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German parliament legalises same-sex marriage


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German parliament legalises same-sex marriage



German Chancellor Angela Merkel gestures as members of the lower house of parliament Bundestag vote on legalising same-sex marriage, in Berlin, Germany June 30, 2017. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch


BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's parliament voted by a wide margin on Friday to legalise same-sex marriage after Chancellor Angela Merkel did an about-face that freed members of her ruling conservative bloc to follow their personal conscience rather than the party line.


Merkel, who will seek a fourth term in a national election on Sept. 24, told reporters after the landmark decision that she had voted against the measure because she believed that marriage as defined under German law was between a man and a woman.


But she said her decision was a personal one, adding that she had become convinced in recent years that same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt children.


"I hope that the vote today not only promotes respect between the different opinions but also brings more social cohesion and peace," Merkel said.


The parliament voted by 393 votes in favour of same-sex marriage to 226 against.


Many other European countries, including France, Britain and Spain, have already legalised same-sex marriage.


Merkel's announcement on Monday that she would allow lawmakers to vote on same-sex marriage according to their individual conscience drew the ire of some in her traditionally Catholic conservative bloc.


But political analysts say the issue will likely have faded from voters' minds by the time the September election comes around.


Friday's vote marks a rare victory for Merkel's Social Democrat (SPD) coalition partners, who are trailing the conservatives in opinion polls. They had seized on Merkel's surprise comments on Monday to say they would push for an early vote before parliament's summer recess.


Success in passing the so-called "marriage for all" amendment could provide a sorely needed boost for the centre-left SPD, which has seen a short-lived boost in the polls earlier this year evaporate in recent months.


The measure will likely be signed into law by the president some time after July 7.


(Reporting by Andrea Shalal; Editing by Joseph Nasr and Gareth Jones)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-06-30
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3 minutes ago, shadowofacloud said:

Great news! Yet another blow to the hypocrisy, bigotry and narrow-mindedness of conservatives worldwide.

You think same sex marriage is a good thing? If so, then you are as sick as the rest of them. 

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Well done Germany! Australia is next cab off the rank and will likely have a parliamentary vote in the next few months. It will be fun to watch the likes of Tony Abbott, Cory Bernardi and Eric Abetz getting their panties in a twist in the lead up.


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1 hour ago, Prbkk said:

Well done Germany! Australia is next cab off the rank and will likely have a parliamentary vote in the next few months. It will be fun to watch the likes of Tony Abbott, Cory Bernardi and Eric Abetz getting their panties in a twist in the lead up.


Well done??  So you are in favor of same sex marriages?  

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1 hour ago, Just1Voice said:

Well done??  So you are in favor of same sex marriages?  

Yes, without reservation and wholeheartedly....it's long overdue and equality must not be delayed any further. I'm not swayed by the biology/reproduction/sodom-Gomorrah arguments nor any appeal to what might have been the situation 2,000 years ago....

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6 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

I'm glad I'm getting old and won't have to see this modern day version of Sodom & Gomorrah taking over the world too much longer. But I feel sorry for my kids and grandkids. 


Perhaps you could relocate to somewhere else, maybe Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan.   I think they will be safe from this legal travesty for a while.  

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Oh oh oh! The world is coming to an end! The sky is falling! Our chickens are no longer laying! And there is drought in the land. Or flood. It is God's judgment upon us! Locusts must follow. A plague upon them all.


Oh oh oh! Thank God I am soon to die. Any decade now. It will be the end. I cannot cope with all this ... Oh oh oh! Change! That's it! Change! Where will it end? I see death in the future. Very near. It is the end.

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6 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

You think same sex marriage is a good thing? If so, then you are as sick as the rest of them. 

Proud to be sick then. :-)


And you, dear christian soldier, can keep on marching backwards - straight to the middle ages.

Edited by shadowofacloud
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2 hours ago, shadowofacloud said:

Proud to be sick then. :-)


And you, dear christian soldier, can keep on marching backwards - straight to the middle ages.


Looks like you are very far into the future.. btw, isn't a gay-society somewhat de-evolutionary according to your guys? I mean, it must be very hard to reproduce. 

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23 minutes ago, Shroud said:


Looks like you are very far into the future.. btw, isn't a gay-society somewhat de-evolutionary according to your guys? I mean, it must be very hard to reproduce. 

