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Two men killed in Oregon train stabbings that follow anti-Muslim rant


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37 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

How did this turn into a political issue??


We have a stupid man killing two others who defended two moslem women from his initial verbal abuse.


It wasn't 'political' - he hated all moslems!


He has no defense and needs to be locked up for the rest of his life, but its probably time to ban all religious head-coverings and the like in christian countries.

Which countries would those be? Malta? Ireland?  Certainly not the US, which is not and has never been a Christian country.

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Couldn't agree more!
I'd vaguely hoped that trump was looking towards his legacy, and may therefore turn out to be a good president....  Its looking increasingly unlikely - but nonetheless I could do without pretty much every thread turning into a 'hate trump' thread :sad:.
This thread is about a man who hated moslems and killed two people as a result of his hatred.

You and thaibeachlover should wander off into the jungle together and bond like men.

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6 minutes ago, RobFord said:


You and thaibeachlover should wander off into the jungle together and bond like men.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


That's the best you can come up with???? :laugh:


Edit - But I agree, its far easier to come up with insults than reasoned points of view.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Manslaughter at best; the guy was defending himself from 3 at the time of the stabbings. Certainly it was anti-PC haranguing the two muslim women but he does have the right to defend himself when attacked by 3 men. No one would be dead if the 3 men hadn't confronted him is my point.


Ya Ya, I'm being anti-PC here; hope TVBMs don't gang up on me.


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8 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:


'Often' - really?

This man is a lone wolf, known to the police, with mental health issues.

How dare you try to point fingers at a group of people because of this mans behavior.

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Yes, OFTEN.  Extreme right-wingers kill FAR more people in the US than Muslim extremists.  (and white right wing extremists kill far more cops in the US than black men do, while we're at it)  Yet when Muslims do it, everyone talks about how they were "radicalized."  When white pieces of <deleted>, obviously (and by their own admission) encouraged by the climate of hate created by that <deleted> Trump and his ilk do it, people always rush to call them "mentally ill".

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26 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

Manslaughter at best; the guy was defending himself from 3 at the time of the stabbings. Certainly it was anti-PC haranguing the two muslim women but he does have the right to defend himself when attacked by 3 men. No one would be dead if the 3 men hadn't confronted him is my point.


Ya Ya, I'm being anti-PC here; hope TVBMs don't gang up on me.


I suppose you don't know that one of the men defending the women, who was murdered, was a Republican, and a war veteran.  And thanks for letting us know what kind of "man" you are, who would apparently stand by ignoring a large man threatening and harassing innocent women.

Screenshot 2017-05-28 06.44.33.png

Edited by Chou Anou
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4 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

How did this turn into a political issue??


We have a stupid man killing two others who defended two moslem women from his initial verbal abuse.


It wasn't 'political' - he hated all moslems!


He has no defense and needs to be locked up for the rest of his life, but its probably time to ban all religious head-coverings and the like in christian countries.

The USA is not a Christian country. God is not even mentioned in the U.S. constitution, much less Jesus.

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Couldn't agree more!
I'd vaguely hoped that trump was looking towards his legacy, and may therefore turn out to be a good president....  Its looking increasingly unlikely - but nonetheless I could do without pretty much every thread turning into a 'hate trump' thread :sad:.
This thread is about a man who hated moslems and killed two people as a result of his hatred.

Yes, but the man Likely hates Muslims because of Trump's hate-filled ranting.
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5 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:

I have a question...when you "think", does it hurt? I mean, is it like a migraine? Because all the crap you've got stored in your cranium has got to be putting some intense pressure on the inside of your skull. You go off unhinged at sujoop for "pointing fingers at a group of people" and yet you have no problem pointing your finger at all Muslims. Here's a suggestion...try going back and rereading the post. At no point did sujoop ever point a finger at anyone other than the man who committed this atrocity. He (sujoop) clearly stated that he was a lone wolf who had attached himself to a "cause" in order to justify his irrational behavior and intentions. And by the way...he wasn't a Bernie supporter. He was an anti-establishment supporter and felt that Sanders and Stein were from outside the establishment, a point made clear by his rant on his FB page (he clearly stated that his "support" for Sanders was in spite of Sanders being a Jew, meaning he didn't like him and only "supported" him because he thought Sanders would buck the system).


