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Immigration Department In C. M.

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Sad to say, but the officers who man these desks are not always as well informed as they should be.

Some have their own little agenda's to meet, like impressing the boss to get a promotion.

We have a lady like that in our local office, she is a captain, and newly arrived.

She tried to tell me I had not reported within 90 days.

I had to point out that I did not need to, as my latest TM card was only 6 weeks old.

That elicited the snide comment, "Oh you know the law do you?"

Too right I do. I need to with officious bitches like here around.

I am not the only local farang she has upset...........

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On two occasions one of the folks behind the counter at this immigration department has given me incorrect information.

On one of these occasions others in that office gave me different information only days later and yet another person contradicted all that same day with much more accurate info.

It appears to me most of the inaccurate information may be coming from confusion within the ranks regarding the recent changes in requirements. However, this one particular person added a snide comment the last time I had spoken with him that has led me to believe his giving incorrect or inaccurate information may have been intentional.

This problem seems not to only exist in C.M. but in Bangkok as well. When applying for a visa (for example one year non-immigrant :D you get told by an officier what additional paperwork needs to provided. Next time you go there to pass the required documents on you are taken care of by another officier who sees things differently and asks for more. Lots of going back and forth until the application is eventually accepted and stage 2 is reached.

Latest incident at the tax authorities: Officier was wondering why there was a salary raise all of a sudden (reason: New forthcoming law in July asking for a minimum of taxable Baht 50,000 for Europeans). Officier was not happy with this verbal explanation (obviously the new legislation was unknown). An official statement in Thai was written. When handing the document over to the officer was still not happy. Incidentally (fortunately) a high ranked officier joined the discussion. Being obviously absolutely aware of the new law the explanation was accepted right on the spot and explanations were given to the lower ranked officier. No need for the written statement anymore.

Doubt that making the life difficult is done intentionally (except someone has a personal dislike for you for whatever reason) but rather changes of rules do not go all the way down to the bottom quickly making it very hard to take the first hurdle of getting past the "receptionist" and a petition actually reaches the decision makers. The lower the rank the more is the individual afraid of making a mistake and being scold by a superior (losing face - the worst nightmare in Asia).

Ignorance paired with fear to do wrong seems to be the actual root of the problem in many cases wherever you go. This may be in terms of applying for a visa extension, work permit, talking to tax authorities or even just in a department store when returning merchandise. Making a decision and taking full resonsibility for it is surely a human weakness but certainly not only in Asia. The solution: Never lose your patience but try to cope with it because a temper outbreak will just worsen the situation. Sometimes, however, asking (friendly!!) for a superior to get clearance in an absolutely hopelessly stuck stage may be the only way out. Nevertheless, the lower ranked person WILL lose face to a certain extend but the difference is whether you will be just disliked, hated or cursed to death (possibly even covered with a spell) - the unavoidable price for getting things done. The tag eventually depends on how good (calm) you are in mastering the situation. :o

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Sad to say, but the officers who man these desks are not always as well informed as they should be.

Some have their own little agenda's to meet, like impressing the boss to get a promotion.

We have a lady like that in our local office, she is a captain, and newly arrived.

She tried to tell me I had not reported within 90 days.

I had to point out that I did not need to, as my latest TM card was only 6 weeks old.

That elicited the snide comment, "Oh you know the law do you?"

Too right I do. I need to with officious bitches like here around.

I am not the only local farang she has upset...........

Sounds like the on i had a fight with in CM. She tried to tell me that for a marriage extension to my non O i needed a Baby ???? it would have been very difficult to get one without having a child. She also said "this is thai law sir!"

I put here straight then and there that i knew thai law, that all the paperwork was in front of her face and that i will decide when i make children and not thai immigration. Asked my wife in a non to be mistaken question "if this was another 500 bath scam out of my pocket?"

The answer was immediatly "ok sir you can apply sir, no problem sir". When they asked me if i had another income besides the 400.000 bath i've proven (was only 200.000 at the time) I told them it was none of their business.

They can stuff their extension for all i care.

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We have a lady like that in our local office, she is a captain, and newly arrived.

She tried to tell me I had not reported within 90 days.

I had to point out that I did not need to, as my latest TM card was only 6 weeks old.

That elicited the snide comment, "Oh you know the law do you?"

Too right I do. I need to with officious bitches like here around.

I am not the only local farang she has upset...........

Sounds like the one I made a pass at :o She's always been very nice to me, and I even had a drink with her. Attitude fellas :D

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