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Prayut could decide to run in election: Prawit


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Maybe. So why?

Ugghh there must be a thousand posts discussing what people hate about him and what people like about him.


Hint look at the likes and take note of positive changes.


Lots still going on so 10 years is about right to see it through.


Locking up protesters who trash the regime on face book is a small price to pay for positive change IMO


It's a non violent regime. The USA recognizes it as a legit government. All the ranting is nearly all on TV, the Thais I know including the Gf are more than happy with the peace.





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5 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:

Ugghh there must be a thousand posts discussing what people hate about him and what people like about him.

Hint look at the likes and take note of positive changes.

Lots still going on so 10 years is about right to see it through.

Locking iot protesters who trash the regime on face book is a small price to pay IMO

It's a non violent regime. The USA recognizes it as a legit government. All the ranting is nearly all on TV, the Thais I know including the Gf are more than happy with the peace.



OK. I thought that maybe you'd have a personal perspective rather than relying on what other people say. No matter though.


"The USA recognizes it as a legit government"


Right. Validation of a sort I suppose.


They recognised Saddam Hussain too, when he was having a contre-temps with Iran. If everything you touch turns to sh|t, then what or who you validate may not be a really big point in their favour...


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    OK. I thought that maybe you'd have a personal perspective rather than relying on what other people say. No matter though.  "The USA recognizes it as a legit government"


Right. Validation of a sort I suppose.


They recognised Saddam Hussain too, when he was having a contre-temps with Iran. If everything you touch turns to sh|t, then what or who you validate may not be a really big point in their favour...






The changes he has made is black and white. Already repeated a zillion times, not going to list and discuss them all again sorry  The one effecting me the most Is lower Sukhumvit where I live has gotten rid of the foot path squatters stealing public land to set up shop. And wiping out corruption from street gangs and bib in that sector


There are many others since you genuinely don't know then do some research










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16 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:

There is no personal perspective. The changes he has made is black and white. Already repeated a zillion times

The one effecting me the most Is lower Sukhumvit where I live has gotten rid of the foot path squatters stealing public land to set up shop.

There are many others since you genuinely don't know then do some due diligence


"The changes he has made is black and white. Already repeated a zillion times"


Yep, the ,lie, oft-enough told, becomes the truth. This guy is all about smoke and mirrors, and there's always a percentage (usually low) of a population that can't see through it.


"The one effecting me the most Is lower Sukhumvit where I live has gotten rid of the foot path squatters stealing public land to set up shop. "


For the moment. 5 gets you 10 they're all back within a year. Lower Sukhumvit is an interesting point though.


"There are many others since you genuinely don't know then do some due diligence"


Many others... OK. But you mentioned the big one... footpath squatters. Right, Pays to aim high I suppose.


I'll let you know when I've done what you might consider as due diligence. Over and out - time's pressing.

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49 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

Another guy who thinks he's able to talk on behalf of the 52% of Thai population that live in the North and Northeast.


500 baht per vote your told.

Then why all the trouble over the last 10 years?

Couldn't Abhisit have just offered 600 baht bypassed the coups?

Perhaps you've been told a bit of nonsense and unwisely believed it and then foolishly regurgitated it?


Thailand has been in the same old rut, since 1932.

The only time it has escaped the rut has been under the recent elected governments.

Do the Reds vote Red for one off payments of 500 baht or for improvement in living standards those elected governments bring to their lives?

17,000 babies dying every year for lack of access to health care no longer die because an elected government introduced Universal Health Care?

How disgusting are you to say that Reds value one off payments of 500 baht over the lives of their children.


Democracy is the cure Thailand desperately needs




The General is worse than Thaksin and because there is no democracy there is no time limit on how long he'll be around and no way to remove him - how fantastic.






"How disgusting are you to say that Reds value one off payments of 500 baht over the lives of their children."


Nice choice of nickname..of course you are smarter than all so no bother to argue.


But anyway, about your comment: Actually i have seen enough of them and how they consider their children 


I seen one uncle drunk on laokao kick a 3y old kid in the head hard enough and on the floor..three times before anyone stop him.


I seen that guys sister sit back and allow her 14y.o daughter to get pregnant because they can force the boys family to hand over 20k baht and marry. This she done 3 times to 3 different daughters and all three husbands not last longer than 6 months before dissapearing. And you can wonder the wisdom of someone jumping for joy getting 20k and have to raise a kid for life? Smart eh?


