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looking for contractor poles (2)

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hey, I am looking to see if any of you guys knew where I could buy something similar to this




I might be using the wrong terms here. but I searched for contractor pole thailand and all i get is information about contractors (people) installing telephone/electric poles.


homepro here does not have and not very helpful.


technically only need 2 of them at maximum range 3m but those linked are 365cm I think



Try asking for Acrow props and show them a picture.




Definitely available our contractor had lots.


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


you can buy acrow props in Global...........jing lor!


traditional ones though, your picture relates to what a ceiling fixer might use.


Our local Global actually has (a) drywall lift in stock.




if that floats your boat :smile:


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


haha. yeah, nope.


aye, I googled Acrow props and definitely got a lot of hits but those maybe are a little heavy duty for my use.


I want to mount two of these (similar to the ones i posted if possible) bottom part up and mount put a clamp/bracket with a camera mount on top very high in opposite corners of room


it's for mounting Virtual Reality tracking hardware (2 little square boxes), saves me from drilling holes (and much more portable!)


would they have a different name if I am looking for the .. ceiling fixer type then?






Ah, now I see what you want :smile:


Not something I've seen, specialist photo places perhaps (we have a photo forum).


Would shower curtain poles be long enough?


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


yeah I don't really want a photography tripod or anything like that.. that is an option but the boxes have a very fast spinning laser thing in there .. replacing one box would not be any fun (if even possible here)

extendable shower curtains, yes but..not sure if i would trust that much compared to those poles.


acrow poles worst case scenario, fine.. but but they look like they would be MUCH heavier and not as portable.

feel like i should get them poles with me next time I fly in but.. that might not be for several months.


Acrows would be waaaay too heavy, they're intended to hold up walls and the like.


You could end up making something, light alloy tube is readily available.


The photo places could have flash or umbrella stands that would do the job (possibly in conjunction with some tube from the local metal shop).


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Rather than a tripod, perhaps a photographic light stand might be the thing ? You can get them extendable up to at least 4 meters and are strong enough to hold a large studio light. Several places in Fortune Town and MBK 5th floor sell them


i had to google that, aren't they kind of tripods too?

the only issue here is there is 1-2 spinning things inside with lasers, gyro of some sort and it makes tripods vibrate and some annoying noise..

could be dampened i guess.. but the contractor poles are the best idea.


besides, i went to homepro yesterday and found some extendable shower curtain thing that went to 310cm but they would not let me open it to see how it was tightened and told me it was a screw.. if its a screw it means the inner part was drilled with holes at every X cm.. and that doesn't really work if you want to put something really tight.


so back to square 1 for now ;)


The shower rods have an expanding nut inside. Loosen, pull to the desired length, tighten and it stays there. Could be your solution, not expensive to try.


By the way, don't ask, just test :smile:


"It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission." - Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper.


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


How about a pole from one of those tree pruning tools.


I have one that expands from about 6ft to almost double that. It's made from steel tube so obviously strong enough and has a simple twist and lock system to extend the rod.


Mine is the SOLO brand from HomePro (or maybe Thai Watsadu) anyway the tools are bright orange so difficult to miss.


You don't need to buy the whole tree trimming attachment, just the pole.




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