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9 hours ago, iReason said:


That didn't take long.


Bigotry personified.


bigotry: noun bigoted attitudes; intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself


I'm sure there will be more to come once the usual suspects on these forums tire of the thread they are on at the moment:

LGBT in the military.



I would say that you are the one showing intolerance to other views.


9 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

I have encountered a number of expats who complain bitterly about their mother country being overun by foreigners . In certain cases I have pointed out the irony inherit in their ramblings , the girlfriend tends to drag me away at that point .

Why, what would happen if girlfriend did not drag you away?

11 minutes ago, geordiel said:

I would say that you are the one showing intolerance to other views.


I would say you are confused.


I have a fierce intolerance for bigots, racists and their views.


Have a jog over to that other thread and see for yourself...

9 hours ago, seajae said:

problem is apologists are just as bad as red necks because both refuse to see the truth, people need to be able to comment on the bad as well as the good without being labelled racist etc. In Australia I have worked amongst aboriginals and had many of them as very good friends over many years, I saw their good side as well as their bad side and I have always been open about it because I believe in the truth, too many refuse to accept the truth and simply blame others for what happens to them, if people like me tell the truth of what they have seen/witnessed we are called racists because some  refuse to accept the truth of it even when many aboriginals say exactly the same things about their own people. Its the same in many countries including Thailand, telling the truth about what happens etc is not being racist or thai bashing, being unable to accept the truth and white washing what happens does more harm than good. My wife and her family will openly criticize some thais for the same things because that is being honest about it, the ones that need reigning in are those that white wash the bad and those that really do have something against all thais. If all it is is a difference of opinion then you are wrong, not telling what you see as racist etc is bad because it means you are judging people on  own views which may well be just as wrong but you are not game to post them in case you  get criticized yourself. As they say, opinions are like ar*ehole, every body has one

Questions are; how does one differentiate between, truth, facts and sanctimonious crap? 

11 minutes ago, iReason said:


I would say you are confused.


I have a fierce intolerance for bigots, racists and their views.


Have a jog over to that other thread and see for yourself...

You actually conform to your own definition of a bigot. 

2 hours ago, Goanna said:

So the perfect viegin is amongst us.

The other crowd may want to stop killing us to improver their image. Until then, it is what is is. Reality can be hard to swallow. Wake up or choke.

Try to stay off the booze Goanna.


2 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

In our own ways we are all racist to a certain extent without even knowing it.

Ok, weird ramblings from Jeab - but did contain this one GEM of a sentence...  It's impossible to truly know yourself and also to say that you are not subject to bias in your views... 


First reactions to everyone we see are based on a cursory visual input and all the associated emotions and thoughts that go with it.


1 hour ago, jeab1980 said:

There you go you see a long explanation but in the end what your saying is a white person using the word is a racist where a black man using it is ok no problem. Well isnt that racist?

Sightly confusing again - Jeab should really attempt to find a search engine and type 'define racism' and figure it out. Jeab is determined to be disguised behind a Thai name as a non-native speaker...


I can say I'm White Trash, but don't let any black person think they can say it to me. Similarly, my friend can call himself a stupid pakky, but I just call him a moron. It's not complicated, really.


1 hour ago, Ahab said:

You would have to ask them why they consider all whites racist (not just myself), I haven't a clue how or why anyone would prejudge someone based solely on someone's race. Isn't that the definition of being a racist?

Partly. It goes deeper... My favourite example is when I moved to a condo some years ago and found quite a few very black skinned gents doing business - they had Isuzu pickups and brought stuff for their wives to sell on market stalls and they were always on the phone doing some other kind of business I couldn't get a handle on.


Now the levels go like this - when you get close enough and hear that one of those guys has an American accent, then your perception of who he is completely changes from the perception of the other guys - clearly here from Africa and not America. The American seems likely to be less dangerous, whereas the guys identified as being of Somalian origin definitely seemed more likely to be potentially tricky people...


Anyway, passing thoughts is as far as it went - and beyond a superficial 'hello' the conversation never went further. They maintained their privacy and my initial (admittedly racist) impressions never really went away.

31 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

Is it yours?