Actually in your disgust for me it seem to me like you dont know krap about typical Isaan people and what they are prepared to do.


but then I suppose since you are smarter than all

 of course you will say you hang around a superior class of Thai people with degrees and good jobs etc


I dont really desire to hang around them at all these days ive learnt enough

It may be cold of me but sometimes i think the way they lie and try to cheat foriegners and think we are stupid..they get what they deserve sometimes



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54 minutes ago, HocusPocus67 said:


The reality that I have witnessed is that Isaan fiolk will take the 500 baht from all sides and then vote who they owe favours to or who they like or who they think they ought to vote for. There isn't a lot of thought that goes into it and what thought there is, is focussed on local fortunes and not national. That's what the big guy knew and he was right. It isn't what the new guys know, any of them. 


There isn't any point trying to figure out what Isaan people will do. A westerner will always have trouble seeing things from the perspective of a <89 IQ Isaan farmer whose only concern is with making enough rice to eat next year with a bit left over for fuel for the Kubota. Isaan a whole different world where laws about driving age etc simply don't exist because the police have never made them relevant to Isaan lives. Isaan people will do in 2018 what they did at the last election and Prayuth, himself a sub-average IQ won't be able to understand why. His only course will be to subvert the vote or make it ineffective. That much he does know.



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8 minutes ago, dominique355 said:

"Prayut would know what's best for him and when the time comes"
I have no doubts about that.
The question is, however, what is best for Thailand. And there I have some doubts that these interests coincide.


Yes. Me too.


But then what seems best for them to me may not coincide with what they decide for themselves. One thing I've learned from seeing these matters canvassed on TV, is that so many people think they know better. I don't know better and I no longer try to tell Thais what a modern civilisation looks like. Compared to (say) the UK or Australia, these people are still in the stone age and they have to learn by themselves at a rate and making the mistakes which are applicable to them. I just get on with whatever suits me; at least I pay attention.


Anything else is like trying to explain nirvana to a goldfish.

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3 minutes ago, bamukloy said:

"How disgusting are you to say that Reds value one off payments of 500 baht over the lives of their children."


Nice choice of nickname..of course you are smarter than all so no bother to argue.


But anyway, about your comment: Actually i have seen enough of them and how they consider their children 


I seen one uncle drunk on laokao kick a 3y old kid in the head hard enough and on the floor..three times before anyone stop him.


I seen that guys sister sit back and allow her 14y.o daughter to get pregnant because they can force the boys family to hand over 20k baht and marry. This she done 3 times to 3 different daughters and all three husbands not last longer than 6 months before dissapearing. And you can wonder the wisdom of someone jumping for joy getting 20k and have to raise a kid for life? Smart eh?


Actually in your disgust for me it seem to me like you dont know krap about typical Isaan people and what they are prepared to do.


but then I suppose since you are smarter than all

 of course you will say you hang around a superior class of Thai people with degrees and good jobs etc


I dont really desire to hang around them at all these days ive learnt enough

It may be cold of me but sometimes i think the way they lie and try to cheat foriegners and think we are stupid..they get what they deserve sometimes



I am certainly smart enough to know how ridiculous it is to judge millions of people by the actions of a handful.


Let me diagnose your shortcoming:


'Too oftenwe judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions': Moving quote by George WBush




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4 minutes ago, HocusPocus67 said:


Yes. Me too.


But then what seems best for them to me may not coincide with what they decide for themselves. One thing I've learned from seeing these matters canvassed on TV, is that so many people think they know better. I don't know better and I no longer try to tell Thais what a modern civilisation looks like. Compared to (say) the UK or Australia, these people are still in the stone age and they have to learn by themselves at a rate and making the mistakes which are applicable to them. I just get on with whatever suits me; at least I pay attention.


Anything else is like trying to explain nirvana to a goldfish.

Nobody thinks they know better - the opportunity to decide for themselves is what the sensible half of those on TV support.

Punishment of anyone named Shinawatra is what the rest inexplicably babble about (most likely because they are too gutless to admit what they truly support is one form of authoritarianism or another).


As for you ...it appears



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26 minutes ago, bamukloy said:

"How disgusting are you to say that Reds value one off payments of 500 baht over the lives of their children."


Nice choice of nickname..of course you are smarter than all so no bother to argue.


But anyway, about your comment: Actually i have seen enough of them and how they consider their children 


I seen one uncle drunk on laokao kick a 3y old kid in the head hard enough and on the floor..three times before anyone stop him.


