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British police says responding to serious incident at Manchester Arena


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51 minutes ago, transam said:

Because all individuals think differently, and for sure nobody knows what others are thinking about. My mum thought I was a choir boy but............:stoner:

Yeah, right. She was well wrong there, werent she, old pal.

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3 hours ago, iReason said:






Along with a good dose of myopic xenophobia.


"they should be incarcerated on return and subjected to interrogation before being realeased into society."


so what would you do, give them a house , free  food and a reach round?

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1 hour ago, Watchful said:

Isn't this exactly what the Muslims did to the Jews? Isn't it strange how the Muslims ignore that the Jews were in Palestine long, long before them.


Fortunately, I have solution to the Muslim Problem! We have been screwing around trying to prevent Iran from getting nuclear arms. Instead, let's give nukes to both the Sunnis and the Shias.  They are so stupid that they'll kill each other off in a few weeks!









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25 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Which is an entirely different matter that should be easily solved by lengthy prison terms to discourage others.  Unless, of course, they were born elsewhere - in which case they should be deported back to their home countries after serving the lengthy prison term.


I'm more concerned as to why some moslems, who were born in the UK and grew up in the country, turned into radical terrorists.


This particular atrocity is particularly difficult to understand as his parents fled Libya?

it's not difficult to understand at all.


Ghadaffi was oppressing fndamentalist islamists in Lybia.


Some people are just losers and will grow up with a strong feeling of resentment because they are losers and turn to the first Pied Piper of Hamelin they will encounter because he will make them feel valued and understood and all the reasons of them failing are Western hatred for muslims and racism...

next steps are then learning the Quran, training in a camp and blowing themselves up.

the Quran part is often left out nowadays in favor of a more rapid explosion.

Edited by manarak
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3 hours ago, nontabury said:

Since when did Islam or the followers of Islam become a race?

 There's 's me thinking it's an intolerant and deadly cult,masquerading as a religion.

He was in fact blaming a whole race of people which includes Muslims. Also stating wrong Facts about muslims which is where my post origionated from which in my eyes makes him a racist. Always better to read the whole thread so as to see things in context. 

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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

I gather the suicide bomber's parents came to England in '94 to escape Gadaffi?


Western forces deposed Gadaffi, and presumably his family were happy that this happened?  So why did the son go to Libya to get involved in terrorist tactics?


It doesn't make any sense to me - but I could well be missing something here as there are doubtless other issues involved.

Sorry to say, but when people come to the UK as political asylum seekers when/if the situation changes and they are not at risk why they should they not be repatriated?

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8 hours ago, simple1 said:

Stop posting misinformation. Intolerance by religious parents to their children marrying a person from another religion is not unique to Islam.


You're posting statements which at at this stage have no proven relevance with the atrocity in Manchester.  IMO you're leveraging this tragedy as a platform for an attack on Muslims in general, which I believe is inappropriate & which all Western security agencies clearly state is unhelpful.

Have I hit home too close? Nothing I posted is wrong. It is all factual. All you are doing is playing the race/religious card.


To demonstrate how  accepting of this new wave of domination we have become, on the news this morning we saw several people stating that this does not happen often and we just have to get used to it. I could not believe what I was hearing. Obviously we have no right to live any more.


What Muslims want for now is multi culturalism and domination not integration. large parts of the UK are becoming Islamic as the intolerance to other religions and cultures spreads.The obvious end result of insisting that anyone marrying a Muslim must be one or convert and their children must also be Muslims is that only Islam will exist in the future.....nice ending for Islam.


I sincerely want integration so that everyone can mix together safely but while domination and exclusion continues we will always have problems.


These terrorists are Muslim terrorists attempting to spread their brand of Islam. When and only when Muslims inter marry with other faiths and allow their children/partners to freely chose their own path will peace reign.


Serious question for you.....What is your problem with people having the freedom to chose their own religion?

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47 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I would think its very hard for doctors,paramedics, and nurses to accept Islam as the religion of tolerance, when they are digging nails and metal out of children's eyes.Or trying to repair ,badly broken bones.Or trying to stop a young concert goer, from bleeding to death.It must be hard for a Christian vicar, or priest to accept that his God is the same God of Islam.Or to try to forgive the POS who deliberately blew himself to bits and took 22(to date) kids with him, whose days has started out with excitement and the concert to come.I cannot imagine how the parents of these dead and damaged children must be feeling.How many of them expected to outlive their kids, or for them to die in such a evil and tragic way.


Tolerance??? seems to me the only tolerance Muslims have is for the radical terrorists in their community who think that they have the right to rid this earth of those who do not believe in Islam.  

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7 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Tolerance??? seems to me the only tolerance Muslims have is for the radical terrorists in their community who think that they have the right to rid this earth of those who do not believe in Islam.  

Mmm didnt the Catholic church try to do that as well in the middle ages.

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UK: What British Muslims Really Think: The 615-page survey found that more than 100,000 British Muslims sympathize with suicide bombers and people who commit other terrorist acts. Moreover, only one in three British Muslims (34%) would contact the police if they believed that somebody close to them had become involved with jihadists.




23% support the introduction of Sharia Law.
32% refuse to condemn those who take part in violence against those who mock the Prophet.
66% completely condemn those people who take part in stoning those who commit adultery.



Edited by kevkev1888
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"the enemy of my enemy is my friend"


People dont seem to realize the goal of a terrorist organization, besides blowing stuff and people up etc. its not that simple.


