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American tourist who died at remote waterfall "insulted the spirits" say Koh Samui locals


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Well said indeed. There are many 'plastic Thais ' here that aspire to be part of the 'culture' No where is it written that if you come here you have to learn Thai.This is pure "i want, so badly to be  a Thai syndrome. But what sort of Thai? Do they want to live like poor Thai? No, they want to be a Thai on the sidelines. To have their comforts but giving out sickening sympathy for those Thais that have nothing. I f they really want to help. get a work permit and go to the Father Ray foundation, go to the Pattaya home for the blind, home for the orphans, do bit of work there, and maybe that might justify such inflated ego's in the knowing that they actually done some good. Me, personally? i never came here to be Thai. I came here to make money, have a good life style and a nice home. I dont lie and i dont speak bull shit.

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2 hours ago, jenifer d said:

tons of monkeys, water monitors, and cobras and frogs, among other things

paalease, you really expect anyone to believe you've seen snakes and frogs pissing in the wild?

and i can guarantee frogs piss in water, even though I've never seen it


the monkees that are common in temples or in parks are hardly what I call wild, but they dont care where they piss

so saying they wouldnt is just falacy.


have you ever noticed how coming into contact with water makes you want to pee?

other animals would be different then? nope i dont think so.


and could you stop with the "i'm more thai than you" stuff





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1 hour ago, billd766 said:


But who decides the questions and answers, decides who and how many people are tested, does the testing and comes up with a result. Who would be unbiased enough to do it?


It really doesn't matter that you are happy or not that primitive beliefs still exist in such large numbers, because of your statement your are already biased towards one side.

science doesnt have a bias,

no point for any further posts, thanks

you're not quite rational enough to grasp what i post.

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17 minutes ago, kaorop said:

science doesnt have a bias,

no point for any further posts, thanks

you're not quite rational enough to grasp what i post.


But that is only your opinion.


Other people have differing opinions and on the forum as long as we keep within the rules (which includes insulting other posters) we can post what we wish.


Of course if you disagree that much then report my post to the mods.

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