I seen that guys sister sit back and allow her 14y.o daughter to get pregnant because they can force the boys family to hand over 20k baht and marry. This she done 3 times to 3 different daughters and all three husbands not last longer than 6 months before dissapearing. And you can wonder the wisdom of someone jumping for joy getting 20k and have to raise a kid for life? Smart eh?


Actually in your disgust for me it seem to me like you dont know krap about typical Isaan people and what they are prepared to do.


but then I suppose since you are smarter than all

 of course you will say you hang around a superior class of Thai people with degrees and good jobs etc


I dont really desire to hang around them at all these days ive learnt enough

It may be cold of me but sometimes i think the way they lie and try to cheat foriegners and think we are stupid..they get what they deserve sometimes




Don't sweat it, there's room for all. Even golfers have their proper pecking order, though all of them try to be seen as better. Or smarter.


Remember when you were in school - say 8 years old? Everyone was competing to be thought the smartest guy in the class, but only one was, and mostly he was the one who couldn't be bothered to say he was smarter. The rest were just also-rans.

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23 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

Nobody thinks they know better - the opportunity to decide for themselves is what the sensible half of those on TV support.

Punishment of anyone named Shinawatra is what the rest inexplicably babble about (most likely because they are too gutless to admit what they truly support is one form of authoritarianism or another).


As for you ...it appears





Maybe. Or perhaps I just recognise what is my business and what isn't.


Half of TV are sensible? OK if you say so. I would estimate that 15% probably are, 15% probably aren't, and 70% probably don't care as long as they have enough beer in the fridge. But perhaps you have better stats. Always ready to listen to proper stats - intuition and perception don't count for very much. I'm probably misanthropic.


The most successful changers of society aren't those who piss people off so much that someone kills them.


"Punishment of anyone named Shinawatra is what the rest inexplicably babble about (most likely because they are too gutless to admit what they truly support is one form of authoritarianism or another)."


That seems likely, but if you add together these folk and the ones who don't actually care, it isn't only a half. That would not be typical of any population that I'm familiar with. But then, as you say, you're probably smarter than  li'l ol' me..

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What is wrong with farang who come from western democratic countries where freedom of opinions are freely expressed and now they feel that "locking up a few who trash the regime is a small price to pay". Suddenly living here for a few years, they begin to subscribed to the regressive and authoritarian style of Russia, China and North Korea. Is it the weather or some strong strange brew that they are drinking.

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1 minute ago, HocusPocus67 said:


Maybe. Or perhaps I just recognise what is my business and what isn't.

If that is the case, why are you even bothering to post anything?

2 plus 2 does not equal 5.



1 minute ago, HocusPocus67 said:


Half of TV are sensible? OK if you say so. I would say 15% are, 15% aren't, and 70% don't care as long as they have enough beer in the fridge. I'm probably misanthropic.

Whatever the percentages are, I would posit that most recognise the difference between right and wrong and all have more courage than you.


Cynicism is used to mask fear all of the time. Voiced under the guise of humor, cynics throw their verbal rocks from the periphery and never actually put any skin into the game. It’s easy to be a cynic.


1 minute ago, HocusPocus67 said:


Martin Luther King played the martyrdom card. It didn't work out so well, especially not for him.


Perhaps not everyone is as selfish as you.

The world is certainly a better place for him having lived.

Will the same be said of you when you're gone?

Judging from your last handful of posts, I would think not.

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6 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

What is wrong with farang who come from western democratic countries where freedom of opinions are freely expressed and now they feel that "locking up a few who trash the regime is a small price to pay". Suddenly living here for a few years, they begin to subscribed to the regressive and authoritarian style of Russia, China and North Korea. Is it the weather or some strong strange brew that they are drinking.

Agree. And I don't know either, but Thais in general don't care a rat's a$$ what you or I think or what we have experienced.


I recall speaking to a PI in BKK a few years ago. He observed (rightly) that '... we're the Pakis here...'. He was right and I came to understand that. So now I leave the buggers to stew in their own juice. Not my job to educate them, nobody pays me to do that.

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5 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

If that is the case, why are you even bothering to post anything?

2 plus 2 does not equal 5.



Whatever the percentages are, I would posit that most recognise the difference between right and wrong and all have more courage than you.


Cynicism is used to mask fear all of the time. Voiced under the guise of humor, cynics throw their verbal rocks from the periphery and never actually put any skin into the game. It’s easy to be a cynic.


Perhaps not everyone is as selfish as you.

The world is certainly a better place for him having lived.

Will the same be said of you when you're gone?

