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The poisonous Brother in Law


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7 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

I was about to reply to one of your earlier posts, but it much the same answer:

I try to be tolerant like yourself, but I really am tired of the minority voice these days bleating on and on about their rights.

Equality to me means being equal and not being given special rights and quotas to "entitlement".


Your conscience will no doubt nag you whatever road you take, moving country too will just make you feel more alone and alienated.

I recommend you just change location for the next step.


All the best, G.



euhhhh so we agree?


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30 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

I used to like the "fems" as you call them.

They supplied some hope for humanity.

In the sixties, that is.

Alas, they disappeared in the seventies, and were never heard of again.

Same is true for the anti racists.



Mr H I think it has nothing to do with being anti rascist, I grew up in an industrial town which was about 98% white and my parents never talked about race so we grew up not thinking about it so when I saw someone of a different race I just thought it was interesting. Now I hate racism but when I was young I didn't think about it as most children don't unless an adult puts it into your head. It's a bit late and i was going to the so the drop books not bombs route but I've had a few beers so will respond better with a clear head tomorrow. 


One of my hero's, the scientist Carl Sagan, said think locally your town and think globally the planet.  

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8 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

Best of luck with your new venture.
I'm sure life for you back in Oz will be good and you will feel a great weight lifted from your shoulders.

I had the pleasure of working in Oz (Yatala, Queensland ) and took advantage of the excellent pies in the Yatala Pie Shop.
A beautiful country with wonderful people.

Many thanks for your best wishes, Andrew.


I am a New South Welshman so Yatala's pies were unknown to me..


One of my alternative plans is to reside at Yamba, NSW-not all that far from Brisbane.


All the best to you.



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