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Objection against street food


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9 minutes ago, Gary A said:

I ate street food nearly every day for several years while working in a prosperous Thai factory. We didn't leave the premises.  The company driver would take our orders and bring the food back to us. You could find no food better than what we ate. Unfortunately the factory workers had to eat at the company cafeteria.

HAHAHAHA- So true!

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9 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

Common sense is, if the food looks bad or not clean enough for you then you don't eat it. Even at malls in the food courts has some dis-favorable places one would not eat due to the lack of care or hygiene. Get serious.  Lawsuits? Think about the irony of that statement. government sick of paying out? Hardly, as it hardly happens because it is either behind closed doors payout or the years drag on and the person cannot afford to keep the sue movement going on as it is always dragged out here to be eons.  


Because long term in the trenches over 20 yrs does give the credibility if one has experienced living on farms in Issan, in Bangkok, and in the Northern Mountains. I'm in Bangkok all the time, and i also have Thai family over in the Bangna area I stay with all the time as well. Immersed in the real Thailand. And you? .. Only back home 2 times in 18 yrs with a total of 24+ here.  My statement is from experience and that of raising 3 kids here which one is 22, another 16 and the other 14. How much are you truly involved in Thai society? 

Behind the door payouts in departments that have books open to the public? Who is doing the payouts? Is it coming out of the officer's personal money? Wow, what a generous worker. Or are you speaking out of your arse, as you don't understand the system, so do what most farang do and call 'corruption' lol.


Me, my wife is a Director of Public Health (the very ministry), and my father-in-law, is now ranked 11th best Mayor in the country. So if any of these things happen, it is on his watch.

But, yeah, 20 years...I should probably believe your understanding lol. 

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Not all of the street food vendors will go. I'm not sure how the law works but some store owners charge rent for a space in front of their stores, Some even provide an awning that is attached to their building. One food vendor that I knew was paying 500 baht per month for her space. The lady didn't mind paying the rent because she still had business when it was raining.

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Just now, WhyYouTalkMeBad said:


The general is doing fantastic work in Cleaning up thailand. I hope he stays on at least another 5 years


Excuse me, this is Thai Visa

Posting positive things about Thailand just isnt acceptable 

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6 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

Behind the door payouts in departments that have books open to the public? Who is doing the payouts? Is it coming out of the officer's personal money? Wow, what a generous worker. Or are you speaking out of your arse, as you don't understand the system, so do what most farang do and call 'corruption' lol.


Me, my wife is a Director of Public Health (the very ministry), and my father-in-law, is now ranked 11th best Mayor in the country. So if any of these things happen, it is on his watch.

But, yeah, 20 years...I should probably believe your understanding lol. 

We all know people in high places, Ex Senators, MP's, lawyers etc. I just didn't go there.  

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My wife was an ardent supporter of the general. He could do no wrong. Now she has somewhat changed her opinion. She says he is interfering with how the Thai people have lived all their lives. Some change is inevitable but not all changes are practical. 

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27 minutes ago, WhyYouTalkMeBad said:

In any case it's game over. Uncontrolled Street food, and the stalls selling dildos and t shirts are finished. All the crying here will not change that.

The current system of zoning and control is a good compromise.

I do believe that you should talk to your mommy and daddy before posting.


Also ask them to explain 'best keep your mouth shut and let them think you might be clever, rather than opening your fat gob and removing all doubt'.


No dildo's in my soup - but we know where you live now, and no amount of wealth can wash that clean.

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1 minute ago, Gary A said:


My wife was an ardent supporter of the general. He could do no wrong. Now she has somewhat changed her opinion. She says he is interfering with how the Thai people have lived all their lives. Some change is inevitable but not all changes are practical. 

Some change is good, the streetfood lady in your example is someone I don't mind staying, those dumping their fat in the drains and blocking the roads are the ones I want to see gone. I have nothing against streetfood, but there should be some rules to how they dispose of their trash and it should be checked. The fat and other stuff clogging up the drains is a major problem. I think the general is doing some good things and some bad things too. Too bad you often have to be real strict with Thais because otherwise it won't work. 


I hope they can find a way for good vendors to stay and just expel the bad ones. 

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