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Austria to control Italy border, send armoured vehicles to block migrants - ministry


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On 06/07/2017 at 6:07 AM, ddavidovsky said:

If she came married to an European, and is thereby assimilated, fine. A bit of diversity in any society is good.

Otherwise, as economic migrants who are just parasitising a superior economy - then no.

Apart from the fact that the very brazen sense of entitlement necessarily displayed by immigrants is distasteful, they are liable to bring their whole culture with them - certainly their unwelcome religious values - which is alien to the indigenous culture. 


There's a load of silly conspiracy theories as to what's going on. Europe can very easily employ more security guards and build more detention centres, and put the migrants into those detention centres. And then, tell them to voluntarily go back to their home country, or stay in the detention centres. But that's not happening on a big scale. Why ?

Well, is there a secret goal to flood Europe with migrants ?  Certainly not.  Has Europe simply not got the ability to build enough detention centres ? Certainly not.  So, why are the migrants being allowed in ?  Well, it's because lots of them end up being cheap labour, they're doing the jobs that the locals don't want to do. That's why they're being allowed in.

The media, they exploit society's racist views by, exaggerating the number who simply want to collect government benefits. And they exaggerate the issue of foreigners wanting to keep their religion and culture whilst wanting to stay in Europe.


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2 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

There's a load of silly conspiracy theories as to what's going on. Europe can very easily employ more security guards and build more detention centres, and put the migrants into those detention centres. And then, tell them to voluntarily go back to their home country, or stay in the detention centres. But that's not happening on a big scale. Why ?

Well, is there a secret goal to flood Europe with migrants ?  Certainly not.  Has Europe simply not got the ability to build enough detention centres ? Certainly not.  So, why are the migrants being allowed in ?  Well, it's because lots of them end up being cheap labour, they're doing the jobs that the locals don't want to do. That's why they're being allowed in.

The media, they exploit society's racist views by, exaggerating the number who simply want to collect government benefits. And they exaggerate the issue of foreigners wanting to keep their religion and culture whilst wanting to stay in Europe.



Alleges "a load of silly conspiracy theories" - spews an alternative conspiracy theory.


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2 hours ago, Morch said:


Alleges "a load of silly conspiracy theories" - spews an alternative conspiracy theory.


Morch, I've given my opinion on why it is, that Europe's governments are doing remarkably little to stop the migrants entering into Europe. It's because, they want the cheap labour that the migrants will provide.

Why do you think, that remarkably little is being done to stop the migrants ?

Surely, nobody reckons that, it's because the EU doesn't have enough bricks and mortar to build the detention centres that they (supposedly) want to build ?

Edited by tonbridgebrit
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2 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Morch, I've given my opinion on why it is, that Europe's governments are doing remarkably little to stop the migrants entering into Europe. It's because, they want the cheap labour that the migrants will provide.

Why do you think, that remarkably little is being done to stop the migrants ?

Surely, nobody reckons that, it's because the EU doesn't have enough bricks and mortar to build the detention centres that they (supposedly) want to build ?


You alleged conspiracy theories and provided one of your own. Claiming that there is a single reason which is not made public underlying the current migrant/refugee crisis, and tying it with apparent mishandling of the situation - that qualifies as such. Especially as nothing material was provided as support.


Me, I'll stick with the more mundane view that the EU is a bureaucratic mess, and that it incorporates different (and sometimes conflicting) interests. Treating it as a well organized, streamlined body is a choice. Also, I don't think that "little" is being done, perhaps not enough, though. There are them differences in attitude, legalities and whatnot between members.


Surely no one made the inane assertion you push. Other  than yourself, that is. Same old.

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5 hours ago, Morch said:

they're doing the jobs that the locals don't want to do

Its not that locals don't want to do the jobs, its that they don't want to do them for the starvation wages that the wealthy want to pay.

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1 minute ago, Grubster said:

Its not that locals don't want to do the jobs, its that they don't want to do them for the starvation wages that the wealthy want to pay.


Ummm... Misquote there. I never posted anything of the sort.

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3 hours ago, Grubster said:

Its not that locals don't want to do the jobs, its that they don't want to do them for the starvation wages that the wealthy want to pay.

Hello there.
And yes, I totally agree with your comment "they don't want to do them for the starvation wages that the wealthy want to pay".

Yes, the governments of Europe are looking at the interests of 'rich people', they're cheering on rich people, and employers. Most (or the vast majority) of the migrants want to work. Rich people and lots of employers would rather pay low wages to migrants, instead of higher wages to local (European) people.

So, that's why the foreigners are being allowed in, because they are the new cheap labour. It's not actually a conspiracy theory. Some newspapers blatently say it.

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11 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Hello there.
And yes, I totally agree with your comment "they don't want to do them for the starvation wages that the wealthy want to pay".

Yes, the governments of Europe are looking at the interests of 'rich people', they're cheering on rich people, and employers. Most (or the vast majority) of the migrants want to work. Rich people and lots of employers would rather pay low wages to migrants, instead of higher wages to local (European) people.

So, that's why the foreigners are being allowed in, because they are the new cheap labour. It's not actually a conspiracy theory. Some newspapers blatently say it.

Thats right. When Jimmy Carter was US prez. we were still arresting, deporting aliens and fining their employers, Ronald Reagan and all since have allowed them in and even given many illegals citizenship just in the name of breaking unions and lowering wages. Conservatives always say that these illegals are only doing the jobs that citizens are to lazy to do. Karma will come to them.

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