If you're upset because you think that sujoop is labeling all Trump supporters in with this person, you are way off base. Point to the sentence where he does so.


However, as he hasn't, allow me the pleasure. This man is just one more manifestation of the overwhelming tide of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, white supremacy, misogyny, and gay bashing that has been unleashed since Trump's election, fostered by Trump's incessant pandering to the poorly educated bigots who comprise the majority of his base. Where is Trump's impassioned rejection of the support he receives from white supremacists, from the KKK, from the Council of Conservative Citizens (a racist organization), and from the myriad other racist/xenophobic groups who turned out the cheer him on? Where is his impassioned plea for his supporters to exercise restraint when dealing with Muslims? Where are his impassioned arguments against racism, bigotry, discrimination, and every other form of evil now running amok and being perpetrated against innocent non-whites in the U. S.? The Southern Poverty Law Center reports well over 1,000 incidents of hate-related crimes since Trump's election, a dramatic increase. Where are the orange one's impassioned arguments against these activities? Why has he never once come out in any dramatic fashion against these people? Actually, the answer to that one is quite simple...they're his base. And you, with your finger pointing at all Muslims, fit right in.




Satire not your strong point, obviously

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

From the OP.

But the Oregonian newspaper reported he had been convicted of robbery, kidnapping and weapon charges, citing court records.


This guy is still walking around in public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Something is clearly rotten with the American justice system. He's 35, not 75. How long did he serve for kidnapping ( not long enough )?


Amazing isn't it - the prisons overflowing with people on minor drug charges - and this nutcase walking free.

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41 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

Manslaughter at best; the guy was defending himself from 3 at the time of the stabbings. Certainly it was anti-PC haranguing the two muslim women but he does have the right to defend himself when attacked by 3 men. No one would be dead if the 3 men hadn't confronted him is my point.


Ya Ya, I'm being anti-PC here; hope TVBMs don't gang up on me.


Do please inform us, oh wise one, of someplace, ANY place in any media report where it said that these men "attacked" the murderer? He was armed with a knife. There is no report that the other three were armed. Even if your insane assertion that they were "attacking" him were true, the use of a knife against unarmed individuals would amount to "disparity of force", a legal term which basically comes down to this: if you use a weapon against an unarmed individual, that is illegal, and will likely fetch you a charge, should the person die, of murder. So, to address your mindlessly stupid assertion that "he does have the right to defend himself when attacked", had they actually attacked him (hint, my dear, vacuous friend...they didn't), yes, he could defend himself. But not with a knife.


Now, as to your bloviating inanity to the effect, "Certainly it was anti-PC haranguing the two muslim (sic) women...", I do want to express my appreciation for your volunteering your membership credentials to the Knuckle-Dragging, Mouth-Breathing, Bugg-Eyed, Inbred.  Racist and Misogynist Society. "PC" has nothing to do with this. It's what those of us who are accustomed to using our brains for something other than watching WWE and drooling over Penthouse and Hustler like to refer to as "human decency". I realize that that is something you are totally unfamiliar with, but it involves recognizing those around you as fellow human beings, worthy of the same respect and courtesy you would like to enjoy. But the troglodytes who are infatuated with Trump gave up both their brains and their human decency in exchange for the freedom to let their racist/bigot flag fly. 

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28 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

Can we just agree the guy was nuts and that was the cause?


Take a jog over to You-Tube sometime and read what some of the Trump supporters have to say under Pres.Obama and Sec. Clinton videos.


It's full of guys like this, with some very similar rants. Not as long winded but relentless. Racism in particular.


And plenty of them under Trump videos viciously attacking any dissent.


And no mods there.


But I report them with the hate-speech option in hopes that the neaderthals will get bumped off the channel.

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1 hour ago, IAMHERE said:

Certainly it was anti-PC haranguing the two muslim women but he does have the right to defend himself when attacked by 3 men.


You  dismiss it as "anti-PC"?  :omfg:


Where is this PC version you reference?


Live and let live?


"Christian was booked into jail on two counts of aggravated murder and charges of attempted murder,

intimidation and being a felon in possession of a restricted weapon."


Remind me how he "defended" himself again?


You strike me as unhinged.

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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

The USA is not a Christian country. God is not even mentioned in the U.S. constitution, much less Jesus.

and yet every President says "God bless America".