Judging from your last handful of posts, I would think not.


I agree - with all the points you make. No mistake about it, you're absolutely right and clearly smarter than me.


But my strategy worked and yours didn't. Just lucky I guess.

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What is wrong with farang who come from western democratic countries where freedom of opinions are freely expressed and now they feel that "locking up a few who trash the regime is a small price to pay". Suddenly living here for a few years, they begin to subscribed to the regressive and authoritarian style of Russia, China and North Korea. Is it the weather or some strong strange brew that they are drinking.

This regime is just little puppy dog compared to pit bulls you described.
Most tourist don't even know its a military rule
You couldn't get a more passive military regime
That's just fact. The people on face book could easily be the same involved on destabilizing the country during the elections and after democracy was formed and pushing thailand to civil war

Thai people will not accept democracy so they got the government they deserved. Stop crying for them they will be back to bombing shopping malls and shutting down airports as soon as the next elections are over

That's a given!!
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3 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:

This regime is just little puppy dog compared to pit bulls you described.
Most tourist don't even know its a military rule
You couldn't get a more passive military regime
That's just fact. The people on face book could easily be the same involved on destabilizing the country during the elections and after democracy was formed and pushing thailand to civil war

Thai people will not accept democracy so they got the government they deserved. Stop crying for them they will be back to bombing shopping malls and shutting down airports as soon as the next elections are over

That's a given!!


Now there's a man who pays attention to the facts and not the propaganda. Hat off to you sir.

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28 minutes ago, HocusPocus67 said:


I agree - with all the points you make. No mistake about it, you're absolutely right and clearly smarter than me.


But my strategy worked and yours didn't. Just lucky I guess.



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6 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:

This regime is just little puppy dog compared to pit bulls you described.
Most tourist don't even know its a military rule
You couldn't get a more passive military regime
That's just fact. The people on face book could easily be the same involved on destabilizing the country during the elections and after democracy was formed and pushing thailand to civil war

Thai people will not accept democracy so they got the government they deserved. Stop crying for them they will be back to bombing shopping malls and shutting down airports as soon as the next elections are over

That's a given!!

For a minute, I didn't know whether to pity you or envy you, then my conscience kicked in and it's pity hands down.

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2 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

It's going to be a huge slap in the face for Prayut bashers if he actually runs and does get elected by the Thai people

Oh wait then of course the election was rigged so we can bash even more

I would vote for him if I could

The Thai people can only elect him as a member of the House of Representatives.  The Prime Minister is selected (not Elected) and doesn't even have to be a politician.  Nothing new there.  Our current PM is no politician

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3 hours ago, HocusPocus67 said:


The reality that I have witnessed is that Isaan fiolk will take the 500 baht from all sides and then vote who they owe favours to or who they like or who they think they ought to vote for. There isn't a lot of thought that goes into it and what thought there is, is focussed on local fortunes and not national. That's what the big guy knew and he was right. It isn't what the new guys know, any of them. 


There isn't any point trying to figure out what Isaan people will do. A westerner will always have trouble seeing things from the perspective of a <89 IQ Isaan farmer whose only concern is with making enough rice to eat next year with a bit left over for fuel for the Kubota. Isaan a whole different world where laws about driving age etc simply don't exist because the police have never made them relevant to Isaan lives. Isaan people will do in 2018 what they did at the last election and Prayuth, himself a sub-average IQ won't be able to understand why. His only course will be to subvert the vote or make it ineffective. That much he does know.

Now be honest, have you really witnessed this or are you telling a little lie here?

I don't doubt this sort of thing occurs as it has been reported by many different Thai and international media outlets.

But did you witness it, I think we both know the answer to this question, don't we.


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Golden rule seems reason enough.
It costs nothing to acknowledge an injustice, so why not do it?

After your strong statement of pity was kind of thinking your were going to challenge my post point by point with your own interpretations.

But "golden rule" really?
I guess debating is not your strongest attribute
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14 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

Now be honest, have you really witnessed this or are you telling a little lie here?

I don't doubt this sort of thing occurs as it has been reported by many different Thai and international media outlets.

But did you witness it, I think we both know the answer to this question, don't we.


It seems we don't know any such thing. Yes I did witness what I said I witnessed. I have no reason to lie to you, though I accept that's what might be normal behaviour in your world.


I think we're done now, friend. It's an ROI thing... in my experience, when one party to a conversation descends into personal abuse then there's really no point and you did that a while back. Have a great day though, down there in lower Sukhumvit with the clear pavements.

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