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Shower & Eczema


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Having suffered from eczema for the last 4 years,i just cant seem to shake it off,ive changed my whole lifestyle trying to cope with constant atacks.


  I ve tried every cream possible,including Bethasone-n which does relieve it and coconut oil as a moisterizer between applications,of course its not a long term thing because it eats the top layer of skin away,  so once its cleared i leave them [feet] for a few days,but the eczema returns with a vengance,my diet excludes dairy [which does make it itch a lot] so im at a bit of a loss now.


   So i am thinking I cant drink the tap water,it makes me vomit & diareea for 3/4 days,so is it ok for damaged skin?


   Have any other eczema people had this problem?  TIA..

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Sorry for the issue you are having...I am no doctor, but I do have noticed with many and myself, in certain minor chronic health issues, when the usual allopathic treatments  do not work, try out homeopathy.....it does miracles.... in depending where you are, the biggest job may be  to find a good homeopath doctor who in turn, must hit on the right remedy and mainly on the right dosage...takes time, but the results are worth it!!

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I had very good results from use of Esperson twice a day on rash for a week and use of moisturizer until gone.  Was advised not to use any bar soap and only the mildest body liquid type (have been using Dove moisturizer wash and Parrot Gold with no return of red areas).  Was also urged to wear slippers while inside (although have not done that).  Have not had any issues since treatment about a year ago.  Esperson immediately stopped itch.

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On 7/7/2017 at 3:42 AM, observer90210 said:

Sorry for the issue you are having...I am no doctor, but I do have noticed with many and myself, in certain minor chronic health issues, when the usual allopathic treatments  do not work, try out homeopathy.....it does miracles.... in depending where you are, the biggest job may be  to find a good homeopath doctor who in turn, must hit on the right remedy and mainly on the right dosage...takes time, but the results are worth it!!

Thanks, but after we asked around most of saturday afternoon some understood what it was but no idea where to find a doc for it,i have in the recent past tried some of the local granny herb mixes,a foot soak for 30 mins 2x a day,yes relief but no cure,also a cream that smelt like that little green tin of mossie bite ointment. Also tried rubbing mint,garlic,ginger,galangal,tumeric,cucumber,apple,lime, sorta you name it list really, 

  My non processed food diet excluding egg whites and have been drinking lots of ginger tea has reaaly trimmed me up, i wasnt fat before but now my BP is near normal,and beer gut has gone,complete blood test was normal last feb,im 65 in oct and a lifetime beer drinker,2 a day usually,so i feel im living to the best of my bodies ability just now, So i rally need something like what you are suggesting.

  We usually go to Udon Thani once a month so will ask around there, thanks.

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On 7/7/2017 at 0:41 PM, lopburi3 said:

I had very good results from use of Esperson twice a day on rash for a week and use of moisturizer until gone.  Was advised not to use any bar soap and only the mildest body liquid type (have been using Dove moisturizer wash and Parrot Gold with no return of red areas).  Was also urged to wear slippers while inside (although have not done that).  Have not had any issues since treatment about a year ago.  Esperson immediately stopped itch.

   Thanks Lop, im not so keen to use steroid creams as ive tried different ones for 3+ years now, cos of the skin eating ability of them,but perhaps my skin is growing back but red & itchy? so will try to find some,our little local pharmacy can get stuff by post in a few days for a little extra of course,Mrs can get the Dove things through her salon suplier no prob.

  Is the Esperson a cream or an ointment before i order? Ta,


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Is it only one your feet?


If so I would seriously investigate possible contact dermatitis.


My nephew had eczema on his feet, nothing much helped, finally a good dermatologist diagnosed an allergy to nickel (metal). He was getting it from nail clippers and also possibly contact with metallic parts of motorcylce.

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11 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Is it only one your feet?


If so I would seriously investigate possible contact dermatitis.


My nephew had eczema on his feet, nothing much helped, finally a good dermatologist diagnosed an allergy to nickel (metal). He was getting it from nail clippers and also possibly contact with metallic parts of motorcylce.

Both feet Sheryl, mainly around ankles and lower calves, nothing on the sole, i had an emoitinal stress thingy 2 weeks ago and it went mad,back of hands were itchy and hot,also elbows,and slighty on upper back.

 My job for 40 years was in the Heavy Goods automotive engineer,ive had my arms covered upto my elbows in waste oil,diesel,petrol,paint thinners,brake fluid,auto trans oils ect and never used barrier cream,and never had any kind of dermatitis atall,this makes me think the problem is coming from inside.

   Basically i got an abcess on my lung,i was feeling reaaly down and out,finally went to docs who started me on antibiotics.then the pain near crippled me,had an xray,had the abcess drained, another xray and all clear,the doc wanted me to take 2000 mg of amoxycillin a day for 2 months! I lasted 3 weeks,and stopped caos of dizzy spells,jaw ache,jck itch leg edema and red patches on feet stomach probs,no food stayed in,I was in a real mess. My pharmacist daughter UK told me to get an antibiotic [Name?forgot] to balance my gut flora,these worked and i could eat again,i then decided to go non processed which helped me quicker.. after 2 years the itchy and weeping started on my feet [seems it takes 2 years for high dose ABs to leave body Google] and have been like it for 3 years, every other problem has gone,just this eczema,   thanks for your patience reading this.. Lickey.




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I cleared the majority of my eczema/psoriasis by eating a Keto diet.  No carbs (grains, sugars, fruit etc).  From my understanding, steroid creams/ointments only mask the problem and treat the symptoms and not whatever the underlying cause may be.  There is also the risk of rebound where when the steroid either becomes ineffective over time (or usage is discontinued) and the eczema/psoriasis comes back with a vengeance.


Having researched this topic extensively,  the options (other than steroids) that seem to help people are Dead Sea salt baths, Braggs apple cider vinegar (both ingested and applied topically), light therapy (PUVA etc.) and Protopic ointment.  I think the Protopic would become prohibitively expensive (about ฿1500 for a 10g tube)  to use on such a large area but for me, it works better than any of the steroid creams on the occasional spot that appears.


Best of luck to you in your search for a solution.

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