Is it yours?  We could go all night.  We'll...maybe you can't.  :whistling:


Don't you know who I am?  I'm very famous!  All the Thais are crazy about me because I speak Thai and feel their pain.  I'm the only foreigner they like.  :cheesy:


On a serious note:  I think sanctimonious crap is more prevalent in TVF than racism or bigotry.

5 minutes ago, rijb said:

Is it yours?  We could go all night.  We'll...maybe you can't.  :whistling:


Don't you know who I am?  I'm very famous!  All the Thais are crazy about me because I speak Thai and feel their pain.  I'm the only foreigner they like.  :cheesy:


On a serious note:  I think sanctimonious crap is more prevalent in TVF than racism or bigotry.

Have you read the topic, The poisonous brother in law, too ?

2 hours ago, Ahab said:

You would have to ask them why they consider all whites racist (not just myself),

I haven't a clue how or why anyone would prejudge someone based solely on someone's race.


Given the fact that you "haven't a clue", am I to understand that you just made this up?

"I am from America and because I was born white, I am now considered a racist by many on the left in my country."

Like this further example of hyperbolic, baseless gibberish:
"You would have to ask them why they consider all whites racist"
You throw nonsense out there and ask me to substantiate it?
That's rich.
21 minutes ago, ben2talk said:

Try to stay off the booze Goanna.


Ok, weird ramblings from Jeab - but did contain this one GEM of a sentence...  It's impossible to truly know yourself and also to say that you are not subject to bias in your views... 


First reactions to everyone we see are based on a cursory visual input and all the associated emotions and thoughts that go with it.


Sightly confusing again - Jeab should really attempt to find a search engine and type 'define racism' and figure it out. Jeab is determined to be disguised behind a Thai name as a non-native speaker...


I can say I'm White Trash, but don't let any black person think they can say it to me. Similarly, my friend can call himself a stupid pakky, but I just call him a moron. It's not complicated, really.


Partly. It goes deeper... My favourite example is when I moved to a condo some years ago and found quite a few very black skinned gents doing business - they had Isuzu pickups and brought stuff for their wives to sell on market stalls and they were always on the phone doing some other kind of business I couldn't get a handle on.


Now the levels go like this - when you get close enough and hear that one of those guys has an American accent, then your perception of who he is completely changes from the perception of the other guys - clearly here from Africa and not America. The American seems likely to be less dangerous, whereas the guys identified as being of Somalian origin definitely seemed more likely to be potentially tricky people...


Anyway, passing thoughts is as far as it went - and beyond a superficial 'hello' the conversation never went further. They maintained their privacy and my initial (admittedly racist) impressions never really went away.

Jesus bored are you talk about rambling sugest you read your own post. Read the comments you will see I have indeed defined the meaning of racism. Love the fact you think your Clement Raphael Freud. Take the pills and sleep.


Sadly, yet predictably, this thread has disintegrated into the very hallmark of bigotry.....


Name calling.....


I'm surprised it has survived without getting shut down long ago....

10 hours ago, Jonnapat said:

Lot of talk about Europeans and Asians, what about the extreme views shared by many ex-pat Americans?

As an example - I want to hire a phone receptionist for my wealth management co. I want to hire a female who speaks clearly and easily understood. 2 ladies apply, 1 white who has great phone skills and 1 black who can't put together a complete sentence and cannot be understood well, not because she's stupid but because this is how she's been raised.


I hire the white - Am I racist?


We had a black president and any criticism directed towards him was called racism by many.


Why are blacks in the states given preferential treatment over whites where college is concerned. Why can't the "best and smartest" students be admitted without fulfilling a quota based on color.

2 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

As an example - I want to hire a phone receptionist for my wealth management co. I want to hire a female who speaks clearly and easily understood. 2 ladies apply, 1 white who has great phone skills and 1 black who can't put cannot be understood well, not because she's stupid but because this is how she's been raised.


I hire the white - Am I racist?


We had a black president and any criticism directed towards him was called racism by many.


Why are blacks in the states given preferential treatment over whites where college is concerned. Why can't the "best and smartest" students be admitted without fulfilling a quota based on color.

Err maybe because white people enslaved blacks for a very long time and contributed to the lack of progress by holding them back in matters like education and err freedom. 

3 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

Err maybe because white people enslaved blacks for a very long time and contributed to the lack of progress by holding them back in matters like education and err freedom. 