Its aimed at creating a divide between normal Muslims and others, and radicalizing more Muslims. Its about creating an us and them situation. Normal Muslims become hated, isolated, blamed and associated with the radical nutters. A young law abiding Muslims finds himself being blamed, victimized, persecuted for terrorist acts, he may as well go and join them.


Keep punishing and blaming peaceful Muslims and a percentage of them will cross over to the dark side. 


Terrorism is about "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"

The enemy of radical Islam is the west, Radical Islam wants the west to be the enemy of normal Islam and therefore normal Islam is the friend of radical Islam.


And its working!!!

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I believe in the KISS program. Keep It Simple Stupid.is a good program for this problem I feel.The problem is muslim intergration. Simply stop them from coming to your countries and problem solved it is that to simple. No need to figure out why they have this problem no need to justify why they are stopped from coming just do it and refuse to discuss it or  even acknowledge them. Give them no special treatment.Those already here assimilate or work around us we are finished trying to please them.

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Islam does not belong in a modern western society were men and women are EQUAL. As this is a major factor I don't see why it is allowed. You can go on and on about other things but this is a basic human right or it should be. I still haven't heard anyone defend the inequality from Islam effectively.  People here are right. It belongs in the dark ages.

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Just now, Laughing Gravy said:

Islam does not belong in a modern western society were men and women are EQUAL. As this is a major factor I don't see why it is allowed. You can go on and on about other things but this is a basic human right or it should be. I still haven't heard anyone defend the inequality from Islam effectively.  People here are right. It belongs in the dark ages.

It makes you think when the people who defend Islam are also shouting for human rights. 


As a society we have changed dramatically from 100 years ago with the exception of Islam which has not changed in nearly 1,500 years.


if we feel that our laws were uncivilised 100 years ago, what does that say for Islam?

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3 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Islam does not belong in a modern western society were men and women are EQUAL.

I still haven't heard anyone defend the inequality from Islam effectively. 

People here are right. It belongs in the dark ages.


As do all religions.



In the western world, right there at the top, stands christianity.


For 2000 years...

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Just now, iReason said:


As do all religions.



In the western world, right there at the top, stands christianity.


For 2000 years...

Really where do you live and what religion. I don't see Christians having 4 wives or the women walking behind the men and covering themselves up because men can't control there urges.  I will say it again. I have not heard an effective argument yet from Islam on the inequality.


To remind you we have moved on from 2000 years ago as nearly everyone else has too. Except Islam of course.

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5 minutes ago, iReason said:


As do all religions.



In the western world, right there at the top, stands christianity.


For 2000 years...

Christianity...the most tolerant apologetic and accepting of actions against it religion in today's world.


Modern day Christians seem to just accept being led like lambs to the slaughter while refusing to act against their perpetrators. That's why they are slowly dwindling away.

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28 minutes ago, Flustered said:

Have I hit home too close? Nothing I posted is wrong. It is all factual. All you are doing is playing the race/religious card.


To demonstrate how  accepting of this new wave of domination we have become, on the news this morning we saw several people stating that this does not happen often and we just have to get used to it. I could not believe what I was hearing. Obviously we have no right to live any more.


What Muslims want for now is multi culturalism and domination not integration. large parts of the UK are becoming Islamic as the intolerance to other religions and cultures spreads.The obvious end result of insisting that anyone marrying a Muslim must be one or convert and their children must also be Muslims is that only Islam will exist in the future.....nice ending for Islam.


I sincerely want integration so that everyone can mix together safely but while domination and exclusion continues we will always have problems.


These terrorists are Muslim terrorists attempting to spread their brand of Islam. When and only when Muslims inter marry with other faiths and allow their children/partners to freely chose their own path will peace reign.


Serious question for you.....What is your problem with people having the freedom to chose their own religion?

Bunch of the usual right wing propaganda generalisations of Muslims in general. To repeat Western security forces have  stated the type of content you post is not constructive, in fact detrimental, so why do you continue in this manner. In  addition  you have no knowledge whatsoever as to the specifics  behind the killer's action, so why not shut up. at least until UK Police release the results of their investigation.

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10 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I don't see Christians having 4 wives or the women walking behind the men and covering themselves up because men can't control there urges. 

I will say it again. I have not heard an effective argument yet from Islam on the inequality.


To remind you we have moved on from 2000 years ago as nearly everyone else has too. Except Islam of course.


Moved on?

What? About 100 years ago?


Islam has barbaric practices that's for sure.


But trying to change them overnight is a pipe dream.


Pick and choose all the practices you want but:

Never forget the Inqusitions, the crusades and burning people at the stake.


In the name of christ our lord.

Edited by iReason
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2 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Bunch of the usual right wing propaganda generalisations of Muslims in general. To repeat Western security forces have  stated the type of content you post is not constructive, in fact detrimental, so why do you continue in this manner. In  addition  you have no knowledge whatsoever as to the specifics  behind the killer's action, so why not shut up. at least until UK Police release the results of their investigation.

So you believe that Muslims are a peaceful and integrated society?

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Hopefully those kind people who opened up their heart and tried their best to accept Islam in the UK have woken up. Sadly it has taken this for many. The lefties and liberals who believe we can live in harmony might realize that when you have such an oppressive religion, you can't in a modern society.


I have been saying for years that people who feel we can all live together should go an take a sabbatical to Saudi Arabia and see their view change.  It is a shame that innocent children and people have had to forfeit their lives for others to see what was blatant to so many people. Islam does not belong in the UK or in Europe. I would force it back to Turkey where it belongs.

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Just now, Flustered said:

So you believe that Muslims are a peaceful and integrated society?

Nonsense question. Do you believe all members of non Muslim society are peaceful...

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