful. However the tricky part of using HK is trying to find a half decent hotel that is affordable without taking out a bank loan!!!! anyone got any suggestions ??

I figure on buying a Bkk-Hk-Bkk Hotel/Air Package... It will be my Honeymoon as well as Visa Run, so I guess I should spend a few bucks.

But any suggestions would be helpful.


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I got my Non-B in Hong Kong in October. At first they only wanted to give me a single entry, but they relented when I helped them get a their slideshow display up and running on the plasma screen in the waiting room, and gave me a 1 year multiple entry.

I stayed in a Guest House in Kowloon, right next to a subway station. So everything worked out really cheap for me

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I got my Non-B in Hong Kong in October. At first they only wanted to give me a single entry, but they relented when I helped them get a their slideshow display up and running on the plasma screen in the waiting room, and gave me a 1 year multiple entry.

I stayed in a Guest House in Kowloon, right next to a subway station. So everything worked out really cheap for me

Besides having great Chinese Food, the Public Transportaion is convenient, fast and cheap.

I wonder if They will give me a Multiple Entry if I show up with my New Thai Bride and tell them I'm on my Honeymoon??


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I used to live in Hong Kong and always found the Thai consulate there most helpful.

I got a non-imm O, applied one morning, picked it up the next. I understand that they normally only give single entry visas tho and you need to apply in the morning.

Why not have a honeymoon in Disneyland?

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I used to live in Hong Kong and always found the Thai consulate there most helpful.

I got a non-imm O, applied one morning, picked it up the next. I understand that they normally only give single entry visas tho and you need to apply in the morning.

Why not have a honeymoon in Disneyland?

Thanks for the feedback.

I hear HK Disneyland is Over-Priced, Over-Crowded and Over-Hyped.

I'll take her to Disney World in Orlando, Florida one day.

There's enough to do in HK to occupy us for a few days.

And if the Cable Car to the Peak is working, coming "DOWN" is a more inreresting experience then anything Disney has to offer.


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Sorry not being able to tell you much about if the consulate in HKK is helpful or not...but if you go to HKK on your honeymoon and it is a nice and sunny day, go to OCEAN PARK, it is really worth it. Forget the mickey mouse crap.

Happy Honey MOON


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I used to live in Hong Kong and always found the Thai consulate there most helpful.

I got a non-imm O, applied one morning, picked it up the next. I understand that they normally only give single entry visas tho and you need to apply in the morning.

Why not have a honeymoon in Disneyland?

Thanks for the feedback.

I hear HK Disneyland is Over-Priced, Over-Crowded and Over-Hyped.

I'll take her to Disney World in Orlando, Florida one day.

There's enough to do in HK to occupy us for a few days.

And if the Cable Car to the Peak is working, coming "DOWN" is a more inreresting experience then anything Disney has to offer.


prices of hotels can wildly gyrate depending on whether there is a big convention event gong on in town.

you can check available offers in HK on hotelclub.net

I can recommend south pacific hotel on wanchai if the price is OK, otherwise the IBIS at North Point is OK if you are on a budget. For alternative to Disney go to Ocean Park and for evening ents GF will like Lan Kwai Fong. You will like mid-levels around SOHO (south of Hollywood Road) partic for sunday brunch get tram and then use the midlevels escalator...

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Used the HK Thai Consulate once and found them very helpful. However the tricky part of using HK is trying to find a half decent hotel that is affordable without taking out a bank loan!!!! anyone got any suggestions ??

tsim cha tsui? had some cheap coffin hotels. with coffin bathroom.

sucks but then all hotels suck in hk. .ast i went 250 a night.

some possible names. rent a room. comic guest house....all in 2 locations

also you can stay on lantao island which is far nicer though also far. ... 400 a night?

all prices hkd

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