However, I agree it's not a Christian country. It's supposed to be secular, with Christian values.

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Veteran journalist Dan Rather wrote an open letter to Mr Trump begging the president to speak out about these murders.


'Mr Rather said: "Two Americans have died leaving family and friends behind.
"They are mourned by millions more who are also deeply worried about what might come next. I hope you can find it worthy of your time to take notice."'



It would be so simple for Trump to speak out or tweet out his condemnation. Show some leadership. His silence speaks volumes. Maybe Trump does not want to upset his racist fan base.

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

and yet every President says "God bless America".

However, I agree it's not a Christian country. It's supposed to be secular, with Christian values.

No it's supposed to be secular full stop. No "Christian values".  The people who wrote the Constitution would be horrified to hear that. 

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

  "... It's supposed to be secular, with Christian values."


And with those eight words, you skillfully illustrate one of the biggest, most significant problems facing the U. S. today...the belief that "Christian values" are supposed to have some sort of preference in American life. My question to you would be...which flavor of "Christian"? Christian Science (no doctors for you)? Mormonism (no booze for you)? Seventh Day Adventism (forget that tee time...better make damn sure you're in that pew every Saturday morning)? Baptist (missionary position only, please...and only for making babies!)? Unitarian Universalist (dude, you really want to go that liberal?)? Snake handling Baptist? Amish?  Mennonite?


If you are speaking of the teachings of Jesus as found in the Gospels...those are not "Christian values". Those are human values of decency, respect, tolerance, kindness, generosity, charity, and benevolence. One does not need a religion to hold, reflect, or demonstrate those values. If you read the Humanist Manifesto you will find those values outlined, particularly in Humanist Manifesto III (from Wikipedia):

  • Ethical values are derived from human need and interest as tested by experience. (See ethical naturalism.)
  • Life’s fulfillment emerges from individual participation in the service of humane ideals.
  • Humans are social by nature and find meaning in relationships.
  • Working to benefit society maximizes individual happiness.
  • Respect for differing yet humane views in an open, secular, democratic, environmentally sustainable society

  This is where all the idiots who love to insist that America was founded on JEE-ZUS go totally off the rails. First,  nowhere in the Constitution's 7,591 words (including the 27 Amendments) will you find the words God, Jesus, Creator, Bible, Holy Spirit, Scripture, Deity, or any other mention of anything that could be construed as religious. This was done for a reason; the Founders did NOT want anyone ever being able to use the Constitution as justification for inserting religion into government, or vice-versa. Actually, several of the Founders had little to no use for organized religion. Read some of Jefferson's, Franklin's, Madison's, and Monroe's writings on religion. While most were church goers, many disdained the overriding desire of organized religion to dominate public and governmental life. All were staunch supporters of keeping religion OUT of government. You are 100% correct in your assertion that America is a secular nation, however, your position that the U. S. is supposed to have "Christian values" flies directly in the face of both the First Amendment and the Founders' intentions in drafting it.

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11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

and yet every President says "God bless America".


Not true.


“God bless America” and its derivatives didn’t regularly enter the presidential fray until April 30, 1973, when President Richard Nixon used it in the midst of the Watergate scandal, The Huffington Post reported."


"While that was the beginning, it wasn’t until President Ronald Reagan regularly began using it that the term caught on."

"Ever since, it has been a standard remark made in the conclusion of many official presidential speeches."


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2 minutes ago, iReason said:


Not true.


“God bless America” and its derivatives didn’t regularly enter the presidential fray until April 30, 1973, when President Richard Nixon used it in the midst of the Watergate scandal, The Huffington Post reported."


"While that was the beginning, it wasn’t until President Ronald Reagan regularly began using it that the term caught on."

"Ever since, it has been a standard remark made in the conclusion of many official presidential speeches."


And Reagan was not a churchgoing guy. He had better uses for his Sundays.

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And Reagan was not a churchgoing guy. He had better uses for his Sundays.

The one truly Christian American president of the modern era was someone the "religious" Right shunned (Jimmy Carter). Meanwhile they embrace the most amoral president ever seen. (Guess who)


The Right's religious talks has always been a sham. 


The Right's unmentioned manifesto, while couched in all kinds of high-minded, Jesus-y rhetoric, has always been: America for whites"


No Democrat has won the majority of the white vote since 1964, when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act. Of course it's about race.



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