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Thai-Myanmar officers prepare for climate-change crises

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Thai-Myanmar officers prepare for climate-change crises

By Mongkolchaowarat Tangmangmee
The Nation




The Royal Thai Army officers and their Myanmar counterparts are exchanging knowledge about emergency medical operations for climate change-triggered disaster mitigation during a joint training exercise at Ekatosarot Military Camp in Phitsanulok’s Muang district.


Third Army Region Commander Lt-General Wijak Banpasop said during the opening ceremony on Monday that the two countries were very close neighbours with similar geographic characteristics and facing similar impacts from global climate change. 


The Third Army Region and the Army Medical Department organised the joint training from Sunday until July 11 and dispatched Thailand’s four teams of 68 military medics to attend, he added.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30319776

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-7-3
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26 minutes ago, snoop1130 said:

The Royal Thai Army officers and their Myanmar counterparts are exchanging knowledge

I can just about hear the trough flood gates opening for conferences at resorts and non-stop seafood buffet luncheons. No amount of mutual gluttony between Thailand and Myanmar will make the climate change.

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Sadly climate change is a political tool which allows politicians to rake in big bucks by spurring debate, not solutions.  The solutions being lower cost, renewable energy.  The US has 10% of its needs met by this.  Solar cells are getting cheaper and better every year.  As battery power catches up to the energy stored in a gasoline tank, internal combustion engines will become a thing of the past, and good riddance to such complicated, beastly machinery.  For those who believe in the science of climate change , re-forestation will help to reverse its effects.  For those do not believe, just believe in the goodness of trees.  They clean our air, water and prevent soil erosion.  Elephants are key to re-forestation.  Re-forestation, if planned properly, only takes a few years to see progress.  Lastly, if we could just stop dumping huge amounts of garbage into our oceans, that too would make the earth a better place. 


As for the article, have no idea what they are talking about.  Perhaps they should plant some trees or just be nicer to elephants. 

Edited by yellowboat
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3 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Lastly, if we could just stop dumping huge amounts of garbage into our oceans, that too would make the earth a better place. 

Gotta save those whales man! (Shoot the seals).



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Maybe if the top 3 or 4 countries like China, India, Russia, and number 4 really try to quit

polluting, the world may not get as affected, but with every volcano erupting, there is gases

going into the atmosphere that is not at all human caused. No Scientist is telling us just how

much nature is causing the climate change that is occurring.


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2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

No Scientist is telling us just how much nature is causing the climate change that is occurring.

Over at least the last millennium while volcanic eruptions have been relatively constant, mankind's accelerated climate changing pollution has surpassed volcanic pollution within just the last century.

"You'd need at least 11 Pinatubo-size eruptions each year to eliminate the reductions of carbon dioxide emissions of all the passenger cars in the United States."  https://www.wired.com/2015/04/volcanoes-still-not-source-increasing-carbon-dioxide-atmosphere/

Add fossil-fueled power plants, fossil-fueled vehicles, open burning, devastation of forests for development, etc. from all nations and volcanoes become the tortoise in the race for accelerated climate change.


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Don't forget that there are a lot of underwater volcanoes that erupt as well and the gasses go into the

water of the ocean, then into the atmosphere when those gasses get to the surface.  I do not think

that those gasses are also calculated into the mix of carbon dioxide and other green house gasses.

  That is why I do not trust the numbers that we are receiving as all being from man made causes.


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So Mr Serikcir  Go do your own research, I already have,  That is what is so disturbing when the

Green Peace and other such groups do their thing, but people who support them do not get

all the facts that are out there.  The general public are not getting all the facts about climate

change, only the news stories that people in the media want you to believe.  Don't forget

that some of the media are politically backed. I actually have some scientists in my family

and the true stories that I have heard from them are a lot different than the stories I have seen on



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1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

The general public are not getting all the facts about climate


Ok so don't disclose your "research." Ironic though that you complain that the general public isn't getting all the facts. It doesn't really matter as you take issue with a nonexistent issue. It's not what causes "climate change."


There is a likelihood that undersea volcanic eruptions do affect climate change, albeit the degree is yet unknown (though your research is apparently conclusive!). The Earth Institute at Columbia University. "Seafloor volcano pulses may alter climate. (February 2015) www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/02/150205142921.htm

What the issue facing mankind's civilization recognized by the leaders of over 190 nations and 95% of qualified scientists involved with research into climate change is whether the acceleration in extreme climate changes over short weather cycles are linked to mankind's industrialization of the planet within only the last 100 years. The scientific community says "yes."


Undersea volcanic discharges wax and wane on regular schedules. Over the eons they flare up on  regular cycles, ranging from 2 weeks to 100,000 years and that they erupt almost exclusively during the first six months of each year. ditto same link


Accepting for the sake of argument that such undersea emissions do cause some degree of climate changes, they simply and only slightly broaden the historical database against which modern climate measurements are observed. It thus remains that world CO2 discharges from mankind has a relatively immediate affect on the climate versus long-term changes due to geological volcanic cycles. See chart below from https://www.skepticalscience.com/volcanoes-and-global-warming.htm


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On 7/4/2017 at 2:15 AM, yellowboat said:

Sadly climate change is a political tool which allows politicians to rake in big bucks by spurring debate, not solutions.  The solutions being lower cost, renewable energy.  The US has 10% of its needs met by this.  Solar cells are getting cheaper and better every year.  As battery power catches up to the energy stored in a gasoline tank, internal combustion engines will become a thing of the past, and good riddance to such complicated, beastly machinery.  For those who believe in the science of climate change , re-forestation will help to reverse its effects.  For those do not believe, just believe in the goodness of trees.  They clean our air, water and prevent soil erosion.  Elephants are key to re-forestation.  Re-forestation, if planned properly, only takes a few years to see progress.  Lastly, if we could just stop dumping huge amounts of garbage into our oceans, that too would make the earth a better place. 


As for the article, have no idea what they are talking about.  Perhaps they should plant some trees or just be nicer to elephants. 

Good points and don't forget the number one impetus for Climate change is Wall Street via the billions they scheme to make in carbon credits.  People have no clue.

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Thanks for your research, and according to my relative, the surface volcanoes put out

a lot of gases as well, but it is hard to calculate all the data, from those eruptions, and my

relative who was involved with this research was told by his bosses to down play the numbers.

Corruption exists all over the world..  I know personally.


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