I don't know that you have to worry a lot.   I don't think this is a fad that is going to start sweeping the world and result in the end of humanity as we know it.    

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10 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

I'm glad I'm getting old and won't have to see this modern day version of Sodom & Gomorrah taking over the world too much longer. But I feel sorry for my kids and grandkids. 


Don't you worry, gramps. Chances are very good that your grandkids won't turn out to be anti-gay bigots like some of the older folks. 

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10 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

You think same sex marriage is a good thing? If so, then you are as sick as the rest of them. 

It's extremely good for the people that have the choice to do it that they didn't have yesterday! Expanding civil rights. Fantastic! 

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, Shroud said:


Looks like you are very far into the future.. btw, isn't a gay-society somewhat de-evolutionary according to your guys? I mean, it must be very hard to reproduce. 

I love that old canard.:stoner:

So you think homosexuality is so incredibly tempting and attractive that enacting equal civil rights for the small minority of people that are gay is going to encourage everyone else to be gay?

Is there something you need to tell us? 

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Don't you worry, gramps. Chances are very good that your grandkids won't turn out to be anti-gay bigots like some of the older folks. 

Actually Generation Z is turning out to be the most conservative generation we've had in a long time.

I have a Gen Z sibling who is sick of the gay agenda in fact he walked out on the movie It's Pat(one of my favs) yesterday because he thought it was gay haha

I can only assume given Gen Z's propensity to conservatism that his friends at school feel the same way as well.

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4 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

Actually Generation Z is turning out to be the most conservative generation we've had in a long time.

I have a Gen Z sibling who is sick of the gay agenda in fact he walked out on the movie It's Pat(one of my favs) yesterday because he thought it was gay haha

I can only assume given Gen Z's propensity to conservatism that his friends at school feel the same way as well.

Absolutely, my 4 kids are more conservative than my grandparents were. We've got lots of gay family members, with one on my side and 4 on the wife's side of the family and often my kids end up defending them with their friends. 


Marriage is a choice not a right, I support civil unions for same sex and I wish it wasn't so complicated with tax laws et al that forces people into marriage - straight or gay.

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15 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

You think same sex marriage is a good thing? If so, then you are as sick as the rest of them. 

You are the one who is sick. What exactly do you think is wrong with it?


I am in a same sex marriage.  Me and my partner have been together in a loving and faithful relationship for 21 years this year.  I would be lost without him.


What exactly is your problem?  If two people are in love and want to marry each other than that is something to be celebrated.  There is far too much hate and anger in the world.. we need more kindness and love about. 





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13 hours ago, i claudius said:

While i could not care less what two consenting adults wish to do regarding sex.i do not think gay marriage or adoption should be normal .if it was
nature would have made is possible for two animals of the same sex to procreate.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

This is the sort of comment which highlights how some people are very ill educated or just really stupid (or ignorant).


You do know animals of the same sex can reproduce right?  Do some research.. some animals don't even need to have sex to reproduce... other animals the males give birth, and yet others the babies kill the mother and eat her!!  If you want to base you ideas on nature you better to scared lol. 

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7 hours ago, Shroud said:


Looks like you are very far into the future.. btw, isn't a gay-society somewhat de-evolutionary according to your guys? I mean, it must be very hard to reproduce. 

So you assume that the legalization of gay marriage would mean the whole society automatically turning gay?


Well, if that's what they tell you on Fox news... :-)

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17 hours ago, i claudius said:

i [sic] do not think gay marriage or adoption should be normal. if [sic] it was [sic] nature would have made is [sic] possible for two animals of the same sex to procreate.


This has GOT to be a sarcastic post, because it's basically the 'if man were meant to fly, he'd have wings' argument.

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19 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

I'm glad I'm getting old and won't have to see this modern day version of Sodom & Gomorrah taking over the world too much longer. But I feel sorry for my kids and grandkids. 


You may be living in the past- I very much doubt your children and grandchildren would even spend more than a few seconds taking in this news- and probably thinking that's a good thing.

One presumes that your grandchildren are very young - unless you are taking about future possible generations.

Of course what would put the cat amongst the pigeons- what be an invite to one of your children's or grandchildren' s gay marriage.


I sincerely hope this was just click bait and you were not serious ? 

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