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Met police chief appears as "Architect Looking for Love" drama ends up at the station


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Without being privy to the actual chat, if we were to assume that the guy was being a typical slimeball male pig who goes trolling for women on social media and speaks disrespectfully and derogatorially, you know, like Trump and his pussy grabbing, one could see why women would want to do such a setup. They have my sympathy. But to do it violently is the wrong way to do it. It makes one wonder about the backstory, and whether these ladies are malicious thugs in the real world.  One can easily even the karma without crossing the boundary to where one commits an equal or worse offense. They should have consulted with me, haha. I once had one of your dime a dozen Thai women scammers, the typical romance scammers telling the sob story about being an orphan and being evicted and can't pay her parents' medical bills blah blah blah, I turned it around and led her to believe that I was a dumb middle aged rich guy, I pretended to die and leave her $50,000.00 US, She sent me her license and Thai ID photos, I sent her a cleverly designed photoshop fake check, which she ran around trying to cash and got caught.  That's my idea of instant Karma. 

beer check jpg .jpg

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