There are more people in slavery today than ever before.  And you're one of the beneficiaries.

7 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

Err maybe because white people enslaved blacks for a very long time and contributed to the lack of progress by holding them back in matters like education and err freedom. 

And to that I say bull####. And, that way of thinking is dangerous and IS holding back the Blacks in the USA. Life isn't fair, get over it.


As in my example - Am I racist.

2 minutes ago, rijb said:

There are more people in slavery today than ever before.  And you're one of the beneficiaries.

Please explain.

Just now, Rc2702 said:

Please explain.

No offense.  But, you can Google it better than I can explain.  It's shocking.

2 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

And to that I say bull####. And, that way of thinking is dangerous and IS holding back the Blacks in the USA. Life isn't fair, get over it.


As in my example - Am I racist.

The employment thing was not racist but if the black woman was marginally more suited for the role. I'm guessing you would have chosen the white person.  That is racist. So would you have?

22 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

I think the OP would benefit by providing some specific examples.

I have noticed a certain contempt for the locals, but that applied to people posted to Derby as much as Bangkok, and certain nostalgic Victorian opinions which I think are not unusual.  I think if the op wants to compare people to Nazis, he would be better to look at the European nationalists, Trump's demagoguary and England's ridiculous Brexit referendum.


Jaded old bar stool Alf Garnetts are (amongst) the least of our worries    



so now brexit is racist lol... reality check please

3 minutes ago, rijb said:

No offense.  But, you can Google it better than I can explain.  It's shocking.

Bullet point it. I don't see how I benefit from slavery 

6 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

Bullet point it. I don't see how I benefit from slavery 


1 hour ago, iReason said:


I would say you are confused.


I have a fierce intolerance for bigots, racists and their views.


Have a jog over to that other thread and see for yourself...

I have a fierce intolerance for bigots, racists and their views.





23 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

As an example - I want to hire a phone receptionist for my wealth management co. I want to hire a female who speaks clearly and easily understood. 2 ladies apply, 1 white who has great phone skills and 1 black who can't put together a complete sentence and cannot be understood well, not because she's stupid but because this is how she's been raised.


I hire the white - Am I racist?

Maybe. Though if we assume you hired the person who could do the better job, then the selection was not racist.


It's also possible that you open the first day of interviews for your job for non-caucasians also, so that you can give a minority group the chance to get a foot through the door... But as long as you select based on ability there's no bigotry.


I'd prefer you conduct your interviews primarily by telephone - inviting Curriculum Vitae which must not include any images - which would further promote your self regard NOT ONLY as a non-racist person but also as an equal opportunities employer who wouldn't change their mind if the successful applicant turned out to be crippled, badly dressed, old, attractive, ugly or smelly.

8 hours ago, hugh2121 said:

If I don't like Germans or Russians for example, why does this make me a racist? In any case, what's wrong with being a racist? It's my choice who I like and dislike. PC brigade can go take a running jump.


 After  15  years living  LOS,  i have met too  many judgemental, bigot hypocritical  farlangs ,

  now i have given up on  farlangs  . They were social misfits in their home  countries ,

   and they continue to be much the same   in Thailand.

     I avoid them like the  black plague , life experiences , i could have well done  without

1 minute ago, elliss said:


 After  15  years living  LOS, i have met  many judgemental  farlangs ,   now i have given up on them .

     I avoid them like the  black plague , life experiences ,, my  choice.

:cheesy: Not that you're judging them or anything like that...

36 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

Sadly, yet predictably, this thread has disintegrated into the very hallmark of bigotry.....


Name calling.....


I'm surprised it has survived without getting shut down long ago....

We need to move this to Twitter, where everybody is much nicer.  :smile:

10 minutes ago, ben2talk said:

:cheesy: Not that you're judging them or anything like that...

   Life experiences , is the best  education , try it . 555

3 hours ago, Thaidream said:

I am from America and I am NOT considered a racist by anyone who is leftist; progressive; conservative; Republican or Democrat- simply because I don't use labels.  I have my beliefs and if we are in a discussion, I will make an intelligent defense of my point of view and I expect you to do the same. At the end, we may still disagree but there is always a way to agree to disagree without any rancour or name calling.  It's called a debate-

"leftist; progressive; conservative; Republican or Democrat" are all labels." 

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