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NRSA gives nod to tourism reform


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NRSA gives nod to tourism reform


BANGKOK, 27 June 2017 (NNT) - The National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA) deliberated on a tourism reform report by the NRSA’s committee on economic reforms. The tourism reform plan is focused on addressing social and economic inequality. 

During a plenary meeting, the NRSA’s committee on economic reforms asserted that tourism is a major source of revenue for Thailand. Therefore, it is important to reform the tourism sector and develop a management plan that fully engages the public and relevant agencies. 

It will complement an existing tourism development plan, which also calls for community participation, sustainability, and coordination among various related sectors. 

NRSA members endorsed the report, saying its reforms will promote tourism sustainability at every level of the economy.

-- nnt 2017-06-27
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It sounds like they are going to over manage and spoil things.   Thais do a fine job making tourist feel welcome.  It is the government which makes people nervous or ruins the fun; check points, surly immigration officers, early closing hours for bars and clubs, and shaking down night clubs for offering tourists what they want. 

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"It will complement an existing tourism development plan, which also calls for community participation, sustainability, and coordination among various related sectors. " Yada yada

 Case of Jomtien Beach "improvement": did they ask any of the umbrella folks about this (no). Did they have any public hearings? (not that I know of) Were the plans reviewed for soundness? I doubt it, as handicapped access was destroyed in first hard rain, so got bulldozers out and buried the rubble.... no drain system so mini grand canyons forming up and down the beach. The destruction of old growth trees: did they consult arborists or environmentalists about long term loss of beach due to erosion? What cha think?   Do they consider small time vendors, like folks selling food up and down beach? Yes, after a fashion. Yesterday saw cop chasing woman around, who was only trying to make an honest living. She ran into the sea and the cop dare not follow in his Village People tight tailored uniform.

 The only sustainability they seem to consider is inflow of brown envelopes, the only community is those who share in kickbacks, and the coordination is how the skim is shared

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